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Photo:Marc Riboud:hommage du Vietnam. Photographes » “La jeune fille à la fleur” de Marc Riboud. Chaque semaine, je vous propose de vous faire (re)découvrir une photographie qui a marqué le XXème siècle.

Photographes » “La jeune fille à la fleur” de Marc Riboud

Véritables icônes ou témoignages poignants, ces photos ont été vues et revues. Elles ne sont généralement pas innocentes dans la célébrité de leur auteur. Divisé en quatre parties, mon article suivra toujours la même ligne de conduite : une présentation du photographe, un retour sur le contexte de la photo, la photo en elle-même et une libre expression sur ce que m’a fait ressentir la photo. La collection en ligne du Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne. Philip Jones Griffiths. "In guerra la verità emerge.

Philip Jones Griffiths

Tesa tra la vita e la morte, la gente si rivela, getta la maschera e si mostra con un'onestà che non c'è altrove nella vita. " Philip Jones Griffiths - Photo Essays. Vietnam Inc. by Phillip Jones Griffiths. Vietnam war photojournalist dies. A Welsh photojournalist renowned for his coverage of the Vietnam war has died at the age of 72.

Vietnam war photojournalist dies

Philip Jones Griffiths, who was born in Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, died on Tuesday at his London home after a cancer battle, his agency Magnum said. His work in Vietnam was collated into a book, published in 1971, which became crucial in challenging attitudes to the war in the United States. He also photographed conflicts in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Bosnia. Mr Jones Griffiths left Wales at the age of 16 but has said that his upbringing as a Welshman was the basis for everything he did. He took pictures with a Kodak Brownie camera from an early age but after studying chemistry at Liverpool University, he spent 10 years in science. He launched his career as a freelance photographer for the Observer newspaper in 1961, covering the Algerian war in 1962 before travelling across central Africa.

Fotografia. Da Wikiquote, aforismi e citazioni in libertà.


Obiettivo fotografico Citazioni sulla fotografia. Frasi celebri, citazioni, aforismi, pensieri sul mondo della fotografia e dell’immagine. Titolo tesina maturità, qualche idea. Citazioni e aforismi sulla fotografia. Le 10 foto di guerra che hanno fatto la storia. La caduta della statua di Saddam Hussein nel 2003.

Le 10 foto di guerra che hanno fatto la storia

Foto scattata in un campo di concentramento nazista tra il 1942 ed il 1943. Diritti Globali - Professione fotoreporter. INGLESE (...) Philip Jones Griffiths. Torna l’angolo della citazione su CCW.

Philip Jones Griffiths

Giusto per intrudurre questo grande fotografo leggete queste due citazioni. “The first picture of his I ever saw was during a lecture at the Rhyl camera club. I was 16 and the speaker was Emrys Jones. He projected the picture upside down. Deliberately, to disregard the subject matter to reveal the composition.

Famous war photographer passes. Philip Jones Griffiths has passed at the age of 72, he was best known for his photos from the Vietnam War. Griffiths was no stranger to the warzone and spend nearly 50 years taking photos. Google Traduttore. Philip Jones Griffiths: Photographer whose Vietnam images changed photojournalism - Obituaries - News. Philip Jones Griffiths was born in 1936 in the Welsh village of Rhuddlan near Rhyl in Flintshire.

Philip Jones Griffiths: Photographer whose Vietnam images changed photojournalism - Obituaries - News

Growing up during a time when the great picture magazines – Life, Illustrated and Picture Post – were producing powerful picture stories, he became fascinated by photo-reportage and its ability to open a window on the world. Vietnam Inc. First published in 1971, "Vietnam Inc.

Vietnam Inc.

" was crucial in challenging public attitudes in the United States, turning the tide of opinion and ultimately helping to put an end to the Vietnam War. Philip Jones Griffiths' classic account of the war was the outcome of three years reporting, and as such it is one of the most detailed surveys of any conflict. Showing us the true horrors of the war as well as a study of Vietnamese rural life, Griffiths created a compelling argument against the de-humanizing power of the modern war machine and against American imperialism. Biography. British (Welsh), b. 1936, d. 2008.


Fotoreporter ~ Fotografia Artistica Blog G. Santagata. Philip Jones Griffiths. Philip Jones Griffiths (18 February 1936 – 19 March 2008) was a Welsh photojournalist known for his coverage of the Vietnam war.

Philip Jones Griffiths

FRANCESE (...) SITE DU PHOTOGRAPHE MARC RIBOUD. Magnum Photos. John Filo. Chat. Kent State shootings. Memorial to Jeffrey Miller, taken from approximately the same perspective as John Filo's famous 1970 photograph as it appears today. The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre)[2][3][4] occurred at Kent State University in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970.

