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Foods That Cleanse Radiation From Body. Radiation exposure originates from many sources, not just the fallout from nuclear weapons or power plants. Other sources of radiation include X-rays, microwaves, power lines, cell phones and computer monitors. Radioactive isotopes from nuclear fallout, such as strontium-90, can remain in the body for years, damaging the DNA within cells and causing mutations.

Electro-magnetic radiation from electronic devices passes through the body, causing immediate DNA damage and the formation of harmful free radicals. Some foods contain nutrients that naturally eliminate isotopes and free radicals from the body. Pectin is a structural polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants and fruits. Chlorophyll has been called the “green blood of plants” because of its similar structure to hemoglobin. Seaweed is also a rich source of natural iodine.

$5 Funnel Solar Oven - Make A Solar Oven For $5. Bulk Food Storage Guidelines. See how to build your One year supply of food . . . for $225 Every storage plan should include bulk food storage items. These basics are needed in everyone’s home storage. Long-term food storage is cheap, and healthy. These provisions are your survival foods. At the bottom of this page, I’ll show you a simple six-step plan to enhance your bulk food storage.

Is the economic depression affecting your family? One Year Supply For 1 AdultMormon Food Storage This list is a guideline for storing the bare minimum. You get 1 cup Wheat, 1 cup Oatmeal, 1/2 cup Rice, 1/3 cup beans, 2 Tbs Oil, 1 glass Milk (2 T powdered milk), 1/3 cup honey, and 2 tsp salt per day. Breakfast: Hot oatmeal with honey & milk Lunch: Tortillas and Sprouted Wheat Dinner: Rice and Beans With that said, whole grains are still the foundation of your food storage. The chart shows how much it costs for a one-year supply for 1 adult. See Bulk Food Storage Containers to learn how to store your bulk food. Wow, look at that. . . . Meals Ready to Eat a Three-Month Supply. Put your three month supply of food together with meals ready to eat.

This food supply is easy to use in an emergency. Skip Down To: 6 Steps to a 3-Month supply Recipes & Grocery List Benefits of a 3-month Supply? During an crisis, you will still have an emergency food supply. When there is some type of disaster, the grocery store shelves are the first to empty. A truck strike or earthquake can cause serious problems. 6 Steps to Building a 3-Month Supply When I set out to put together my three-month supply of meals ready to eat, it seemed overwhelming. Pick out 2 weeks of recipes. Keep a few meals ready to eat in the pantry and use them on busy hectic days.

Back to Top Recipes & Grocery List Now the surprise! Set 1 is has traditional American family meal recipes. Some of the ingredients in sets 1 & 3 are perishable. We’ve come up with six recipes for each set. Now, if you want to add in a few breakfast meals, you can. One good meal a day is more than many people around the world get! 11 Emergency Food Items That Can Last a Lifetime. Please accept our apologies. You have reached a 404 Page Not Found Error. Please use our search box or main menu above to find what you're looking for. Image courtesy 501st Legion share this totally non-existent page with others related information.

Butter in Your Food Storage. One evening at church one of the ladies mentioned that you could bottle butter and store it for 3 year. I hadn’t seen so many women interested in a comment about preserving food in a long tim. I received the instructions from her and have been bottling butter for my food storage ever since. Items you need: 12 – 8 oz. jelly jars, lids, and rings (clean and sanitize bottle prior to bottling butter)5–¼ pounds butter or margarine (5 pounds + 1 stick)1 cookie sheet (optional)1 cooling rack (optional) Getting started: Sterilize your jars and lids.

Place your twelve jars on a cookie sheet. Preheat oven to 225°F. Phase One: Open up twelve sticks of butter and cut each stick into two – three tablespoons sections and one – two tablespoons section. Drop the two – three tablespoons sections in the bottom of the jar length wise. Then very carefully place the one – two tablespoons section in the middle on top. (Do this with all twelve jars.) Put your jars in the oven at 225°F for 15 to 20 minutes. Phase Two:


How to Make Cheese from Powdered Milk. Here’s another recipe I wanted to test out that puts to use the buckets of powdered milk I have stored. Remember if you are constantly rotating your stored food (especially the 3-month food supply) not only will you greatly reduce the chance of anything going bad, but you’ll actually be learning to use your bulk-stored food and eating what you store — some of the most important rules in food storage. To make cheese from powdered milk is an easy process (unexpected since I never had any experience making cheese before this). Here’s how it works: What You’ll Need Powdered MilkWaterCooking PotWhite Vinegar or Lemon JuiceCheesecloth or Clean Cotton T-Shirt How to Make Cheese from Powdered Milk I used a small amount of ingredients so I could test it out first before using the full recipe. 3 cups powdered milk6 cups water1/2 cup plain white vinegar In my instructions I quartered this recipe as follows: Conclusion I was really excited when learning this, since I love lasagna.

How to make Cattail Pollen Pancakes. The Survival Food Pyramid. From personal experience I know, when you first get into surviving/prepping the information thrown at you can be overwhelming. The Survival Food Pyramid will get you started stocking food in a logical, simple, and economical way. Everyone who has a basement full of canned goods and a survival garden started somewhere. We will help get you started.

The Concept The top of the pyramid is for stocking the smallest amount of food for the shortest amount of time. The idea being that someone who is completely new to prepping can start with a cheap and easy goal and build (downward) from there. This pyramid will keep you from spending time and money on preps that, while they may be useful overall, are pointless to you right now. Click for Large View Immediate If you are new to prepping, or you are experienced but find your supplies jump all over the map, start by stocking enough food and supplies for a 3 Day Emergency.

Extended The extended food preps simply build on the immediate preps. Long Term. StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide - Save Money, Eat Better, Help The Environment. Emergency Food Preparedness. Emergency food preparedness is something we all need to do, whether it's preparing for the loss of a job or a large-scale disaster. No matter where you're at in life, it's wise to start stocking up on emergency preparedness food now.

But should you really go out and buy all those expensive, freeze-dried foods? The Beauty of Whole Grain Whole grains are an essential part of emergency food preparedness, but they're also a boon for saving money, improving your health and having some of the best tasting foods out there. Buy your grains in bulk, and invest in a grain mill. Make Your Own Pasta Emergency Food Preparedness And Wonderful Beans Buy plenty of beans in a wide variety and start cooking them every week.

Also don't forget lentils, some of the easy legumes out there. Learn More About Being Prepared Learn More About Frugal Cooking Return from Emergency Food Preparedness to the Home Page. How to Grow and Store the 5 Crops You Need to Survive. October 20, 2010 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. In an age of erratic weather and instability, it's increasingly important to develop a greater self-reliance when it comes to food.

And because of this, more than ever before, farmers are developing new gardening techniques that help achieve a greater resilience. Longtime gardener and scientist Carol Deppe, in her new book The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times, offers a wealth of unique and expansive information for serious home gardeners and farmers who are seeking optimistic advice. Makenna Goodman: Many gardeners (both beginners and more serious growers) come across obstacles they might not have planned for.

Carol Deppe: The basic issues are getting more control over our food, getting lots higher quality and more delicious food, and enhancing the resilience of our food supply. We humans trade. Top 10 Smart Ways to Build Your Food Storage. Food. Bunny Farming.