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Udfs. Access. Status. Anagrams.. _Kurt, on Feb 28 2007, 05:40 AM, said: Okay. Any suggestions? (might aswell ask the question while this topic is alive )Kurt this is so stupid but i have 2 ask... plz help.there's this algorithm abt which i got confused. lets take 4 letters 'okob' [anagram for 'book']: --------------o--k--o--b -------------|_||_||_||_| --------------|---|--|---| -------------[1][2][3][4] The [] bracketed numbers are array positions for the letters.

The resulting transposition will look like: The Letter In Array Element -------------Will Be Swapped To Array Element -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------[4]---------------------------------------------[1] -------------[1]---------------------------------------------[2] -------------[2]---------------------------------------------[3] -------------[3]---------------------------------------------[4] The resulting text is: "boko" can anyone help me out about it?

Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements. _SpellCheck UDF. Powerful HTTP Server in Pure AutoIt. Manadar, on Apr 16 2008, 04:43 AM, said: Thanks, Will66. Your post proves you have a good insight on what to do with this, and I completely agree with you. You're completely right! This web server should be all about providing a base for people to build applications off, and that is what I am using it for too. Making a browser-based remote control for your PC is extremely easy with this.A future feature I have in mind is to release a version that uses "AuCGI", it basically means you can use <? Au3 ? > tags inside your HTML. Hi Manadar, using the web server in this way eliminates the need for AuCGI at all, in my view all files would reside inside the executable in the form of a function, for example, if the server requests index.html?

Func index($query="") $html = "<h1>Welcome " & $query & "</h1>" Return $html EndFunc Here's a rather crude unfinished example based on DtTvB's/picasso's server. Search Results. <div class='message error'><strong>Javascript Disabled Detected</strong><p>You currently have javascript disabled. Several functions may not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.

</p></div><br /> Toggle General General Toggle AutoIt v3 AutoIt v3 Help the website! 1,112,574 Total Posts 58,215 Total Members289491 Spammers Blocked Gimerly Newest Member 4,882 Most Online 617 users are online (in the past 60 minutes) 18 members, 596 guests, 3 anonymous users (See full list) Yahoo, Google, Bing, revolt048, AdamUL, AccountKiller, Ndrom, snowin, Gimerly, AutoIt, grimmlock, luckyluke, iahngy, lgvlgv, MrCreatoR, techbard, skippynz, Werty, libreau3, ashishpu, TranMinhDuc, RichardL.

Web site monitor. AutoMonIt - a way to monitor your own script. Process watcher. Record and Playback. Where I work, we use another automation software to record and playback our internet session (since our software we design is internet based). We pay an outrageous sum each and every year for the licences to this software, which may or may not be worth it to my company (Thats not up to me.) Anyway, After finding out about Autoit and finally sitting down to look at it, I began creating scripts to facilitate my *Manual Testing* of our app, by creating scripts that would manipulate the com objects and ... well ... speed up my testing.

This was cumbersome and time consuming to try and figure out what the name of each object was, and write out the code to manipulate the objects, go to the next page and so forth. Any way, I decided enough was enough and so I put together this script which would record my manual entry of data into our Internet Application and write out the code for me. The script I have attached works for what I need to use it to do (99%) of the time (See my signature). Enjoy, VNC-Logger. Posted 09 October 2009 - 01:00 PM This script can log all incoming and outgoing VNC-connections. Ctrl+Alt+F10 to close Ctrl+Shift+F10 to show connected IP in a tooltip. Have fun! AutoIt #include <WindowsConstants.au3>#include <Constants.au3>#Include <Array.au3>#Include <Misc.au3>#Include <File.au3>#include <iNet.au3>Opt('TrayMenuMode',1)Opt('GUIEventOptions',1)Global$title='VNC-Logger V2.0',$x=200,$y=25,$aSave,$sPC,$Visible=False_Singleton($title)IfNotFileExists(@ScriptDir&'\VNC-Logs')ThenDirCreate(@ScriptDir&'\VNC-Logs')HotKeySet('^!

