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The Pre-Beatles, 1958. Post Comment. В честь своего 20-летия журнал Empire организовал монументальных масштабов фотосессию. попросил знаменитых актеров заново "вжиться" в свои легендарные роли. получилось круто.

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Мел Гибсон/Храброе сердце for my english-speaking friends: this is a photo shoot the Empire magazine organised for their 20th anniversary. "From South Africa (Clint Eastwood) to Santa Monica (Governor Schwarzenegger) to Jack Nicholson's house (um, Jack Nicholson), Empire trotted the globe to deliver you 27 of the planet's biggest stars, recreating iconic performances from two decades in film, for a unique 20th birthday celebration. " Photographs by Bradley Patrick, Sara Dunn, Keith Bernstein, Adrian Green and Robert Gallagher. ( Энтони Хопкинс, Арнольд Шварценеггер, Мэт Дэймон, Саймон Пегг и Шон Фрост, Клинт Иствуд и Морган Фриман, Кристиан Бэйл, Том Круз, Джек Николсон, Джерард Батлер и еще много когоCollapse )

21645. Little Dragon pictures. If we don't, remember me. Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs. Here at theMET, we're always looking for creative projects that catch our eye.

Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs

More than anything, we love posting about work that pushes boundaries, showing our audience something that has been changed, flipped or spinned into something magically different. Then, we see it as our job to find out the story behind such projects. What inspired the artist or photographer to start down that path? What do they hope others get out of their work? A few days ago, when Met member Mark Huckabee put up a post called Astounding Animated Gifs, we knew we had to dig deeper. Before we go into that more, enjoy these lovely cinemagraphs that they sent directly to us. What's been the response like, so far, on your animated gifs? Which of them is your favorite piece and why? What do you hope others get out of these works? Which gif has been the most popular and why do you think that is? Were you inspired by other gifs or anyone else before you started this more artistic ones? From Me to You website.

A Gentleman's Style Cheat Sheet presented by Harrison Fjord. ?Harry Potter? Stars Learn To Speak ?American?: Must-Watch Video! ? MTV Movies Blog. The national language of America is technically called English, stemming from the fact that the United States' first colonial settlers and our governmental forefathers were, you know, from England.

?Harry Potter? Stars Learn To Speak ?American?: Must-Watch Video! ? MTV Movies Blog

But, as "Harry Potter" stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Tom Felton learned when they sat down with MTV News for a very special edition (OK, the only edition) of "American Talk With Josh Horowitz," there's a HUGE difference between proper English and what we speak -- and how we speak it -- in the States. Dan, Emma, Rupert and Tom gamely took their best crack at employing an American accent to utter some quintessential Yank names, phrases and put-downs, including one of a certain other popular franchise. So how'd the "Potter" kids do? Let's just say that if they had to defeat Voldemort with the strength of their American accents alone, the Dark Lord would currently be kicking back with a nice 30-year-old Scotch, celebrating his domination of the world.
