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The Elian Script. Introduction The configuration of the Elian script consists of a formal structure (Part I,) and three basic structural principles Part II). Part I Formal Structure The formal basis of the Elian script is derived from positioning the 26 letters of the English alphabet within a nine-square grid. The letters of the alphabet are placed successively, starting at the bottom left corner of the grid at Box 1 with the letter "A", upward to Box 3, down to Box 4, up to Box 6 then down to Box 7, ending at the top right corner at Box 9.

Each box of the grid has a specific linear configuration. If the alphabet only had nine letters, the form of each box could stand for a single letter. Fitting the 26 letters of the English alphabet within the nine-box grid results in assigning three letters to each box (as in a telephone grid), except for Box 9, with only two.

The different letters within each box can be indicated by changing the length of the boxe's lines. Box 1 Part I ­ Table 1 - First cycle letters . To kolejny wpis z serii „O tym, jak…”. Tym razem chciałbym przedstawić wam moją historię z firmą Read more … Czasem przychodzi potrzeba zastąpienia jakiegoś framgentu pliku tekstowego innym wyrażeniem. Z pomocą przychodzi konsolowy program sed. Funkcje wywołujemy komendą: Gdzie: etch – tekst do wyszukania lenny – tekst do zastąpienia wyszukanym słowym kluczowym /etc/apt/sources.list – plik, na którym mają być wykonywane zmiany.

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