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4rbs. 2investigate 1. Proxy. Wifi. Snifer. Hiddem. 2read 2. 2investigate 2. Do-it-yourself Internet anonymity. High performance access to file storage Along with the recent government hysteria over terrorists, we've seen legislative measures and 'emergency powers' inviting law-enforcement agencies worldwide to conduct Internet surveillance on an unprecedented scale.

Do-it-yourself Internet anonymity

But because the state-of-the-art of electronic dragnets makes it difficult if not impossible to exclude the comings and goings of innocent citizens, we thought this a good time to run down the basic techniques for ordinary, law-abiding folk to come and go anonymously on the Net, and keep their private business private. How do you make a truly anonymous post to a newsgroup or a BBS? How do you keep the Web sites you visit a secret? How do you send e-mail and ensure that its contents can't be read by someone who intercepts it? We'll invoke our foil, Windows addict Harry Homeowner, and lay it out in terms the average user can profit from, though with hopes that even you power users might learn a thing or two in the process. Proxies Crypto. For Anything: proxmarkii. This device is obsolete; my proxmark3 replaces it completely.

For Anything: proxmarkii

I will leave the description, but it is of only historical interest. My initial prox card `cloner' did the job, but it was not very general. Because I use analog circuitry to demodulate the signal from the antenna, the hardware is capable of dealing with only a single modulation scheme—BPSK, with the modulating frequency and bit times that I chose to work with the Flexpass cards. How to hide files in JPG's. How To Become A Hacker. Copyright © 2001 Eric S.

How To Become A Hacker

Raymond As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a wizardly hacker? ". Back in 1996 I noticed that there didn't seem to be any other FAQs or web documents that addressed this vital question, so I started this one. Technology Explained: Open Router Ports & Their Security Implications. An open router port is the term used to refer to a virtual door allowing specific data in or out of your router.

Technology Explained: Open Router Ports & Their Security Implications

One example of a port is the most popular port 80. Port 80 is used for HTTP or Web traffic. If port 80 is closed outbound for your computer, then you would not be able to get to the Internet. Think of a port as a door. And the door has rules that let people through one way, both ways or prohibits them from passing through. How I Stole Someone's Identity. As a professor, a software developer and an author I've spent a career in software security.

How I Stole Someone's Identity

I decided to conduct an experiment to see how vulnerable people's accounts are to mining the Web for information. I asked some of my acquaintances, people I know only casually, if with their permission and under their supervision I could break into their online banking accounts. After a few uncomfortable pauses, some agreed. The goal was simple: get into their online banking account by using information about them, their hobbies, their families and their lives freely available online. To be clear, this isn't hacking or exploiting vulnerabilities, instead it's mining the Internet for nuggets of personal data. RU Botted - Watches your System for bot-related Activities. It is becoming increasingly clear that at the current rate of growth in malware in circulation and under development, computer operating systems and applications will continue to be compromised at an ever increasing rate.

RU Botted - Watches your System for bot-related Activities

According to Panda Labs, Panda Security’s laboratory for detecting and analyzing malware, every single day in 2007, it received and analyzed more than 3,000 new strains of malware, an increase of 800% over 2006 . Malware epidemic anyone? Of particular concern is the installation of malware based on social engineering, which seems poised for a major increase in activity; an opportunity created with the boost in user participation on MySpace, FaceBook, and other social networking sites. More and more, cyber crooks are using malware to infect computers with the objective of turning the infected machines into zombies, which working together with other infected machines, operate as a powerful networked computer system. Windows: Find Out If Your Computer Is Secretly Connecting to the Web - Lifehacker.

Security-Ops. Checklist: 11 things to do after a hack. How-To: Cracking Passwords Techniques. Good and Bad Passwords How-To Password Cracking Goals, Techniques, Relative Merits, and Times Historically, password crackers were most interested in root or administrative account passwords when they cracked passwords.

How-To: Cracking Passwords Techniques

With the movement of organizied crime, into the realm of computer and password cracking, mostly working out of Eastern Europe, and mostly targeting financial and e-commerce web sites, any accounts and sensitive customer information would likely be of interest. The methods used to gain unauthorized access to systems is beyond the scope of this discussion. The tools and methods for cracking passwords are the same regardless of who is using them. Goals of the Cracker The goal of crackers has been to obtain the root account password on UNIX systems and administrator accounts on Windows systems.

With the movement of organized crime into these activities the targets are likely to shift. Cracking Tool's Feature List The alternative to brute force is a dictionary attack.