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Web Fonts. Scratchpad. Trigger. Realm :: Pentadactyl - Experience the Web in a Vim mode. Pentadactyl is a plugin that provides Vim mode for Firefox. If you happen to be a Vim user, after having installed it, you will feel like at home, wondering how you could have lived without it. It extremely improves the way you interact with a web browser: it is faster and powerful approach to surfing. In this article I will only provide you with very basics so you could easily get started your adventure with Pentadactyl. Feel free to dig in if you need more information; Pendatactyl features are quite amazing.

Interacting with Websites t open arg in a new tab o open arg in the current tab s search the web and open in the current tab S search the web and open in a new tab R reload the page zi/zm/zo/zr - zoom in/more/out/reduce g<C-g> show page details gf view page source Moving Around j/k scroll one line down/up gg/G - scroll to top/bottom <C-d>/<C-u> scroll down/up by a half of page <C-f>/<C-b> scroll down/up by an entire page <C-o>/<C-i> jump to older/newer H/L go back/fowrard in browser history Tabs. Lights is a Stunning WebGL Demo. 26 November '11, 06:42pm Follow If you’ve ever read about WebGL and wondered what it could do, Lights will be a great example for you.

In short, WebGL is a way to display 3D graphics in the browser, without the need for a plugin. Lights is something that looks like it should be running in Flash, but no plugin is necessary if you’re using a browser that supports WebGL (Chrome, Safari and Firefox all work). In Lights, the yellow “line” will follow the cursor of your mouse to the left and right. When the balls appear, you can click on them to make them explode into WebGL-powered fireworks. A quick note about WebGL in Safari – It’s not turned on by default, so you’ll need to enable it via your Settings menu by selecting Advanced, then checking the box at the bottom: Once you’ve done that, you’ll then have a Develop option in the menu bar. A Gofer at Your Service, for a Price. Remarkably productive? Maybe. But I couldn’t have done it on my own. Dozens of strangers were waiting to assist me as each task — and whim — arose.

At first, I was queasy about pawning off my dirty work, but convenience soon trumped my discomfort. My army of aides arrived online and in person via a new wave of start-ups that include Fancy Hands, TaskRabbit, Zaarly, Ask Sunday and Agent Anything that tap into a network of people who have the time and skills necessary to run all sorts of errands. Some of these networks, like FancyHands and Ask Sunday, are primarily virtual. Others, like TaskRabbit, Zaarly and Agent Anything, are centered on connecting people locally. I found this second category of service addictive: knowing that for the right price, I could indulge almost any desire, proved close to lethal over the course of the weekend. Maybe another time. Although most of these networks are in their early stages, several have already attracted venture capitalists. Ms. Internet Usage World Stats - Internet and Population Statistics.


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