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Chairs, benchs, stools...

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Contemporary Stool Home Furniture Design of Stitching Concrete by Florian Schmid « Products « DesignWagen. Contemporary, unique and stylish stool design, Stitching Concrete for your home interior furnishing.

Contemporary Stool Home Furniture Design of Stitching Concrete by Florian Schmid « Products « DesignWagen

Designed by Florian Schmid, an industrial designer based in Munich, Germany, the Stitching Concrete stool is a project by using material Concrete Canvas with contemporary style to enhance your living space. The contemporary stool design combines the softness of cloth with the stability of concrete. The fibre reinforcement makes it strong and the cloth gives back a warm atmosphere. This design is available in various shape. The challenge was to get into the material and bring it from its rawness to something new. Materials we’re smitten with: concrete cloth. Our new favorite fantasy material is Concrete Cloth: a flexible cement impregnated fabric that hardens when hydrated to from a thin durable water and fire proof concrete layer.

materials we’re smitten with: concrete cloth

This video and a pdf about it gave us lots of ideas. You can drape it over forms to mold it into shapes, like these sculptural chairs and sofas…the wet concrete cloth can be draped over cast-off or plastic furniture, until it hardens: Concrete Canvas Bench Medusa by Erasmus Scherjon. Young Dutch designer Erasmus Scherjon who graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven last year with this chair as a graduation project has named it Bench Medusa.

Concrete Canvas Bench Medusa by Erasmus Scherjon

This outdoor two-seater bench looks soft, but is hard as a rock. I used materials with unexpected qualities to create a new vocabulary of forms. The bench is made of a steel frame covered with Concrete Canvas, a cement-filled nylon fabric. In Medusa I have fused steel and cement by dipping the bench in water, after which the upholstery has turned into rock-hard concrete and the bench had petrified, without losing its textile appearance and tactility. This photo shows the creation process of the chair More and more designs in the new material Concrete Canvas are filtering through nowadays, but Erasmus was one of the first. Update: And here a photo that proves Medusa was part of the Design Academy Eindhoven graduation show: Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on August 21, 2011 at 11:01 AM Similar Posts: Like this: Like Loading...

Stitching Concrete Chair by Florian Schmid. Stitching Concrete by industrial design graduate Florian Schmid is a collection of stools made from a material called Concrete Canvas.

Stitching Concrete Chair by Florian Schmid

It consists of cement layered between fabric and a PVC backing that can be manipulated for a few hours when wet and then hardens. Schmid shapes the Concrete Canvas and then stitches the edges together with bright colored threads, making the stools look like stitched pieces of folded fabric. Concrete "Soft" Chair by Anne-Mette Manelius. I found this blog Concretely by Danish architect Anne-Mette Manelius.

Concrete "Soft" Chair by Anne-Mette Manelius

As she shares part of her name with my daughter she earns a plus. She is also obsessed by concrete. So obsessed that she wrongly claims concrete is the “most used building material in the world”. That, Anne-Mette, is not true, as the most used building material in the world is adobe, or simple clay or earth.

CONCRETELY: Ambiguous chairs - a surprice encounter with concrete. In order to generate discussion of the architectural perspectives of a new building method it seems crucial, constantly to expound on aesthetical as well as technological and structural aspects which are balanced in an integrated architectural practice.

CONCRETELY: Ambiguous chairs - a surprice encounter with concrete

Facing concrete's image - If nobody likes the idea, never mind how clever the technology. CONCRETELY: Forms and surfaces cast in fabric formwork. I used the nice sunny weather to take some concrete samples - and one of the Ambiguous Chairs, which I have written about here - outside for a bit of documentation.

CONCRETELY: Forms and surfaces cast in fabric formwork

I never actually managed to take any photos of the chair before so this was about time. [Image of fabric formed concrete chair by yours truly Anne-Mette Manelius. Photo by Rikke Grendal] [Surface detail of fabric formed chair]] Below are a few surface samples I cast a while ago during a workshop I taught but never got around to document. CONCRETELY: The French Sister of the Ambiguous Chair. This summer I received a letter from a group of French students.

CONCRETELY: The French Sister of the Ambiguous Chair

Using the step-by-step descriptions in the book DIY Furniture Design the students of a technical school in Le Havre had managed to produce a sibling to the Ambigous Chair, we could call it la Chaise Ambiguë. [Bérénice Martin, Lucie Tramoy, and Édouard Vermès in front of their Chaise Ambiguë] It was so pleasing to see these guys taking on the task of constructing the chair - it was definitely the more complex of the do-it-yourself examples in the book, and I must admit that I didn't really expect anyone to have a go at it. Now I am pretty sure that these guys may have been smitten by the concrete fever - the active knowledge of constructing with fabric formwork has now reached France and the narrow community of fabric formers has increased with its youngest members yet :) [yes, despite its soft looks the chair is heavy] HomeMade Modern EP8.1 Cake Pan Stool. HomeMade Modern EP8.2 Revisiting the $5 Bucket Stool.

Studio lievito: sisieda. Jun 02, 2012 studio lievito: sisieda ‘sisieda’ by studio lievito.

studio lievito: sisieda

Contemporary concrete furniture. Aug 03, 2012 contemporary concrete furniture ‘concrete bench’ by tejo remy and rené veenhuizen an industrial mundane material generally associated with building construction, concrete is known for its solidity, strength and durability.

contemporary concrete furniture

Often used to create large monolithic forms, designers have started to manipulate the cold, rigid medium, forming it into organic and fluid furniture pieces expressing more movement and softer lines with concrete which usually seems static. dutch designers tejo remy and rené veenhuizen have developed a series of concrete pieces – a bench, table and chairs – which offers the look of inflated furniture. each one is cast as a single object in plastic sheeting or waterproof PVC with metal fibers mixed into the material compound and steel rods embedded within the legs and for reinforcement.

‘spurt’ lounge chair by paulsberg ‘seat slug’ by rael san fratello architects. HomeMade Modern EP8 $5 Bucket Stool.