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Redes virtuales de Ageleo Justiniano

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Reportes Ambientales (@ageleo2) Ageleo Justiniano T (@ageleo1) Scientix-3-Teacher-Panel. Scientix Ambassadors 2016-2019 The following people have been selected as Scientix Ambassadors and members of the teachers' panel from 2016 to 2019.


Scientix Ambassadors help share Scientix activities at national level and play an active role in supporting innovation in STEM education in their countries. Their work is essential for expanding and consolidating a community whose core values reside in sharing of good classroom practice, especially in the area of STEM, and making sure that students are equipped with the skills needed to become successful adults. Fundación Ceibal. Ageleo Justiniano Tucto « Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones (RIIR) Ageleo Justiniano Tucto. Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos. Réseau professionnel. Internet en el Aula - Red social docente para una educación del siglo XXI. ResearchGate.

Ageleo Justiniano Tucto. RedDOLAC - Red de Docentes de América Latina y del Caribe - - "Nadie enseña a nadie, con humildad para aprender, tod@s aprendemos de tod@s" Página de Ageleo Justiniano Tucto - Red Robótica Latinoamericana. Fundación Telefónica - Educación, Innovación y Colaboración con las TIC.