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THE OP-NAT EYE: Branstad For Governor: Iowa's Terry Branstad Tough On Crime If It Doesn't Involve His Family. By Brian A. Wilkins 6/7/2010 Branstad's son, Eric, killed two people following a car "accident" in 1991. Iowa GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Terry Branstad This article must be prefaced with the fact that, as an Iowan born and raised, and in my 30s now, I grew up only knowing one governor, and that is Republican Terry Branstad, who served as the state's chief executive from 1983-1999. It was Sunday afternoon, August 18, 1991, when Eric Branstad, Terry's then-16-year-old son, was driving to a friends house he was staying with near Granger, IA, while the governor and the rest of the family were in Seattle for a National Governors Association meeting.

A van driven by Mr. The people of Iowa were subsequently made to believe that alcohol was not involved and that Branstad was sober, but this is just hard to believe when the 16-year-old who only had his license for a little over a month, almost hit three cars before killing the Des Moines couple. A firestorm would ensue for the next few months. Next to #PublicWorks in #CedarRapids Iowa. New Hampshire House Passes Fetal Homicide Bill. Meet the Mainstream Press Who Decides All with Former ABC Correspondent Greg Hunter 1/3. Full Iowa Democratic caucus results now available.

Rick Santorum on the Freedom to Impose Your Values. Share photos on Twitter. Ron Paul Talks About the Occupy Wall Street Protests and the "militarization of our police force" On Friday, after Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) concluded a town hall-style meeting at an old folks' home in Concord, New Hampshire, I asked him what he made of the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests, which have included a noticeable contingency of Paul supporters. On Thursday night, for example, a group of young men assembled at Liberty Plaza in Lower Manhattan were wielding anti-Federal Reserve placards and promoting Paul's presidential campaign.

"If they were demonstrating peacefully," Paul told me, "and making a point, and arguing our case, and drawing attention to the Fed–I would say, good! " I asked Paul if he was aware of the much-publicized incident from last weekend in which Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, a high-ranking official in the New York Police Department, was captured on video pepper-spraying nonviolent protesters without provocation. "I hadn't heard that, since I have to admit I didn't keep up on all the details of it," Paul said, sounding concerned. The Black Eyed Peas Ft Ron Paul - Where Is The Love? Poll: Iowa didn’t change many N.H. minds. (CNN) – The Iowa caucus results appear to have changed few minds in New Hampshire, at least among likely GOP primary voters who watched the caucus results tonight, according to a new survey.

But a CNN/ORC International Poll also indicates that former Sen. Rick Santorum gained a small amount of support among Iowa caucus-watchers, moving from 5% to 10% among that group. See full results (pdf) - Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker According to the poll, support for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas and former Utah Gov. and former ambassador to China Jon Huntsman among likely Republican primary voters in the Granite State who watched the Iowa results were all unchanged. The survey indicates that 47% support Romney, unchanged from late December; 17% backed Paul, also unchanged from last week; and Huntsman's support remained steady at 13%.

This poll does not and cannot reflect the views of all New Hampshire likely voters. Also see: Gingrich: Romney is lying. Share photos on Twitter. CREW Releases Second Annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress Report. September 20, 2006 Congress, Corruption, Most Corrupt, Press Releases, House Members, Alan Mollohan, Charles Taylor, Curt Weldon, Gary Miller, Jerry Lewis, John Doolittle, John Sweeney, Katherine Harris, Ken Calvert, Marilyn Musgrave, Maxine Waters, Pete Sessions, Richard Pombo, Rick Renzi, Roy Blunt, Tom Feeney, William Jefferson, Senate Members, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, William Frist PLEASE NOTE: This is our 2006 Most Corrupt report.

For our most recent report on the Most Corrupt Members of Congress visit: Washington, DC – Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released its second annual report on the most corrupt members of Congress entitled Beyond DeLay: The 20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and five to watch). This encyclopedic report on corruption in the 109th Congress documents the egregious, unethical and possibly illegal activities of the most tainted members of Congress.

