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Ear Trainer. Fuck Music | We love music, we love to fuck. Koreas got talent dude has a hell of a story. Little Drummer and Dad. Me Enamoré de Una Chirreta by Jefferson Figueroa. Jazz Styles on AccuRadio online radio. AccuRadio is the home of 100+ Christmas channels! Learn more about our $25,000 "Season of Sharing" donation here. Sign UpLog InThemes Today's Features Most Popular channelsEnjoy more than 100 Christmas channels — the most you'll find anywhere! Today's Commercial-Free Genre: The '80s (selected channels)Commercial-Free Christmas channel: "Classical Christmas Choral""Best of 2022" channelsWorkplace MoodsFive-Star Radio Genres Jazz Choose from over 70 channels of jazz music radio organized by scene, era, style, composer, and featured instrument.

Featured Channel Only the very finest Jazz of all time Listen Now - Advertisement - More Jazz Channels 1920s & '30s Jazz Swing, ragtime, and jazz from the Jazz Age! 1940s Jazz Swing was king, but dethroned by the unstoppable force of bebop 1950s Jazz The golden age of bebop, hard bop, and cool jazz 1960s Jazz Post-bop, free jazz, and early fusion 1970s Jazz When fusion was king, and the birth of the modern giants 1980s Jazz 1990s Jazz 2000s Jazz 2009 Revisited: Jazz Bebop. NOJO - Neufeld-Occhipinti Jazz Orchestra. Listen to a Wall of rock Music. :: musikame dj player 1.1 beta :: the easiest way to dj your soundcloud tracks ::

Venetian Snares - Gentleman / Live Drums. Dale Papito by LA FULMINANTE. Student Unveils Instrument Made Out of PVC Pipe, Plays Pop Culture Medley. ► Krishnaya by Alice Coltrane | JAZZfunkJAZZ | rabidmonkey69 | 8tracks. Dinais. Por: Juan David Montes Exclama estuvo frente a frente con Dinais: Ximena Laverde y David “Culebro” González compartieron la historia de este dueto de intenciones merengueras.

Ximena habla. Explica por qué Dinais. Porque era esa palabra típica del léxico de esas señoras de alta alcurnia, perdida por allá entre el espanglish y el esnobismo. Esnobismo sinónimo de la elegancia aparentosa de un buffet. David rebusca entre un armario y me entrega una copia de Buffet. Ximena señala el arte de la cubierta, una mesa atiborrada de comida: hay cupcakes, calamar, fresas con chocolate, camarones, ensalada, pulpo, jamón, queso… El dedo de Ximena se detiene sobre un pez globo, insiste en señalarlo.

Fotografía SPROCKETS Hace cinco años se dio el afortunado encuentro entre David y Ximena. YouTube. ***Después de haber boicoteado más de una fiesta cambiando la música por un CD de merengue, el lanzamiento de Buffet fue una excusa perfecta para dedicar toda una noche a uno de sus géneros predilectos. Dante Bucci - Fanfare - StumbleUpon. Music to use » Search. Jazz Tube A Archive Of Jazz Videos. Wiimote-Controlled Robot Drum Circle Makes Human Hippies Obsolete. A musician has harnessed the power of two Nintendo Wiimotes to become a cyborg percussionist with the robo-band Jazari.

His playing of one drum machine can evoke an automated response from another, so that he can go around the drum circle in a beautiful display of human-robot improvisation. The man behind the machine, Patrick Flanagan, is a composer who cites music theory, music cognition, and machine learning as the three "chin-stroking disciplines" that influence his work. He created Jazari with a nod to Al-Jazari, a polymath of the Arab world in the 13th century who supposedly created the world's first robot band. Each of the Wiimote buttons can control higher or lower tones on certain drums, while tiling down or up controls volume. Tilting the Wiimote to the side and holding down a button can increase or decrease the repeating beat, ranging from quarter notes to 32nd notes.