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Diccionario para el community manager. En el desempeño de nuestro trabajo tenemos que leer mucha documentación: blogs, artículos, tutoriales, etc. para estar al día de las últimas tendencias y noticias en Social Media.

Diccionario para el community manager

Y en ocasiones nos encontramos con términos que no sabemos exactamente que significan. Aquí os dejo un listado, algunos son de sobra conocidos, otros no tanto. Si tenéis alguna duda sobre términos que no estén comtemplados en esta lista, podríamos ponerlos en común en los comentarios. #FF (FollowFriday): #FF es un hashtag que se utiliza los viernes para recomendar a tus seguidores personas o cuentas a las que seguir.+1: Es el equivalente al “Me gusta” de Facebook en Google+.Actualización de estado: Nos permite dar una información que consideramos relevante, por ejemplo anunciar alguna noticia, compartir un enlace a una información que nos parece interesante, etc.

Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... Social Media Monitoring. 4 Social Media Management Tips For a Natural Disaster or Crisis. On the night of August 28th, 2012, Hurricane Isaac reached American soil.

4 Social Media Management Tips For a Natural Disaster or Crisis

Over the course of the night, it wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast, claiming the lives of nine US citizens. It had already taken 34 lives before touching down near the mouth of the Mississippi River. In the wake of the crisis, the region’s largest energy company was left with the challenge of communicating with hundreds of thousands of customers without power in their homes and businesses. Entergy, a Fortune 500 company, enacted an emergency social media plan to keep communication open during the crisis. Entergy’s Manager of Social Media & Digital Communications Strategy, Alex Schott, headed this groundbreaking initiative for the nearly 100-year-old company. 1. Nowadays, during times of uncertainty and crisis, people can jump online. Real responses in real-time for clients in need. 2. The more information and client access you can have at one time, in one place, the more you can do for them.

5 Social Media Management Tips for the Real Estate Industry. Long gone are the days of real estate marketing limited to bus stop benches and newspaper pull-outs.

5 Social Media Management Tips for the Real Estate Industry

Real estate is fully online, and going social. At the helm of the revolution are industry leaders and innovators like Katie Lance. She is the CEO/Owner of Katie Lance Consulting and Chief Strategist at Inman News, a leading online hub for real estate news and technology. We’ve asked Katie to draw from her expertise and experience in social media strategy and content development to share with you 5 tips on using social media for the real estate industry.

(We think Katie’s advice can be applied to social media strategies for businesses beyond real estate as well—so keep reading if you want to be more successful in engaging your social media audience.) I’ve had the pleasure of teaching tens of thousands of real estate professionals the art and strategy behind being successful in social media. 1. The key to being successful in social media is consistently posting content. 10 Fundamental Tips for Social Media Community Managers. Community managers are becoming an increasingly important role for all types of businesses, and we're seeing the role appear everywhere from tech startups to major corporate brands.

10 Fundamental Tips for Social Media Community Managers

Most commonly, community managers are responsible for engaging current and potential customers via social media and growing vibrant, enthusiastic communities around their products and services. Some community managers even facilitate conversations in private online forums, work with internal company intranets, and act as customer support. Community managers must strike a balance. 26 Tips for Managing a Social Media Community.

Do you wonder how to go about exercising good social etiquette and managing your social networking communities, all at the same time?

26 Tips for Managing a Social Media Community

Social media community management has expanded into a growing field and there’s a lot to think about. In this post, I’ll cover 26 tips, an A-Z guide, on ways to manage your company‘s presence. #1: Answer Questions With more and more of your customers participating on social networking platforms, businesses need to be doing much more than posting their own updates. Companies must also be willing to answer questions. A recent survey organized by InSites Consulting found that eight out of ten American companies answer client questions and complaints via social media.

What about your business? #2: Bring People to Your Website Through Social Media Sometimes with all the talk about social media, businesses may briefly forget one of their original goals for initiating a social strategy—namely, bringing customers and prospects to your company website. #25: You vs. 30 tips para Marketing en Redes Sociales. Cómo hacer un gran spot con Poiwer Point.

Buenos Aires, Argentina.- Los costos de filmación, en la era digital, han disminuido considerablemente respecto de años anteriores.

Cómo hacer un gran spot con Poiwer Point

Sin embargo, aún no está al alcance de muchos anunciantes. Esta opción es más que interesante para inspirarse: la marca de cacao en polvo Cola Cao presentó un spot de TV con imágenes estáticas, sólo muestra fotografías prolijamente editadas. El anuncio, pleno de creatividad, cumple con todas las premisas que debe tener una publicidad para TV: es dinámico, atrae, música pegadiza e imágenes simpáticas de niños en situaciones graciosas.