Members of the House: Five Members to Watch: The front page of the internet. 5JRnK. Broadcast Yourself. Dedication #RonPaul sign bomb #Iowa. #RonPaul #Crowd #CedarRapidsIowa #Iacaucus #gopshouldsupporth. #RonPaul #signbomb in the freezing cold #loyal #Iowa. Looked like #RonPaul looked right at me lol #IAcaucus #consti. #RonPaul #Iowa #2012 #canbeatobama. #RandPaul #cedarRapidsIowa #iowa #iacaucus #liberty #FuckNDAA. Shout out to all my #RonPaul friends! Keep up the great work! Share photos on Twitter.

#RonPaul for #Iowa WeWantToBFreeInOurLifeTime. 40,000 Laws Passed In The U.S. In 2011. #RonPaul loved by all generations in #iowa. What happens if Ron Paul wins Iowa? - Political Hotsheet. Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, campaigns during an event honoring veterans at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011. AP Photo/Charles Dharapak PERRY, IOWA - Don't be fooled by the fact that Iowa is landlocked: Ron Paul and his supporters in the Hawkeye State are on their own little island. You see it in the unblinking allegiance of Paul supporters like Kent Voth, who said before a Paul rally here Thursday that he wouldn't support the Republican presidential nominee if it isn't Ron Paul.

"He's the only politician I've heard in my adult life that I agree with 100 percent of his message," said Voth. You see it in the foreign policy rhetoric offered by the Texas lawmaker, who has come under heavy fire from his rivals over his isolationist views--which they call dangerous. Full coverage: Election 2012 And you see it the outlook of Paul's young supporters, many of whom had come to hear Paul speak with a parent in tow.

Ron Paul: Mitt Romney is a Serial Flip-Flopper & Part of the Status Quo. #Iowans4RonPaul. Page 6 Volume II Cedar Rapids Free Press *website being built. Page 5 Volume II Cedar Rapids Free Press *website being built. Page 4 Volume II Cedar Rapids Free Press *website being built. Page 3 Volume II Cedar Rapids Free Press *website being built. Page 2 volume II Cedar Rapids Free Press *website being built. Page 1 volume II Cedar Rapids Free Press *website being built. Bachmann Iowa Chair Ditches Her for Paul. Ron Paul Iowa 2012: PPP shows the Hawkeye State is a two-man race. OccupyDSM. Ron Paul Country. Watch the Vote 2012 - Iowa Caucus (READ DESCRIPTION) Why are Iowans Supporting Ron Paul? What do your friends in Iowa think about Ron Paul? : ronpaul. Ron-paul-wins-2011-fox-news-debate-poll-support-shown-on-map-across-USA.

Ron Paul passes Pizza Ranch test. How do you know your presidential campaign has legs in Iowa? For Ron Paul staffers, it came with the realization that the crowds the congressman now draws can no longer fit into the confines of a Pizza Ranch. “We can’t do a lot of the venues that the other candidates can,” Paul’s Iowa co-chairman David Fischer said Thursday. “The Pizza Ranches are out.” Paul held eight town hall meetings this week in eastern Iowa, each drawing crowds ranging from between 150 in Manchester to 800 in Bettendorf. None of the events were booked at any of the state’s 71 Pizza Ranch restaurants—sites which routinely play host to other GOP candidates. “The crowds have just been incredible,” Fischer said. The libertarian-leaning politician has also seen his base of supporters increase over the past month, Fischer added Polls now paint Paul as a front-runner, with Wednesday’s Iowa State University/Gazette/KCRG poll showing the 76-year-old leading in Iowa.

Recommended Photos. Chris Matthew Talks Ron Paul on Hardball with Iowa Gov – Dec 22 2011. Protesters interrupt Gingrich press conference - Video on Rally for Ron Paul outside the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in LA, Feat. the band Golden State. A Ron Paul Iowa win would show showing up still matters. Todd Dorman Published: December 20 2011 | 8:16 am - Updated: 3 April 2014 | 9:09 am in If Iowa’s caucuses are still, truly, a unique milepost on the road to the presidency, and not simply a rustic soundstage for a long Fox News infomercial, then a Ron Paul win on Jan. 3 should really be no big surprise. I know there’s a lot of angst about that prospect. It's risen to the level of panic, according to Politico. Some Republicans worry that a Paul win damages the caucuses’ future relevance, and might even turn the race for the GOP nomination into a long, chaotic stagger.

