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Dorklassic: 5 Videogame Status Updates. The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches. Newest Items to make your life easier. 2010-02-24-determinism.png (PNG Image, 588x840 pixels) - Scaled (76%) I Don't Even Want To Be Alive Anymore. I know there are a lot of people out there who are upset about some of the things I've been saying on my radio program lately.

My comments about the situation in Haiti have hurt and angered many Americans who genuinely care about the plight of the Haitian people, and that hurt and anger will likely never go away. Many of you are probably wondering, "What would compel a human being to say things like that? " Well, here's your answer: I am a very bad person. And, to tell you the truth, I don't really want to be alive anymore. Try to look at it from my point of view. I don't enjoy that stuff. The irony is that, even if I did die, the hell I would surely be sent to could not possibly be any worse than the bottomless pool of excrement I already paddle around in like some demented, shit-covered walrus.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I live in constant terror and that terror informs my every word, thought, and action. What I should really do is just commit suicide. But what can I say?