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Macro lens

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Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle and Telephoto Phone Lenses. Will these lenses fit on my phone?

Fisheye, Macro, Wide Angle and Telephoto Phone Lenses

Yesiree! Our lenses are compatible with all iPhones, iPods, iPads, Androids ... basically any device that has a lens on it. If you can stick an adhesive ring on it, you can put a Photojojo lens on it. Stephen Gray Water Microscope No. 138. Turn the iPhone Camera Into a Macro Lens for Free Using a Water Drop. Want a free instant macro lens for your iPhone camera?

Turn the iPhone Camera Into a Macro Lens for Free Using a Water Drop

Carefully apply a tiny drop of water to the lens, flip the iPhone over, and voila, you can suddenly take extreme close ups of just about anything. I know that sounds a little weird, but it works, and the results are fairly impressive.