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How Facebook Can Become a Money Making Machine. Dallas Lawrence is Chair of the Social and Digital Media Practice at Levick Strategic Communications, the nation’s top crisis communications firm. He blogs on emerging digital media trends and best practices for social media engagement on Bulletproof Blog. Connect with him on Twitter @dallaslawrence. Social networks have truly come of age in the last year. No longer viewed as lonely outposts for youthful college slackers, the reach of these platforms has grown exponentially. Today, more than two-thirds of the world’s Internet users visit the social networking sites that reel in billions of eyeballs every 24 hours. Yet, despite the staggering growth of social networking, determining how to monetize social media platforms remains a tough code to crack for even the savviest of companies. If Anyone Can Do It, Facebook Can Facebook, social networking’s acknowledged leader, has surpassed every platform on the market today, corralling more than 350 million unique users globally.

HOW TO: Make Facebook Your Company Newsroom. Josh Peters is a freelance social media consultant who has been deeply involved in the research and application of social media for several years and is the co-author of TwittFaced. He blogs at Shuaism and would love to connect with you on Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter. Having an online newsroom for your company is a very important way to provide information about your business for customers, bloggers, and journalists. Through a well put together newsroom, you can control the story in order to make sure news about your company reflects what you want out in the public.

Unfortunately, most corporate newsrooms are boring, static, and sometimes days late getting info up. Facebook can help you change that. Facebook Fan Pages are perfectly suited for use as company newsrooms because they have a low barrier of entry, high visibility, numerous customization and automation options, and can be put together in an afternoon. Basic Setup 1. Pulling in News Pulling in Images, Videos, and Links. Facebook. HOW TO: Set Up a Winning Facebook Fan Page. Susan Payton is the Managing Partner of Egg Marketing & Public Relations, an Internet marketing firm specializing in blogger outreach, social media, and PR. She is also the blogger behind The Marketing Eggspert Blog. With more than 300 million active users, Facebook is nearly the size of the United States in terms of population.

In fact, odds are that you're a Facebook user, perhaps using it to keep in touch with family and friends, with a dash of business thrown in for good measure. Maybe you look at some of the 2 billion photos uploaded each month, or contribute a few of the 40 million daily status updates. In short: Facebook is where it's at, and you're already there. But what about your business? Does it use Facebook? Facebook Pages 101 Facebook Pages are different than profiles.

. - Overview of company- Website and contact info- Press releases- Videos- Blog RSS- Twitter updates- Company news and status- Customer interaction Setting Up Your Page Enhance Your Page with Apps Promoting a Page. HOW TO: Use Facebook for Professional Networking. Boris Epstein is the CEO and Founder of BINC, a Professional Search Firm that specializes in the Software Marketplace.

Boris shares his thoughts about the recruitment industry, job hunting and career advice at Ask anybody why they use Facebook, and most people will respond with reasons like staying in touch with friends, or being able to share pictures. Rarely does one's professional life ever get mentioned when describing the social network.

When it comes to business networking, LinkedIn tends to take all the thunder, and Facebook is generally written off as a place just for fun. Facebook, after all, has 250 million active users compared to about 44 million for LinkedIn, and even though the atmosphere is clearly not as focused on business, there are still a ton of opportunities for professional networking that business users would be remiss to pass up. Setting up your Facebook for business networking Here’s how to split the two. Using Facebook groups for networking Conclusion. Facebook per aziende: creare una fanpage interessante ed utile | Facebook è sempre più utilizzato dalle aziende come mezzo di comunicazione, fidelizzazione e promozione.

Molte aziende utilizzano ancora i gruppi o (peggio ancora) dei profili personali per interagire con gli utenti di Facebook: niente di più sbagliato! (proprio mentre scrivo mi è arrivata la richiesta di amicizia di una Srl che, come sempre, declinerò!). Lo strumento che, tra quelli offerti dal social network di Mark Zuckerberg, è più adatto a soddisfare le esigenze delle aziende è (a mio parere) la fanpage. Ma come rendere interessante (per gli utenti) e utile (per l’azienda) la fanpage aziendale? Alla prima esigenza (interesse per gli utenti) risponde la tipologia di contenuti postati sulla fanpage, la sua “linea editoriale”. Facebook non può essere pensato come un semplice canale di ditribuzione di news aziendali, comunicati stampa e post provenienti dal corporate blog. C’è bisogno di pensare a contenuti “dedicati” ai propri fan. Facebook Powertools: 150+ Apps, Scripts and Add-ons for Facebook.

Facebook is growing at a fast rate these days, with hundreds of new applications, scripts and Firefox add-ons driving that growth. We've picked out the leading browser extensions, desktop applications, Greasemonkey scripts and Facebook apps - more than 150 in all. Firefox Toolbar - adds Facebook search and activity notifications to Firefox. Also view friends and share content without visiting Facebook itself. Facebook HugBack - makes all our pokes display as "hugs" - only visible to you, not your friends. Notre Dame Facebook Style - a custom "University of Notre Dame" style that adds a custom header and theme to all Facebook pages. Facebook Photo Album Downloader - download entire albums from Facebook with a click. Boost for Facebook - adds all kinds of Facebook-specific features to your browser, including skins, notifications, auto-poke, auto-login, friends in your sidebar and more. Facebar - another Facebook toolbar with automatic login, search and quick links.

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