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LEGO Digital Designer : Virtual Building Software. Games for the Brain. E-Learning - dossiers. E-Learning: Proefschrift Nadira Saab: Chat and Explore. Game Research - The art, business, and science of video games » Home. Issue 0601, 2006. Combat in Context by Nick Montfort What follows is a critical consideration of Combat, the cartridge originally included with the Atari Video Computer System. Atari introduced the VCS in late 1977. The system retailed in the United States for about US$200, the equivalent of about US$650 today. The console, model number CX2600, came with two joystick controllers.. Signifying Play: The Sims and the Sociology of Interior Design by Charles Paulk Historically, videogames have had little use for the domestic.

Game analysis: Developing a methodological toolkit for the qualitative study of games by Mia Consalvo, Nathan Dutton Although the study of digital games is steadily increasing, there has been little or no effort to develop a method for the qualitative, critical analysis of games as "texts" (broadly defined). The Playful and the Serious: An approximation to Huizinga's Homo Ludens by Hector Rodriguez. E-Learning - dossiers. UPGEAR | Utrecht Platform for Game Education And Research.