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DevDocs — Symfony 2.8 documentation. Test - Unit and end-to-end functional testing for Ext JS apps. Sencha Test is the most comprehensive unit and end-to-end functional testing solution for Ext JS single page apps. Based on years of testing Ext JS applications, Sencha Test helps you create unit and end-to-end functional tests quickly, and execute them on multiple browsers simultaneously. Cross-browser testing is critical to ensuring quality for organizations, and test automation is a requirement to meet delivery timelines.

Sencha Test is the only dedicated testing solution for Ext JS applications. It helps you build an end-to-end testing plan without having to cobble together testing tools. Sencha Test leverages the powerful Jasmine framework, so tests can be written in JavaScript. Sencha Test enables developers and test automation engineers to: Improve the quality of Ext JS single page apps through end-to-end testingLeverage unit and functional testing to increase developer productivity and accelerate release cycles Sencha Test Studio Test Runner Sencha Test Command Line Interface (CLI) Azul Web – Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación en un solo lugar. Sencha Test - Unit and end-to-end functional testing for Ext JS apps.

CakePHP 2 vs. Symfony 2 comparison. TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index. TIOBE Index for January 2016 January Headline: Java is TIOBE's Programming Language of 2015! Java has won the TIOBE Index programming language award of the year. This is because Java has the largest increase in popularity in one year time (+5.94%). Java leaves runner ups Visual Basic.NET (+1.51%) and Python (+1.24%) far behind. At first sight, it might seem surprising that an old language like Java wins this award. Especially if you take into consideration that Java won the same award exactly 10 years ago. On second thought, Java is currently number one in the enterprise back-end market and number one in the still growing mobile application development market (Android). Java's rise goes hand in hand with Objective-C's decline (-5.88%).

So what is the outlook for 2016? The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. TIOBE Programming Community IndexSource: Java Python Visual Basic .NET JavaScript Assembly language Ruby. Web Developer Courses and Training from For XAMPP Application Modules. For XAMPP Application Modules. Round 9 results - TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks. Web2py: Algunas consideraciones personales | humanOS. Publish Documentation - eZ Publish 5.1 - eZ Documention. Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadata eZ Publish is an Enterprise Open-Source Content Management System/Framework (CMS/F) at its core.

It is highly extendable so with extensions it provides "WCMS" capabilities. In its default Enterprise offering as of version 5, "eZ Publish Platform", eZ Publish is extended to provide full set of Customer Experience Management (CXM) capabilities. What is new in eZ Publish 5.1 Version 5 represents a big step forward for eZ Publish, as it introdcuces a whole new architecture. As is often the case with architecture, most of it is under the hood in this release, and there is no new user interfaces (UI) yet. 5.x kernel is: Content Repository accessible via Public API & REST API v2 (full read & write support)Symfony2 based front-end/web-stack (read only)Work in progress DemoBundle on top of eZ's Symfony2 stack (read only) 5.x kernel is not:

Symfony2 cheat sheet. CONTROLLER back to top Here are some useful shortcuts and functions regarding the request object in Symfony 2 controllers. REQUEST and RESPONSE objects $request->query->get('foo'); //gets foo GET var. $request->request->get('bar'); //gets POST var. $request->getMethod(); $request->server->get('HTTP_HOST'); //server variables. $request->getPathInfo(); //gets the URI.

Redirecting in a controller: $this->redirect($this->generateUrl("homepage")); Rendering text from a controller: return new Response('<html>…</html>'); Forwarding: return $this->forward('Bundle:Controller:Action'); Redirect to 404 not found: throw $this->createNotFoundException(message); Working with the session You can manage session attributes with: $session = $this->getRequest()->getSession(); or the shortcut version $this->get('session'); and to work with the data: $session->get('foo','default value'); $session->set('foo','bar'); Flash messages Flash messages only last one request and they are stored in a FlashBag: ROUTING back to top Links. Cursos de formación online tutorizada.

Se encuentra abierta la inscripción para los siguientes cursos: Fecha: 24/04/2014 Docentes: Varios profesionales Técnicas y lenguajes fundamentales para el desarrollo web. Taller Maquetación Responsive Fecha: 26/04/2014 Docentes: Daniel Martínez Domina el diseño de webs adaptables a cualquier dispositivo y resolución Javascript avanzado + APIs HTML5 Fecha: 08/05/2014 Mejorar sensiblemente tus habilidades con Javascript y trabajar con las API del HTML5 Desarrollo de Plugins para WordPress Fecha: 14/05/2014 Docentes: Carlos Ruiz Ruso Aprende a desarrollar tus propios plugins en Wordpress y extiende sin límites las posibilidades del popular CMS. Curso de GIT Fecha: 03/06/2014 Docentes: Israel Alcázar Aprende a trabajar con Git, la herramienta de control de versiones esencial para desarrollo de software.

Cursos que se están impartiendo en este momento: 5 días de HTML5 Fecha: 14/04/2014 Curso gratuito de introducción a HTML5 y las tecnologías asociadas como CSS y Javascript Curso de SEO profesional desde 0. Ext JS - En Español • Página principal. Curso de ExtJS 4 | Quizzpot. Participantes: 37 Duracion: 3 hrs 59 mins Fecha: Apr 24, 2013 Curso Completo Tags: JavaScript Ext 4 Fundamentos En este curso vemos las bases de Ext JS 4, iniciamos con el sistema de clases y la programación orientada a objetos como Herencia Simple, Herencia Múltiple, Sobre-escritura de métodos, también nos adentramos en el paquete de datos. Si todavía te preguntas que son los mixins, el funcionamiento del método "callParent" o no sabías que podemos hacer validaciones directamente en el modelo entonces ¡este curso es recomendable para ti! Adquiera este curso por sólo: $19.99 Todos los precios son en dólares americanos. Todas las compras se realizarán por medio de PayPal® Instructor del curso Autor: Crysfel Villa Es Ingeniero de Software con más de 7+ años de experiencia profesional, durante 5 de los cuales ha estado desarrollando con Ext JS.

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