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Turning ideas into action. MindManager: El Corazón de mi Herramienta GTD. Lo puedes leer en aprox. 2:18 minutos A raíz de la última entrada sobre 12 características recomendadas para tu sistema GTD, varios lectores de este blog me preguntaron que cuál es la herramienta que uso, a lo que respondí que escribiría una serie de entradas explicándola en detalle.

MindManager: El Corazón de mi Herramienta GTD

Pues bien, esta es la primera de una serie de entradas en las que voy a explicar tanto los distintos elementos que componen mi herramienta como el funcionamiento integrado de los mismos. El “corazón” de la herramienta es el software para mapas mentales MindManager [para Windows]. Desarrollo de Producto LEAN. Queue utilization is a leading indicator. I talk a lot about how to apply Lean ideas to software development.

Queue utilization is a leading indicator

Perhaps I sometimes take it for granted that we understand why we should apply them. Mary Poppendieck has already written quite a bit on that rationale, and I try not to rehash things I think she’s already covered adequately. I do think there are a few characteristic scenarios where Lean principles most clearly apply to software development: Any kind of live network service, whether customer-facing (, or machine-facing (Bigtable, SimpleDB)Any kind of sustaining engineering process: bug fixing, security patching, incremental enhancementEvolutionary product design (which is to say, effective product design) That said, there is a very pragmatic reason to adopt a Lean workflow strategy, regardless of what sort of product you are building: Lean scheduling provides crystal clear leading indicators of process health.

I am speaking of kanban limits and andon lights. S Blog » kanban. Why I prefer ToDo over Trello for agile teams March 13, 2014Max Wenzin The Gist ToDo has a flow.

s Blog » kanban

It knows about cycle times and about being DONE. Trello does not.ToDo has Planning Poker Estimates. YouSIMUL8 - The worlds first simulation sharing website. What is the Theory of Constraints? Kanban para la Gestión de Proyectos y Desarrollo de Producto. - Online Kanban boards. Applying Kanban to IT Processes (Part 1) En programania escribimos sobre todo aquello relacionado con el desarrollo de software. Nos interesa: metodologías, lenguajes, herramientas, etc. Cómo armar un tablero Kanban 1. Kanban para Gestión de Proyectos y otras aplicaciones. Kanban.Com. Kanban development oversimplified: a simple explanation of how Kanban adds to the ever-growing Agile toolkit.

Agile development is a value system — not a process.

Kanban development oversimplified: a simple explanation of how Kanban adds to the ever-growing Agile toolkit

The Agile Manifesto is a short, 4 lines, set of phrases that indicate what’s important to those practicing Agile development. These statements are the “mom and apple pie” statements for agilists. There’s no specific processes specified — however over the last several years common practice has emerged.

(For more on agile value system and culture, read Agile is Culture, Not Process.) Tableros Kanban online y off-line en un solo fichero HTML! Stratstars / BO Implementing. Time, Attention, and Creative Work. Las diez lecciones que Steve Jobs nos pueda enseñar. Visual Note Taking talk @ UX Camp London. And here are the notes from the talk that unfortunately got lost on slideshare (no idea how that happened…): Sketchnotes / Visual Note taking What is it?

Visual Note Taking talk @ UX Camp London

Note taking is about capturing a line of thoughts (from a talk, a video, a book or your own head) to be able to go back to it later and remember the points that are interesting to you. And instead of capturing in pages and pages of written word, sketchnotes are a visual style of note taking that allows for all kinds of visual expression to create richer and more engaging notes. (I’ll get to the building blocks later.) Sketchnotes aren’t new. 10 things I’ve never heard a successful startup founder say. I built this software for myself, and then it turned out a million people wanted it exactly how I originally envisioned it.

10 things I’ve never heard a successful startup founder say

After hiring a few people, being the CEO became a lot easier, and I was able to focus on high-level strategic plans instead of fighting fires. I wish we had spent less time talking to prospective customers before designing interfaces and writing code. The decision of whether to form an LLC, S-Corp, or C-Corp made a significant difference in my startup’s success. Selling the company was an easy decision, and everyone in the company was on the same page. Live Simple: Radical tactics to reduce the clutter, complexity, and costs of your life. Kick Ass Kickoff Meetings. During project-based work, every freelancer, agency, or internal department has “the kickoff meeting.”

Kick Ass Kickoff Meetings

In theory, this meeting should have all the energy, excitement, and potential of the opening salvo of the Superbowl. Project team members should be inspired coming out of that meeting, full of ideas, and a desire to begin exploring solutions. Agencies and freelancers should begin to see their clients as friends and collaborators with unique insights that can only come from frank, open discussion of the design challenge at hand. But this rarely happens. Every meeting is an opportunity. In reality, kickoff meetings range from somewhat boring to straight-up awkward, and can be an expensive reiteration of project details we already know, assembling the most expensive, busiest people and generating little measurable project benefit.

The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders. Why Can't I Finish? They can only hide it from me for so long: Sometimes it takes a day, a week, or maybe a month—but eventually it comes out.

Why Can't I Finish?

The Fear of Finishing. As a time management life coach, I’ve found that many of my clients have a dread of finishing that they keep hidden away—hoping that no one will ever notice that they get a lot of little things done while never quite completing the really important stuff.Whether it’s due to a rabid perfectionism, an aversion to criticism, or just an inability to maintain enthusiasm for the long haul, we all have challenges and fears we must overcome to produce work that matters. But pretending they don’t exist won’t get us anywhere.

Here’s a guide to diagnosing and treating what I’ve found to be four of the most common barriers to completion: 1. The mental battle: When you’re convinced that “settling” for anything less than a perfect-quality product is unacceptable, you tend to unconsciously lower your standards in many other areas. 2. 3. 4. Las 5 fases. Ranking de blogs sobre la productividad personal. Son las 11:39 de un miércoles, tengo mucho trabajo y no sé por dónde empezar... Asuntos para resolver. Tampoco piensas cómo cepillar tus dientes. Las cualidades de Liderazgo más importantes para los próximos 5 años. Gestionar correo electrónico (1) Pequeños pasos... grandes avances. Cuando eliminar cosas de Algún Día/Quizás. Planificar de forma natural. Slow Work.