Personally, I’m not exactly overjoyed with the rise of a candidate who seems to pine for the 50s, and by that, I mean the 1850s. Maybe you think taking a dull meat cleaver to the federal government and withdrawing from the world would solve all our problems. But win or lose, order or chaos, Paul has certainly campaigned far and wide in Iowa, before crowds big and small, over two caucus cycles. Mic Check on Newt GinGrinch. Iowacity.patch. The youth still have energy, and this time, it's all for Paul. Ron Paul called, and the students answered. More than 700 community members, mostly students, turned out to hear Paul speak tonight at the University of Northern Iowa Common's Slife Ballroom. Every chair in the room was claimed 30 minutes before the candidate was scheduled to appear.

Students stood along the walls and crowded into the back of the room. At least 50 couldn't fit into the ballroom and sat in the hallway outside, just listening to the Republican presidential hopeful's words. As the Texas Congressman entered - late, because organizers said they wanted to wait for the fire marshall's approval of the over-stuffed room - the crowd rose to its feet with a roar of applause and cheers. "It looks to me like the revolution has arrived," Paul said as the students cheered. The energy of the event was palpable. "I was always a Democrat. That doesn't mean he's going straight conservative. "It's kind of a magical thing. #Americanwithoutpapers at #Romney speech in #CedarRapidsIowa. Who won the 12/10/2011 ABC News GOP debate in Iowa?

The Ticket | News Blog. Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel agrees with Ron Paul. Private Contractors To Replace Many Of The Troops Being Pulled Out Of Iraq. Iowa Presidential Debate. #.TuPVQXGMDF4. Why Ron Paul Will Win Iowa. Mic Check from the Local Media. Newt Gingrich - Occupy Wall Street. Ron Paul on War. Iowa caucus-goers are paying attention to Ron Paul, even if the media won't. AP File PhotoRep. Ron Paul: Running in the top two in Iowa. Check this poll of likely Iowa caucus attendees. The results amount to a statistical dead heat, but in pure numbers only Herman Cain is ahead of Ron Paul. And Cain's support is noticeably soft. Paul, by comparison, has the most committed supporters in a caucus process in which commitment is the most important value. Regardless of who wins the caucuses, Paul will be a major factor. And then there's the fact that only Paul has a realistic concept of how the U.S. should conduct foreign policy.

In that South Carolina debate, Ron Paul, the one person there proven right on Iraq, was given less than 90 seconds to speak.Under the Constitution, said Paul, no president has the right to launch an unprovoked attack on Iran without congressional authorization.Before America goes to war with Iran, let Congress, whose members are forever expressing their love for the Constitution, follow it, and vote on war with Iran. How to more effectively watch police at occupy... - Impolite Conversation. T_Bombers: #Iowa loves Ron Paul! http... OccupyDSM. Occupy Iowa City Sunday October 9, 2011. Group Search. Ron Paul answers question about Obamacare. Galerie de Gage Skidmore. Mainstream Media Failure. Ron Paul's second tv ad and Iowa campaign roundup.

Like his first television commercial, Paul's new ad is filmed in the style of a movie preview. "The One" will air in Iowa and New Hampshire: My annotated transcript: [Ad begins with white all-caps lettering on green background, as in a movie preview: THE FOLLOWING PREVIEW HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR ALL AUDIENCES BY RESTORE AMERICA NOW Restore America Now After a few seconds the image changes to a sunrise behind the Statue of Liberty, with the words BALANCED BUDGET PRODUCTIONS IN ASSOCIATION WITH RON PAUL] Male voice-over, in style of movie preview: It's the story of a lost city, lost opportunity, lost hope.

[footage of Washington, DC at night; a vacant storefront, a sad woman looking out of a window with bars] A story of failed policies, failed leadership. This ad doesn't look as strong to me as Paul's "compromise or conviction" ad from last month (video and transcript here). I also have a problem with the ad visually. Mainstream media ignores Ron Paul. Senator Rand Paul introducing Ron Paul. #gop2012 #tcot #tlot. Great crowd for Ron Paul's speech at the #iowastrawpoll. Waiting for the straw poll results... #tcot #tlot #iowastrawp.

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Open Government Guide IA item.