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12 Most Powerful Ways to Connect Via Social Media. When I share how I found one of my favorite clients, mouths drop open like it’s some sort of magic trick.

12 Most Powerful Ways to Connect Via Social Media

We found each other through Twitter. This could work for you, whether you’re in professional services like me or a concrete salesman or anything in between. It’s not just Twitter than can lead to new business, however, it’s all the ways we connect via social media. I use specific tactics to ensure I am finding the right people and they are able to find me. Here is my list of the 12 Most Powerful Ways to Connect Via Social Media: 1. LinkedIn, Facebook and your blog all have the potential to be found via social media. 2. Just like regular networking, you need to build trust within your community. 3. I understand why it’s easy to push this priority to the bottom of the list. 4. A tried and true connection tactic is to leave comments on other blogs. 5. I have a few searches set up on Twitter perpetually. 6. Understand how others are using social media. Google+ by Performics / ZenithOptimedia.

Designers are Talking about Google+ Mieux que Google?!... trouver l'info qu'il vous faut avec Pearltrees. [Article mis à jour le 21 janvier 2012] La startup Pearltrees a fait beaucoup parler d’elle et se développe à grande vitesse : elle a dépassé la barre des 200 000 inscrits en septembre 2011.

Mieux que Google?!... trouver l'info qu'il vous faut avec Pearltrees

Pearltrees devient progressivement incontournable pour effectuer des recherches. Voici dans quels cas l’utiliser et comment. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, Pearltrees permet de rassembler et organiser, sous forme de perle, tous les liens que vous aimez sur le web! Ça vous est déjà arrivé d’être déçus par les recherches sur Google? Et bien essayez Pearltrees ! Pour effectuer une recherche, suivez ce lien (pearltrees) puis créez-vous un compte (néanmoins, vous n’êtes pas obligés d’avoir un compte si vous souhaitez uniquement chercher de l’information; je vous conseille tout de même de le faire pour pouvoir collecter vos liens et profiter pleinement de l’outil Par exemple, si vous cherchez des infos sur les « tendances web 2012″, tapez votre recherche dans la barre en haut à droite.

Another Reason Facebook Wants a Web of Real Identities: Commerce. Last week, Facebook’s marketing head, Randi Zuckerberg, caused a stir when she asserted that online anonymity has to go away.

Another Reason Facebook Wants a Web of Real Identities: Commerce

But the reason large, powerful networks are pushing for a world in which our verified and authenticated identities exist online isn’t simply to stop cyber-bullying and to create incentives for users to behave more nicely. This is about money. Part of the company’s drive is also to help users leverage their online identities to transform and accelerate online commerce.

The topic of online identity and anonymity is polarizing. Powerful interests have strong incentives to build a web where real identities rule. Unfortunately, none of these debates address the heart of the matter in this specific context, which is that for networks like Facebook, the game is to encourage its users to leverage their real identities online so that Facebook can accelerate its ability to power online transactions. I don’t mean this in a cynical way.