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Offers - Facebook Help Center. Create Custom Facebook Tab With Custom Icon (1) To read part 2 then click this link "Design Welcome Page For your Facebook Fan Page" This is part one of our tutorial series on "How to create a Welcome WebPage on Facebook". To add branded look to your Fan Pages you need a custom tab so that you could then design the tab to blend your website theme. A tab is basically a link that will appear under the wall and info tabs.

On clicking the tab your visitors or fans will be able to see the content inside that tab page. Live Demo Follow these easy steps, 1. Set the App Name with either your website name or blog name. Click the the Create App button and enter some security code to proceed further. 2. In the About section, click the "Change you icon" link to upload a 16px by 16px Icon for your tab. Before you save your changes, click the Facebook Integration tab. Canvas Page - It is optional. In each process below, replace YOURAPPLICATIONID with your Application ID Canvas URL - Enter 3. 4. 5.

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Create Custom Facebook Tab With Custom Icon (1) Developers. Social Media Platform: Social Applications. Jquery - Attach a click() event to the FaceBook 'Like' button. FB.Event.subscribe. These are two events that are fired when a person's authentication state changes. These events are generally more useful than the auth.login and auth.logout events since they more closely track state and also work with both the JS SDK and the Facebook Login button. If you have a page that has code that listens for these events, you are likely to receive these events during page load. auth.authResponseChange The auth.authResponseChanged event is fired when the auth response has changed.

The authResponse is part of the response object that's returned when querying the state of a person's authentication status. It contains the person's access token, when the token will expire and the person's user ID. This event is most useful for tracking changes to a person's access token. For more information about the auth response object, please see the documentation in FB.getLoginStatus(). auth.statusChange fired when the status changes (see FB.getLoginStatus for additional information on what this means)

(1) DB Bahn. Facebook Fanpage Timelines: iFrame Tabs and Embedding Rafflecopter Widget in Facebook. Right off the bat, when Facebook timeline took over I noticed that the pages are much less friendly and the iFrame / FBML tabs you used to use on your older Facebook fanpage view don’t work properly anymore if you had the arrow at top pointing to “Like My Page” this arrow no longer points next to the like button. When someone first visits your page they are greeted with the timeline and your logo and Facebook favorites are the biggest things on display. These favorites by default will show photo’s which can’t be changed, Facebook likes (but not the like button, will just show information and stats about likes) and notes or whatever other sub apps you created that created tabs on your Facebook fanpage. The first thing you will want to do is get rid of the “Likes” favorite by default since this could confuse users and isn’t the actual like button.

For those who can’t watch the video, here are the steps manually to create iFrame tabs for your Facebook fanpage. Non-Fan Favorite Display. Facebook Image Creator. Facebook winning. How to Build Facebook Pages with Custom Tabs. This video tutorial describes how you can create custom apps for your Facebook Fan pages in minutes. Your Pages can have maps, tweets, slideshows, music and more inside Tabs. Facebook has made some significant changes to the layout of Facebook Pages in recent months. The custom landing tabs are gone and all Facebook Pages are now rendered using the new Timeline view. Page owners can add cover photos and they can also highlight important stories by pinning them to the top.

Facebook Pages, by default, include apps for Events, Photos, Videos and Notes. The official Facebook Page for Nokia has a Welcome Tab that highlights some of their recent phones. Have you ever wondered how do big brands create such interesting Facebook pages? Building Custom Tabs (Apps) for Facebook Pages Facebook Apps for Pages, in simple English, are like regular web pages that are embedded inside Facebook using the IFRAME tag. How to Create a Facebook App for your Page Step 1: Open Google Sites and create a new site. How to Create a new Facebook Iframe Tab for your Page.