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. Back to top. Eventlogs - AutoItEventMsg.dll. ChrisL, on Jun 12 2008, 12:33 PM, said: If you create an application and you want to use the event log you can include this dll, then when the eventlog entry is created it knows to look at the dll for the error codess I specified plus your string of data. Then you don't get the long message about event viewer could not locate the dll yada yada yada First off great work, its just what I needed... I do have 2 questions. 1. I modified my exe to read from $CmdLineRaw - One of the first things I do right after I copy the logger is run a command like: call c:\scripts\eventlogger.exe tools install started The problem is that it seems that because the current directory path is on the key at run time of kickoff.bat I have to change my current directory from the key to c:\scripts and then call the logger or nothing will be written to the event log.

Can you or anyone explain why the current dir needs to be changed for the event to fire correctly? 2. Thanks. FileSystemMonitor UDF. This is a UDF that allows users to monitor the file system, using a combination of two internal Windows API Functions:ReadDirectoryChangesW; andSHChangeNotifyRegisterThe purpose of this UDF is to record all file system events occurring within a given path. AutoIt3 3.2 or higherLIST OF FUNCTIONS: Quote _FileSysMonSetup($monitor_type = 3, $dir_monitor_path = "C:\", $shell_monitor_path = "") _FileSysMonSetDirMonPath($dir_monitor_path = "C:\") _FileSysMonSetShellMonPath($dir_monitor_path = "") _FileSysMonDirEventHandler() _FileSysMonShellEventHandler() The following example is of a GUI that dynamically updates when files, folders and drives change within the file system (outside of the GUI).

The "Drives" list automatically updates when new drives are connected to the computer, and when existing drives are disconnected. When the "Directory Listing" is automatically updated with additions or changes, the list is automatically scrolled to that change. Latest Version - v0.4 (02/05/10) Software License Key and Keygen. Chris, Nice work, your average user won't get this, but it's not something I would use for industry programs. I've seen a keygen lately, I liked, and thought I'd share it with someone, in case they wanted to write the plugin for it. Your CPU id is pretty hard to change, and for me, would be the best solution. First, because it's not that often that people replace their CPU, and second, because any other piece of hardware can be removed or replaced that could really help with identifying for purposes of creating a key, which would make it obvious what you had done. Anyway, on to describe this keyben security program.

It gets the CPU ID, and uses 4 different encryption codes. Rapidshare upload script. Well well consider this a little bump what i got so far(ain't much): #include <HTTP.au3> #include <Array.au3> $socket1 = _HTTPConnect("") _HTTPGet("", "/cgi-bin/rsapi.cgi? Sub=nextuploadserver_v1", $socket1) $data = _HTTPRead($socket1, 1) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "", @error) EndIf _ArrayDisplay($data) gives us: but we need the header information(atleast i think so). quick change: depending on your browser and whatnot you get different shit back, like: [0]|P3P|CP="ALL DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa TAIa PSAa PSDa IVAa IVDa CONa TELa OUR STP UNI NAV STA PRE" [1]|Date|Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:05:28 GMT [2]|Connection|close [3]|Accept-Ranges|bytes [4]|Content-Type|text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 [5]|Cache-Control|no-cache [6]|Content-Length|2 firefox with "live http headers" gives us something like this: Plain Text well its not the same and we miss quite a bit of information necessary to us: -the host(?)

Showing: TrashBin Mini File Host - I&#039;ll host your trash. USB drive Monitor Example. Computer Info UDF&#039;s. When I first visit a new client, I take inventory of their machines, what is on them, stats, and other useful information. Up till now I would either write the information down, or just try to remember it myself.

Then I decided why not write a script that would allow me to gather all this useful information, and put it in a format that I can understand and possibly print. I created that program (its even listed in this thread). I then expounded on my ideas, and have created this great Computer Information Library. Feel free to use it as you see fit, but please credit when you use one of my functions. Keywords: CompInfo, CompInfo.au3, Library, Computer, Computers, Info, Information, WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation Requires: AutoIt v3.2 + or AutoIt Beta v3.2.1.2+ I have finally created an include file with the above listed UDF's.

