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The Elizabethan Insult. Sirrah. Contrary to popular belief this word does not substitute for "sir". Remember that this word is considered an insult and only used to redress bad children, lazy servants, or downright rogues. E.g. "Sirrah, by my maidenhead I do not believe a single word that you have professed to be true. Fellow. Many people have seen this in some shape or form or another. In order to use this insult generator choose one word from each column and combine them using "Thou art a(n)... " "Thou art a churlish, dismal-dreaming fustilarian.

" If you wish to make a longer, more interesting insult you could choose more than one word from columns one and two and combine them. "Thou art an artless, crook-pated, fawning, mewling, elf-skinned puttock. " Feel free to add your own adjectives to the list as you get more comfortable with the process. Romeo: Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow That tips with silver all these fruit tree tops Juliet: Oh, swear not by the moon, th´inconstant moon. That Gormandizer Man: How London buses are numbered - TfL come up trumps! I tweeted yesterday that I'd received the most interesting email I'd ever been sent.

I think that's still true. As a Planner, I'm supposed to be interested in everything. Well, regardless of whether I should or shouldn't be interested in everything, I am. It's just the person I am. Last week I was waiting for the bus and wondered why they are numbered as they are, and why some have letters in front of a number. I emailed the following note to TfL: I just have a simple question that I'm hoping you can explain to me. I'm just wondering can you explain the number system to me please? Thanks Well, yesterday I received this response. We appreciate the importance of route numbers to London's bus passengers. The numbering of London's bus routes has evolved slowly since the earliest days of regular bus operation in the capital. London Transport operated the capital's buses in various guises between 1933 and 1984.

How interesting is that!? Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos. Stephen Fry In America 1. - Learn to draw. Budget Brain: the ultimate free budget planner :: Budget Brain: the ultimate free budget planner. Important! How this site works We think it's important you understand the strengths and limitations of the site. We're a journalistic website and aim to provide the best MoneySaving guides, tips, tools and techniques, but can't guarantee to be perfect, so do note you use the information at your own risk and we can't accept liability if things go wrong. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. is part of the MoneySupermarket Group, but is entirely editorially independent. Please read the Full Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookies Q&A, How this site is financed and MSE's Editorial Code. Cheap loans | mortgages | credit cards | home & car insurance - moneysupermarket. The Man in Seat Sixty-One... | Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | All The World's a Stage. Kick into Gear: Burn 175 Calories in 15 Minutes. Try this fierce fat-blasting cardio kickboxing sequence by Shannon Lukeman-Hiromasa, fitness director for Premier Martial Arts International in Broomfield, Colorado.

Use a chair for balance. Minute 0-1: Knee Strikes Squat Down As you rise, lift left knee. Thrust hips and knee up, toes pointed, elbows down. Minute 1-2: Upper-Body Sculpter Turn to right and jab forward with right hand, then jab across your body with left. Minutes 2-4: Cardio Blast Run in place 5 seconds, do 4 knee strikes. Minute 4-5: Leg Toner Do front kicks; alternate left and right legs. Minute 5-6: Upper-Body Sculpter Turn to right and jab forward with right hand, then jab across your body with left. Minutes 6-8: Cardio Blast Minute 8-9: Booty Camp Hold on to chair for balance; do side kicks to left. Minute 9-10: Upper-Body/Core Sculpter Alternate 5 push-ups and 5 seconds of mountain climbers (push-up position, switching knees to chest).

Signification prénom, origine prénom, tous les prénoms. NATATION • Le grand âge n’est pas une noyade | Courrier internat. Championne de natation à 97 ans ? C’est possible, comme en témoigne l’histoire de Bernarda, une arrière-grand-mère espagnole qui repousse les limites de l’âge en nageant, raconte El País Semanal. Repères Alors que les statisticiens, au début du XXe siècle, tablaient sur une longévité maximale de 64 ans, il existe aujourd’hui dans le monde quelque 200 000 personnes ayant dépassé les 110 ans.

La France en compte plus de 20 000. Ce sont les femmes japonaises qui détiennent le record de l’espérance de vie moyenne : 85 ans. Aujourd’hui, selon les démographes, la marge de progression de l’espérance de vie reste importante, à condition que certaines règles d’hygiène de vie soient respectées. “Petit à petit, je me suis retrouvée toute seul. Championne d’Europe 200 mètres, 100 mètres et 50 mètres dos. Depuis plus de cinquante ans, elle habite un quartier modeste de Las Palmas, au troisième étage d’un immeuble sans ascenseur. Son mari tenait une épicerie. CULTURE MUSICALE • Une baguette pour changer le monde | Courrier. Le jeune chef d’orchestre Vénézuélien, Gustavo Dudamel, est le nouveau visage d’El Sistema, une méthode d’enseignement de la musique à destination des plus pauvres. Ceux qui croient que les chanteuses d’opéra ­doivent être grosses, les pianistes romantiques et les chefs d’orchestre irascibles, despotiques et dépourvus de sens de l’humour, ceux-là resteraient sans voix face à la personnalité du Vénézuélien Gustavo Dudamel.

Voilà un maestro qui ne se prend pas au sérieux. Il est capable de soulever une salle entière pour faire danser le mambo aux spectateurs. Il a hérité de son père Oscar, qui fut tromboniste dans plusieurs orchestres latinos du Venezuela, un côté chaleureux et piquant. José Antonio Abreu, fondateur d’El Sistema, un modèle que tout le monde veut désormais copier, a reconnu chez Gustavo Dudamel dès l’enfance un continuateur de son œuvre, capable de briser plus de frontières qu’il n’avait lui-même jamais rêvé de le faire. Gustavo Dudamel est le nouveau visage du projet. L'inconnu du métro.