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Фил Хайн Кундалини: персональный взгляд. GeneralSemantics. Milton Dawes » General Semantics Advanced Thinking » A System-Discipline Concerned with the Sanity of the Race & the Individual. Off the Map: Notes from the Territory | A Blog about General Semantics | by Ben Hauck. I admit: I’ve had considerable difficulty embracing general semantics as what some call “a system.” The difficulty stems from not being able to point at a system to know what the word “system” represents. However, I was watching the documentary Pina last night and it got me thinking about what a system might actually constitute. In the documentary about acclaimed dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch, you have in Pina someone with a distinctive view of movement and dance and what it should accomplish.

And you have in Pina a leader whom others adored and followed. The leader-follower aspect of the Pina dynamic is not the interesting point but the supplemental point: That she had followers implies to a particular degree that she had an appreciable perspective. And it is that individuated perspective that seems to be what makes the Pina “system” so notable. What makes up a perspective? If I look at you and say, “You are a woman,” I have thus framed you as “a woman.” Leave a Comment (1 So Far) Hermeticism. Philosophy based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus Hermeticism, or Hermetism, is a philosophical system that is primarily based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a legendary Hellenistic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth).[1] These teachings are contained in the various writings attributed to Hermes (the Hermetica), which were produced over a period spanning many centuries (c. 300 BCE – 1200 CE), and may be very different in content and scope.[2] In 1964, Frances A.

Yates advanced the thesis that Renaissance Hermeticism, or what she called "the Hermetic tradition", had been a crucial factor in the development of modern science.[7] While Yates's thesis has since been largely rejected,[8] the important role played by the 'Hermetic' science of alchemy in the thought of such figures as Jan Baptist van Helmont (1580–1644), Robert Boyle (1627–1691) or Isaac Newton (1642–1727) has been amply demonstrated.[9] Etymology[edit] History[edit] Brain & Behaviour.

Behavioural Economics. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ ГРЕГОРИ БЕЙТСОНА. Internet Marketing News, Blog & Online Business News. Tube Gnosis. Timothy Leary. Карта и территория | Текст книги Фокусы языка Роберта Дилтса | Robert Dilts | NLP | Современное НЛП | Речевые паттерны. Карта и территория Краеугольным камнем 'Фокусов языка' и подхода к языку, принятого в НЛП, является положение о том, что 'карта не тождественна территории'. Этот принцип был впервые сформулирован основателем общей семантики Альфредом Кожибски (1879-1950). Он отражает фундаментальные различия между нашими 'картами мира' и самим миром. Философия языка Кожибски оказала сильнейшее влияние на развитие НЛП. Труды Кожибски в области семантики вместе с синтаксической теорией трансформационной грамматики Наума Хомского образуют ядро 'лингвистического' аспекта нейро-лингвистического программирования.

В своем главном труде Science and Sanity (1933) Кожибски высказывает мнение о том, что прогресс нашего общества в немалой степени предопределен наличием у человека гибкой нервной системы, способной создавать и использовать символические репрезентации, или карты. Идеи и методы Кожибски являются одним из 'китов', на которых основывается НЛП. Гастроном номер 23. Энджи Хей Знакомство с Сексуальной магией. Тимоти Лири. Тимоти Лири. Тимоти Лири.