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T-shirt. Diy Couture Hood ∙ How To by Rosie M. Folded Miniskirt Tutorial. Difficulty: Intermediate. It's based on the Drapedrape dress no 7, and it has the same 'what am I looking at here' feel to it. At one point you'll think, 'what a mess' and then it just clicks and you have a beautiful skirt.

This click does not seem to happen with everyone, showing from the comments. If you're not sure about it: wait for the pattern! Fabric: One meter/yard is more than enough. I used jersey on both skirts, but you could use anything. A heavier fabric will make bigger folds, a fabric that creases easily will make sharp folds. Tools: Nothing fancy, just pins, maybe chalk, ruler, scissors. Step 1: Pattern pieces & measurements The pattern pieces for this skirt are so easy, you can draw your own right on the fabric. 1) front I used my measurements as an example: 100 cm. 2) back The width of the back will then be ([measurement]/2)-10, which is 40 cm for me. 3) lining The lining will have the same width as the front piece (60 for me), but half of the length, which is 33,5.

Easy DIY bandeau! [Tuto] Jupe-Sarouel Asymétrique toutes Tailles {Enfant & Adulte} | HEKATE • Le Blog. { Dans la mythologie grecque, Terpsichore est la Muse de la Danse } Il était temps que je le fasse, voici enfin le tuto promis de la « jupe-sarouel asymétrique » que je vous avais présentée : Pour me faire pardonner de l’attente, je vous livre les mesures de la taille 12-18 mois à la taille adulte ;o) Pour l’occasion, j’ai cousu à ma fille quasiment la même que la mienne!

(Photos éditées le 27 Août 2012) Jupe-Sarouel : jupe en broderie anglaise, sarouel en étamine de chanvre et coton bio Top à bretelles nouées: Jersey de chanvre et coton bio ___________________________________ (Je tiens à rappeler que le pas à pas du présent post est une adaptation duTuto du Vrai sarouel Indien de The Parvatishop – merci à elle!) Ce tutoriel est mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative CommonsAttribution – Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 2.0 France Matériel Nécessaire Les Mesures Les marges de couture sont comprises. Cliquez pour obtenir les Mesures de la Taille 12-18 mois à Adulte : I/ Le Sarouel. How To Make An Easy Dress (For Cheap!) Two facts about me: I'm cheap. I love dresses. I wear dresses probably 6 days out of the week.

It's not that I one day just decided to wear dresses to feel cute and girly. Far from it. I spend a lot of time sitting at home, knitting, crocheting, painting. I also spend a lot of time in the car traveling across the country. Back in November when I really started Talk2thetrees I kinda just wore pajama pants and sweat pants. Dresses are so comfortable, I can sit around the house and feel comfortable and cute.

The only problem.. they are expensive! Here is a tutorial on a High Waisted Dress: For under 6 bucks! First you will need a ribbed tank top. I got mine from Walmart for 2.50 You could also use a t-shirt 3 yards of matching fabric. Clearance section is my favorite. Cut the tank top almost in half. (I cut mine a little too short.. oops!) For the bottom part of your dress take the fabric and wrap it around your waist about 1 and a half times, and cut in a straight line. ** Update! Recycled Craft: Fingerless Mittens - Whole Living Live Green. As you burrow back into your cold-weather clothes, you're probably taking stock of your sweater supply.

Here's an option for the ones that are too shrunken or moth-eaten to donate: Turn them into fingerless mittens. They're cozy, chic, and (we promise!) Much easier than you think. All you need is a formerly loved sweater, scissors, a few pins, a needle and some thread. Tools and Materials SweaterScissorsPinsNeedleThread Fingerless Mittens How-To1. 2. 3.