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Psychiatry_Resarch_Mindfulness.pdf. How to Develop Sherlock Holmes-Like Powers of Observation and Deduction. Hack Your Brain to Use Cravings To Your Advantage. Brain Research Bulletin - Effects of mindfulness meditation training on anticipatory alpha modulation in primary somatosensory cortex. Abstract During selective attention, ∼7–14 Hz alpha rhythms are modulated in early sensory cortices, suggesting a mechanistic role for these dynamics in perception. Here, we investigated whether alpha modulation can be enhanced by “mindfulness” meditation (MM), a program training practitioners in sustained attention to body and breath-related sensations.

We hypothesized that participants in the MM group would exhibit enhanced alpha power modulation in a localized representation in the primary somatosensory neocortex in response to a cue, as compared to participants in the control group. Healthy subjects were randomized to 8-weeks of MM training or a control group. Using magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recording of the SI finger representation, we found meditators demonstrated enhanced alpha power modulation in response to a cue. Highlights Keywords Mindfulness; Meditation; Alpha rhythm modulation; Attention; MEG; Alpha rhythm; Somatosensory cortex; Anticipatory. The effects of mindfulness meditation training on multitasking in a high-stress information environment. Modern parenting may hinder brain development, research suggests.

Social practices and cultural beliefs of modern life are preventing healthy brain and emotional development in children, according to an interdisciplinary body of research presented recently at a symposium at the University of Notre Dame. "Life outcomes for American youth are worsening, especially in comparison to 50 years ago," says Darcia Narvaez, Notre Dame professor of psychology who specializes in moral development in children and how early life experiences can influence brain development. "Ill-advised practices and beliefs have become commonplace in our culture, such as the use of infant formula, the isolation of infants in their own rooms or the belief that responding too quickly to a fussing baby will 'spoil' it," Narvaez says.

The United States has been on a downward trajectory on all of these care characteristics, according to Narvaez. Instead of being held, infants spend much more time in carriers, car seats and strollers than they did in the past. I Scourge the Body Electric, by Brian Pessaro. The light on my alarm clock says 5:30 a.m. I rub my eyes with disbelief that I’m up at such a godforsaken hour. I stand in front of my dresser for what seems like eternity as I struggle against my desire to crawl back under the covers. In the end, I conquer… sort of. In the darkness of our bedroom from beneath the comforter comes the voice of my half-asleep wife, “Don’t even think about resetting your alarm.

Go run.” I groan and head to the bathroom to get changed. I pull on my sweatpants and sweatshirt and don my scarf, gloves, and wool cap. The first mile of my run is always the slowest, but by the second I’m warming up and finding my groove. I’m sure many people, even non-joggers, could relate to what I’ve just described. Back upstairs in the bathroom, I stand naked outside the shower door. Because I’m still hot with sweat, the initial burst of water is a shock, but I get used to it. Corporal mortification received a lot of press recently thanks to The Da Vinci Code.