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Facebook Twitter First of all, you need a instance of Ghost web client: from ghost import Ghost ghost = Ghost() Ghost provide a method that open web page the following way: page, resources ='


Editors. If you have anything to contribute -- e.g. configurations for editors, new editors, or opinion -- don't hesitate to edit or create pages.


There's an EditorConfigurationHowto available. Please keep wiki links as wiki links, use external links only if there is no existing page for the editor. Please add pages like BoaConstructor also to page IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments. Comolongo/Yz-Javascript-Django-Template-Compiler. Agiliq/Django-parsley. Sanokore/UI-Input-Validator. Dse 4.0.0-RC1. DSE - Simplified "bulk" insert/update/delete for Django.

dse 4.0.0-RC1

Version : 4.0.0 - Release Candidate #2Author : Thomas Weholt <>License : Modified BSD.Status : BetaUrl : DSE is available for one reason - to insert/update/delete lots of data -- as fast as possible.DSE vs Django ORM: typical speed gain is around 5x-10X for updates, 3X+ for inserts.DSE is aware of default values specified in your Django models and will use those if no value is given for a field in an insert statement.DSE caches SQL-statements, both inserts, updates and delete, and executes them when a specified number of statements has been prepared or when it`s told manually to flush cached statements to the database.

The actual sql execution is done using DB API cursor.executemany and this is much faster than executing SQL-statements in sequence and way faster than using the Django ORM.DSE uses a dictionary to specify what fields to work on. Richard Brockie made me aware of some problems with MySQL InnoDb. Overview — NetworkX.