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The Art of Complex Problem Solving. Power Mapping. Two Projects / Bureau d'études & They Rule Bureau d'études (Université Tangente) The French idiom bureau d’études is understood in English as a technical research organization, engineering firm, or design consultant.

Power Mapping

Embracing this meaning, the Paris-based team Bureau d’études officially formed in 2000, but in the late nineties began producing cartogrammes (their signature graphic diagrammatic charts that illustrate vast networks existing between international government agencies, corporate and financial firms, and industries). With an astute understanding of contemporary cultural theory, these former studio-based artists also engage in research, publication, and political activism. Fastidiously mapping out the terrain of veiled mechanisms that steer international politics and the world market, and that ultimately control global society, this collective makes the invisible visible. Cartography of Excess / Brian Holmes EXHIBITION: DOWN TIME - Constructing Leisure GOLDEN NICA / They Rule ...


2. 1. Erasmus Mundus MACLANDS. FROM GORIZIA TO THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE - ARCHITECT ANTONIO LASCIAC. An important exibition the one that will take place in Gorizia at Palazzo Attems-Petzenstein from the 29th of September 2006 to the 4th of February 2007 about the architect Antonio Lasciac, that once again wanted to evidence the particular relation between architecture and photography that we can always find in the projects and collections by Museo Alinari.


The exibition “From Gorizia to the . Antonio Lasciac Architect. Pictures from Alinari Collections” is realized by Alinari in collaboration with Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Province of Gorizia and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia. Antonio Lasciac (1856-1946), architect and engineer, poet and musician, clever man often forgot who left an unforgettable sign of his works, an estate of architectural works not only in Gorizia but also in many capitals and cities of the East, mostly in . Sixty years after his death is growing a renewned interest around his work. Museums of the Palazzo Attems-Petzenstein, Piazza De Amicis, 2. 34 - Special funds for Egypt and Tunisia. 3 November 2011, No. 34/2011 Humboldt Foundation to strengthen its network and support democratic change in Egypt and Tunisia with funds from the Federal Foreign Office The Humboldt Foundation wishes to support democratic change in Egypt and Tunisia, and to this end is aiming to strengthen and expand its network of researchers in the two countries.

34 - Special funds for Egypt and Tunisia

The scientists and scholars are not only to serve as drivers of change at universities and research institutes, but also to support the creation of democratic structures in politics, society and academia. The Federal Foreign Office will make special funds available to the Humboldt Foundation for this purpose in 2012 and 2013. The Foundation also hopes to rapidly expand its network by adding excellent junior researchers who will be offered the opportunity to broaden their international networks through research stays in Germany. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. EMWELCOME - Application. Candidates interested in a mobility and the related scholarship must apply to the project’s calls for applications during the application period as described below.

EMWELCOME - Application

Applications must be submitted through the online application system provided on this website. Eligible applications are then evaluated and selected candidates are awarded the scholarships. The application procedure is fully described in the Call for Applications. This is the official document that applicants must follow in order to complete correctly their application. Before applying you are reccomended to: Read carefully the Call for applications Check which types of mobility you can apply for; Check which Target Group you belong to; Check the complete list of eligibility criteria according to your TG and type of mobility; Check the academic programmes available and their specific requirements; Now you are ready to apply!

All communications with applicants take place through e-mail.