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Language. Dictionary. Mixi. Anime. It is Japan we should be worrying about, not America. Japan Meteorological Agency. 英会話がうまくなった気分になる5つの言い回し : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブロ. JapaneseInput. This article provides information on installing Japanese input method using 2 alternatives. Before you start If you are using a newer version of Ubuntu (10.04 LTS or above, at least), you can type Japanese via the program "iBus", which supplies the input methods.

Access it in under "System", or start it by pressing Control-Space. Input methods for additional languages can be added in the preferences. The information below is for older distributions. SCIM or UIM? Many people are confused as to whether they should be using SCIM or UIM for extended character input. For information on how to install a Japanese input setup with SCIM, please click here: Ubuntu 7.04 Ubuntu 7.10 Ubuntu 8.04 Ubuntu 8.10 For information on how to install a Japanese input setup with UIM, please click here: Ubuntu 7.10 For information on how to install a Japanese input setup with SKIM in KDE, please click here: Kubuntu 8.10. Mboogiedown: Japan. Blog@slightlyblue. Japanese Language Profile. Ganguro. Two ganguro girls in Tokyo, April 2008 Ganguro (ガングロ?) Is an alternative fashion trend among young Japanese women that started the mid-1990s, distinguished by a dark tan and contrasting make-up liberally applied by fashionistas.

The Shibuya and Ikebukuro districts of Tokyo were the centres of ganguro fashion; it was started by rebellious youth who contradicted the traditional Japanese concept of beauty; pale skin, dark hair and neutral makeup tones. Ganguro instead tanned their skin, bleached their hair and used a lot of colourful makeup in unusual ways.[1] Ganguro has a connection to Japanese folklore of ghosts and demons who are depicted with a similar appearance such as those in kabuki and noh costumes. Characteristics[edit] Two Japanese ganguro girls in the subway, August 2006 Ganguro appeared as a new fashion style in Japan in the early 1990s and was prevalent mostly among young women.

Fashion magazines like Egg and Ageha have had a direct influence on the ganguro. Manba Etymology[edit]