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Customer Effort Score

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Forget Net Promoter, try the Customer Effort Score. At a time when securing the long-term loyalty – and revenue – of your customers is a priority, new research shows that delighting customers doesn’t build loyalty, but reducing the effort required from them in order to get their problem solved, does.

Forget Net Promoter, try the Customer Effort Score

Keith Pearce investigates… Few people will argue that the profile and behaviours of the average consumer have changed in the last 18 months. Customer Effort Score™: A Loyalty Predictor for Customer Service Interactions. Quel rôle pour le service clients en 2010 ?

Customer Effort Score. I'm a great beleiver in CES and have read the related HBR paper in detail.

Customer Effort Score

If you haven't read it, I recommend you get a copy: "Stop Delighting Your Customers'. It is a controversional heading but I think it is more to capture headlines then espousing the actual idea, specifically.