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Digital Lëtzebuerg : faire du Luxembourg la forteresse digitale européenne du Big Data - ICT Experts. A l’instar du statut PSF et du projet de loi sur l’archivage électronique, le Luxembourg a un rôle majeur à jouer sur le plus important marché ICT des 3 prochaines années : le Big Data.

Digital Lëtzebuerg : faire du Luxembourg la forteresse digitale européenne du Big Data - ICT Experts

On ne pourra que s’en féliciter, l’initiative Digital Lëtzebuerg reconnaît l’industrie ICT comme un secteur à part entière, porteur de création de valeur et d’emplois. Elle veut aussi identifier et soutenir les initiatives ICT existantes, pointer les modèles de réussite et ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles opportunités. Dans les projets existants, je citerais la formation ICT, le secteur FinTech bien sûr et le soutien aux startups. Recipe Log. SharePoint 2010 : Politique de rétention. Aujourd'hui un article rapide sur les politiques de rétention dans SharePoint 2010.Cette fonctionnalité permet de répartir l'information (supprimer, déplacer, enlever le versioning) selon divers critères (Date de création ou de modification, Fin de publication).

SharePoint 2010 : Politique de rétention

How to create an organizational chart with SharePoint and Office 2013. Although SharePoint comes with the out-of-the-box organizational chart, there are scenarios where a customer would like to create their own chart based on custom data.

How to create an organizational chart with SharePoint and Office 2013

One of our customers at Macaw created a list to store all of their worldwide SharePoint employees. This was a pretty straightforward contact list with a name, job title, region and manager as metadata. Microsoft to further integrate Yammer with Office this summer. Buried in a press release on Yammer momentum are a couple of new details about Microsoft's plans for integrating Yammer with SkyDrive Pro and Office Web Apps by summer 2013.

Microsoft to further integrate Yammer with Office this summer

From the February 20 press release: "SkyDrive Pro was previewed at the recent SharePoint Conference, and Yammer is implementing it as the underlying platform for file storage. In addition, Yammer is enhancing the ability to preview and edit files directly within Yammer feeds using Office Web Apps. The combination of these capabilities will dramatically enhance a user's ability to create, collaborate, share, and discover content within Yammer. These enhancements are planned for availability in summer 2013. " SkyDrive Pro is the new name for SharePoint Workspace (for all intents and purposes). Starting next week, on March 1, Microsoft will be making available Yammer/SharePoint products and services at new price points, as company officials announced last fall.

Todd Baginski on SharePoint Development. A couple weeks ago I talked about the On-Premises Developer Sessions at Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2014, and Dan Holme just recently weighed in on What Makes the SharePoint Conference 2014 Different, and Valuable?

Todd Baginski on SharePoint Development

Today I’m going to follow up on both of these articles a little bit and help you understand why the Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2014 is so valuable--for developers, in particular. SPC 14 Developer Track Over the last couple of weeks I have been fortunate enough to work with Microsoft to help provide input and perspective for the SharePoint Developer Track at SPC14. Working with Microsoft on this process has me really excited about the upcoming conference and what it means for developers! During this process, Microsoft solicited feedback from myself as well as other folks in the industry who have worked with SharePoint for the last decade.

It’s the best of both worlds! Two Specific Developer Sessions Hope to see you there! Blogs. Actualités. Vous êtes un peu perdu(e) dans la multitude des offres Office ?


Il est vrai que ça a pas mal bougé ces derniers temps… Nous vous proposons donc d’y voir plus clair et, en guise de point ... Lire la suite... Ce qu’il y a de bien avec OneNote, c’est qu’une mise à jour en suit une autre : après la dernière version pour iPad, qui inclut le support d’Office Lens, voici celle pour la version ... Sample Excel Spreadsheets - Excel Templates. Data Validation DV0060 – Dependent List From Row Items -- Select an employee name from the first drop down, second drop down shows all skills for that employee.

Sample Excel Spreadsheets - Excel Templates 32 kb 24-Sep-13 DV0059 - Add New Items to Validation List -- In a workbook with multiple data validation lists in Excel tables, type a new value in a cell that contains data validation, and confirm that you want to add it to the drop down. It's added to the appropriate source list, and the list is sorted; a macro automates the list updates. 32 kb 24-Sep-13 DV0058 - Limit Budget Entries with Data Validation -- Limit the total amount that is entered in an Excel budget worksheet, by using data validation to check the total. Create a custom message that appears when the amount goes over budget.

You can also see the unbudgeted amount that is still available, and adjust the entries if required. Awesome New Website Designs To Inspire You - 30 Sites. 32 tutoriels et fiches pratiques Internet : débutants, logiciels, matériel, retouche d’image (EPN Atelier multimédia de Brest) L’Atelier Multimédia, EPN des bibliothèques de Brest, propose un nouveau site avec une innovation notable : les usagers peuvent désormais s’inscrire à distance (via un formulaire à compléter) aux différentes initiations proposées : ranger et nettoyer son ordinateur ; Gimp ; cloud computing ; Google Drive ; Gmail… Le lieu d’accès public accompagné à l’Internet a également repensé son espace de fiches pratiques et tutoriels en libre accès et au téléchargement pour les internautes et les mobinautes : Fiches pratiques Plusieurs fiches pratiques sont consultables en ligne (avec une actualisation régulière) : Gmail Moteur de recherche Google Tutoriels Des tutoriels thématiques sont également proposés au téléchargement : Débutants Internet Logiciels.

32 tutoriels et fiches pratiques Internet : débutants, logiciels, matériel, retouche d’image (EPN Atelier multimédia de Brest)

SharePoint Pro: By Admins, Devs, Industry Observers. By Dmitry Kagansky There’s a great term that I came across recently that describes what is happening, not only within the SharePoint community and user base, but at organizations everywhere.

SharePoint Pro: By Admins, Devs, Industry Observers

That term is “work shifting.” It implies not only that the work people are doing on a regular basis is changing, but where, when, and how they are doing it is also different. Work shifting also implies that certain burdens are being moved to other people areas, or tools, and nowhere is that more evident than with SharePoint. SharePoint: Hub and Embedded Platform In the past, SharePoint has been a collaborative hub, but much of the work was done on the outside. 3 outils pour traduire un document en ligne.

Blog Technique de Romelard Fabrice. MBA : Quelle formation après un MBA ?

Blog Technique de Romelard Fabrice

Afin de poursuivre dans les réflexions menées depuis le départ de cette aventure : Tous les messages en rapport avec le MBA Une fois le diplôme MBA obtenu, la question de la suite se pose pour une partie des élèves. En effet, l’énergie positive requise pour reprendre ses études ne disparait pas pour tout le monde. Discover Everything through Code. Step-by-Step: Build a FREE SharePoint 2013 Dev/Test Lab in the Cloud with Windows Azure Infrastructure Services - - IT Pros ROCK! This Step-by-Step Guide has been leveraged to define a new Windows Azure Deployment Planning Service ( AZDPS ) for Microsoft Partners and Customers: Implementing Develop and Test Scenarios on Windows Azure Virtual Machines.

Customers can now engage authorized partners for planning and delivery of this solution AND customers with Software Assurance ( SA ) benefits attached to a Volume Licensing ( VL ) agreement can leverage SA to pay for all or part of this partner engagement. Les dix tendances technos de 2014 selon Gartner. 01Business.