The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[5][6] Some of the students who were shot had been protesting against the Cambodian Campaign, which President Richard Nixon announced during a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance.[7][8] Historical background[edit] Timeline[edit] Map of the shootings Thursday, April 30[edit] Friday, May 1[edit] By the time police arrived, a crowd of 120 had already gathered. The Picture from Kent State by Dirck Halstead. Listen to John Filo's story of the Kent State photo. John Filo. Biography[edit] After winning the Pulitzer Prize while working for the Valley Daily News (a Gannett paper) of the Pittsburgh suburb of Tarentum, Pennsylvania, he continued his career in photojournalism, rapidly finding work at the Associated Press, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and as a picture editor at the Baltimore Evening Sun.

He eventually rose to a picture editing job at the weekly news magazine Newsweek. Nick Ut. Compie 40 anni la foto simbolo della guerra in Vietnam e la «napalm girl» ora si racconta. Kim Phuk, la bambina della foto-simbolo della guerra nel Vietnam. Di Paolo Moltoni Nel 1965 poche persone si erano veramente rese conto che i soldati americani stavano per iniziare una lunga e sanguinosa guerra in una terra ancora poco conosciuta del sud-est asiatico.

Solamente dopo le prime immagini della TV e i commenti dei giornali, l’opinione pubblica si rese conto che era iniziata un’efferata operazione bellica che ben presto sarebbe divenuta tristemente nota come “guerra del Vietnam”. In quegli anni nacquero movimenti pacifisti e si organizzarono proteste. Eddie Adams. Eddie Adams. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Edward Thomas "Eddie" Adams (New Kensington, 12 giugno 1933 – New York, 19 settembre 2004) è stato un fotoreporter statunitense, vincitore del Premio Pulitzer. Fu a lungo fotografo di guerra, e con i suoi reportage coprì 13 conflitti. Fece anche ritratti a politici e personalità del mondo dello spettacolo. Nel 2009 è stato realizzato un documentario sulla sua vita, "An Unlikely Weapons" diretto da Susan Morgan. [1] Quando Adams disse: «La mia foto più famosa? Brutta»

Archivio storico La storia «An Unlikely Weapon» (Un' arma improbabile), proiettato alla Casa Bianca, racconta il maestro morto di Sla nel 2004 LOS ANGELES - L' oscurità della sala di proiezione si interrompe all' improvviso quando sullo schermo appare in primissimo piano una vecchia Leica. Con l' obbiettivo puntato verso gli spettatori come un cannone. Vietnam.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf) Immagini_della_guerra_del_Vietnam-2.pdf (Oggetto application/pdf) Vietnam, 35 anni fa finiva la guerra - Panorama. A Look Back at the Vietnam War on the 35th Anniversary of the Fall of Saigon – - PlogPlog Photo Blog.

Posted Apr 30, 2010 Share This Gallery Editor’s Warning: The following photo collection contains some graphic violence and depictions of dead bodies. (AP) Today, April 30th, marks the 35th Anniversary of the fall of Saigon, when communist North Vietnamese forces drove tanks through the former U.S. -backed capital of South Vietnam, smashing through the Presidential Palace gates. The fall of Saigon marked the official end of the Vietnam War and the decadelong U.S. campaign against communism in Southeast Asia. The war left divisions that would take years to heal as many former South Vietnamese soldiers were sent to Communist re-education camps and hundreds of thousands of their relatives fled the country. In Vietnam, today is called Liberation Day and the government staged a parade down the former Reunification Boulevard that featured tank replicas and goose-stepping soldiers in white uniforms. 3A Helmeted U.S.

Fotografia di guerra. Se il reportage fotografico aveva aperto la strada alla pubblicazione di libri e alla nascita di riviste illustrate, fu nel periodo fra le due guerre che quella del fotoreporter divenne una professione definita, creando i suoi miti e i suoi eroi. In America era stato il settimanale illustrato Life, lanciato nel 1936 da Henri Luce, a raccogliere intorno a s uno staff di validi fotografi, prima fra tutte Margaret Bourke-White, seguita da Alfred Eisenstaedt, Thomas McAvoy, Peter Stackpole.

Spesso criticato per la superficialit e il sensazionalismo degli articoli, nonch per la linea politica imposta dal suo editore e fondatore, Life non aveva rivali per quanto riguardava i servizi fotografici e la sua formula venne ben presto imitata anche in Europa. Life fu anche uno dei pi accesi sostenitori dell'intervento americano alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale e, all'entrata in guerra, invi parecchi fotografi in Europa e nel Pacifico per seguirne gli avvenimenti. Segue.