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Fall Fantasy: Every imaginable color from God’s masterstroke of palette and brush. The beauty of crimson fall foliage and a ‘red’ road in autumn.

Fall Fantasy: Every imaginable color from God’s masterstroke of palette and brush

‘There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect,’ ~ quote by Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Photo #1 by HDWallpapers From above, looking at fall forest and river running over the rocks. ‘The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man,’ ~ quote by unknown author. Photo #2 by wallpapershi God’s Rays and golden Aspens at Galena Summit in Idaho.

‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things,’ ~ quote by Robert Brault. Forest bursting with vibrant fall colors at Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara. Floating camp on the Ouachita River. Japanese Garden at Royal Roads University in British Columbia. Path through foggy forest during fall. Autumn at Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park, Sichuan, China, colorful fall season. Autumn at Clinton Red Mill in New Jersey. When The Soul Is Serene In Walden. The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist.

Mother Nature is beautiful and amazing because we can see many amazing stuff like these 15 things that you won’t believe they actually exist.

The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

All these places are real. It is hard to believe in that, but that is true. 1. Volcanic lightning aka “dirty thunderstorms.” La imponente belleza de los volcanes alrededor del mundo. Show captions Showing image 1 of 11 La mítica ciudad de Pompeya aún permanece bajo millones de toneladas de material incandescente, o lava, que en el 79 d.

La imponente belleza de los volcanes alrededor del mundo

C. el Vesubio arrojó, pero ni los años han logrado apagar la actividad volcánica que se localiza en lo que ahora es Nápoles, Italia. Inside Glacier Caves (17 photos) Working with an expedition cruise company that sails to the world's most remote places like Alaska and the Arctic, Eric Guth is constantly surrounded by large bodies of ice.

Inside Glacier Caves (17 photos)

In fact, he gets to experience, first-hand, places like Antarctica like most of us have never done before. "The landscape and icebergs of Antarctica have captured my senses the most. Antarctica, being so remote and raw and unpredictable, also has a very gentle side. I have experienced days with zero wind, 50 degree temperatures, clear skies and every snow-capped mountain, sculpted iceberg and waddling penguin reflected back at me with perfect symmetry. Days like these, where everything glistens and sparkles...these days make every howling, windy day I've experienced worth it!

" Six years ago, he spotted a small opening on the edge of Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. Throughout the years, he's learned to appreciate glaciers for multiple reasons. Wreck Diving the Mysterious Ghost Fleet of Truk Lagoon [33 PICS] Diver gh0stdot captured amazing underwater images in the ghostly wreckage. This is a light tank on the deck of the San Francisco Maru at about 50m depth in Truk Lagoon. Photo #1 by © gh0stdot Let’s back up and show you where you are with an aerial shot taken while flying over Chuuk in south western part of the Pacific Ocean.

Chuuk is the new name for an island group which formerly were known separately as Truk, Ruk, Hogoleu, Torres, Ugulat, and Lugulus. Chuuk is part of the Federated States of Micronesia. This photo is of Truk Blue Lagoon Resort. Now we’ll go dive into the shark-infested waters and go wreck diving, courtesy of gh0stdot. 20110615TLEKotsiopoulos.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 1296x864 píxeles) - Escalado (63.

The View From The Canoe. Tree_magic.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 854x1024 píxeles) - Escalado (54%) 160.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 950x633 píxeles) - Escalado (87%) ‘Tsunami en el cielo’ (increíble imagen de una tormenta de supercelda. Show captions Showing image 1 of 3 Como si una ola gigante se elevará en el cielo —con uno de los jinetes del Apocalipsis en la espuma encrespada—, estas imágenes muestran la fusión de dos tormentas de supercelda (o supercélula).

‘Tsunami en el cielo’ (increíble imagen de una tormenta de supercelda

Las fotos fueron tomadas por el cazador de tornados Mike Hollingstead en Nebraska el 19 de junio. Estas tormentas constituyen uno de los paisajes más espectaculares y temibles que se pueden alzar sobre la faz de la tierra; su rotación puede producir vórtices que generan tornados y granizos del tamaño de una naranja. El cazador de tormentas Mike Hollingstead señala que “cuando dos supeceldas chocan las cosas se van a una dimensión demencial” y recomienda esccuhar la canción Exogenesis Symphony Overture de Muse para ver estas imágenes. Nature is beautiful: inspiring photos {Part 19} Posted on September 26, 2011 in Photography If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter .

Nature is beautiful: inspiring photos {Part 19}

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