Include File: CompInfo.au3 119.35KB 20055 downloads | 1671 Previous Downloads (Total) Example File: I have listed special thanks in the include file. Thanks,JS. Secure you pc. Calling my functions will use a bit of processor. I dont believe it should be a consistant value, but it may be since you are constantly calling it. You may condider adding an option to check every 1-10 minutes versus checking all the time. That way your program would have a moment to sleep unless the user explicitly wants it not to. I also noticed you had a bit of code in your _processes() function that looked like this... If@error=1ThenElse;You did something hereEndIfƒo݊÷ Ù8^­æ«y§(º™^¡ûaŠx,¶­r‹¥u·Ÿ‹Š{ajÛ-jצz{EŠ»-ŠÇ(š–«Šx-…ç«®Ší¢Ø^ÔƲmèˆ}ê뢴ázâ‹¥u·›zÛ^­«Ÿ)èŸ7«¢{¦mêâ±Ê'²'^­çm®ç“†+0¢é]jYhÃ*. Edit01: I wanted to thank you for posting a link to my UDF's. I hope this helps you in your AutoIt Experience, JS. The Tip Watcher. Executing raw machine code. (I was told that those three letters representing another scripting language are forbidden in this Forum.

It looks like not to be true... Well, some people just seem to want artificial hostility.) The machine code functions I developed behave exactly like the ones in a Windows dll, like user32.dll, ntdll.dll, msvcrt80.dll, etc. They take parameters from the stack and return a value or a pointer in the eax CPU register. If you succeed calling system functions from these dll's, you can run machine code functions via a dll call to CallWindowProc, which in turn will run the machine code provided in a binary buffer. There are two common calling conventions, standard calls (when the called function cleans the stack) represented in RTL functions in ntdll, or CDECL, when the caller does this, represented in the C runtime library functions in msvcrt80.dll.

There are two tasks: - store the machine code in a buffer - execute it via a dll call to CallWindowProc. Create a control panel from a directory. USBDriveSetEnv. I'm using a USB Key Menu utility called PStart which is set up as the USB Key's Autorun. Among other features, you can set up programs to run when PStart starts or exits, and it maintains its own environment variable %pdrive% (not available to other programs) which is the drive letter PStart is currently running on. I developed the following script so that I could set up two PStart menu items - one to execute when PStart runs, and one to execute when PStart exits - that creates or deletes an environment variable USBDrive and sets it to the %pdrive%.

AutoIt #NoTrayIcon#RequireAdmin#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****#AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=AutoIt_HighColor.ico#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=Y#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=USB Drive Set Environment (CUI)#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Sets the Environment Variable USBDrive to paramater passed to it. Yet Another... Sudoku Game. Update Feb 8th, Version 1.0.1! Well, I have not had the time I wanted to work on this, but I wanted to post progress that has been made thus far. jpm provided massive improvements to the GUI, so props to him, and this version is basically what he has added thus far. I still plan to work on this project, but the _SplitMon is a bit higher priority for me right now, so please be patient I have some ideas for solving algorithms and I'd like to clean up some of the code, but it's going to be a bit before I can really focus on this one.

Current Features/Details Load/Save Functionality now exists! EDIT: I have found some excellent open source sudoku solving algorithms (at that I'd like to implement into AutoIt. Post here/PM me if interested. UPDATE 4/27/07: This project is on hold until I hear of more interest or if I get more interested. (over 300 downloads previously) RuneScape Auto-Miner. Compiled version here (.exe): RuneScape AutominerDownload this version if you do not have or want AutoIt installed.

Just check it out, you know how it works. This has been tested for over 2 months of mining, no bans or warnings whatsoever (Just a few broken pickaxes because i was sleeping on the couch). However, I am not encouraging you to break Rule 7. I have merely written this Auto-Miner for my own personal study, and I now am providing a oppurtunity for you to learn as well.

(I have to say though, i have also built this to laugh at Jagex in the face because their macroing detection system is shit. )Also, If you do not feel comfortable using a Auto-Miner from past experiences. Right Click the color part to get a big menu with options.This is for the game: RuneScape Edit (Readme): I have been getting a lot of PM's asking me if I will create more macro's/miners for RS, So far, I've told everyone I'm not going to make anything for RS anymore. Attached Files 4.58KB 30632 downloads. The GateWay Watcher(detect speeofing) MD5 Rainbow Table. Admin File Management. More protection for your applications. (updated) E-Mail checker. Coding Horror.