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The Track Show. Marathons. How NOT to Dress for a Jog to the Post Office. Welcome back, {* welcomeName *}! {* loginWidget *} Welcome back! {* #signInForm *} {* signInEmailAddress *} {* currentPassword *} {* /signInForm *} Your account has been deactivated. Please confirm the information below before signing in. {* #socialRegistrationForm *} {* emailAddress *} {* displayName *} Runner's World Newsletters {* /socialRegistrationForm *} Please confirm the information below before signing in. {* #registrationForm *} {* emailAddress *} {* displayName *} {* newPassword *} {* newPasswordConfirm *} {* /registrationForm *} We have sent a confirmation email to {* emailAddressData *}.

We'll send you a link to create a new password. {* #forgotPasswordForm *} {* signInEmailAddress *} {* /forgotPasswordForm *} We've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. {| foundExistingAccountText |} {| current_emailAddress |}. {| moreInfoText |} {| rendered_existing_provider_photo |} {| existing_displayName |} {| existing_provider_emailAddress |} Validating. The RunKeeper Roadmap: Building A Successful Startup Through Community and Data. Boston-based health and fitness application RunKeeper made big news on Monday with $10 million in funding from a variety of venture capital companies.

RunKeeper needs no introduction: it was one of the first health apps in the Apple App Store, has six million users and growing and has a CEO in Jason Jacobs that is full of energy and enthusiasm in building his company and a community of fitness geeks. Fitness geeks may be the most appropriate term to use when describing RunKeeper and its staff. The startup is fundamentally a data driven company and service. It is also a grassroots community built upon users pushing each other to be healthier, happier people. RunKeeper may be the perfect example of how to build a lean startup through and app, grow it from the ground up and be successful. Community First, API Next To have a successful API, you have to have a robust, data-driven community. RunKeeper has never paid a cent for user acquisition. . $10 Million, Now What?

What is the roadmap? California Half Marathons. Weekly recipes: Pinole Waffles for Breakfast | dailymile community blog. How to Meditate While You Run. Achieving my goal weight. Four years ago my wife and I decided it was time for a change - a time to start to take charge of our lives and the way we ate and lived. We were both overweight and going nowhere healthy in the direction of our lives.

I was drinking more, eating more and more - the weight climbing as each day passed. I struggled with my weight ever since I stopped being an athlete in my early twenties. I was never taught much about food - except to eat as much as I could. To get as big and powerful as I could to knock peoples heads off in football. When the playing days were over I was left with the same appetite - but way less working out. This affected everything in my life - my relationships with family, friends and anyone that came into my life.

After years of struggle and just needing a change, my wife and I decided it was enough and we needed a change. But I still didn't have my head all the way on about my weight or how I saw food. Be strong even when adversity comes into your life. The Runner's Guide to Staying Motivated. Two miles into your five-miler, you’re ready to call it quits. You’re tired, hungry, or just plain sick of it. Or maybe you’re still staring at your running shoes—debating whether or not you should lace up in the first place. We’ve all been there. But the key to being a true “runner” isn’t winning a marathon—it’s channeling your inner athlete and battling your sluggish thoughts.

You think: I’ve been training a lot and I’m really tired.Do this: Lie down, close your eyes and slowly count to 60. You think: I’ll never make it up that hill! You think: I hate running. You think: I have a lot of work today—I should stop early. Transform Your Body! Tokyo runner makes 13-mile Apple logo for Jobs | Crave. Steve Jobs' resignation as CEO of Apple has prompted emotional words from consumers, tech leaders , and journalists alike. For some, however, words can only say so much. Media producer Joseph Tame showed his appreciation in a more visual way, using two iPhones (plus his legs) to map the equivalent of a digital heart for Steve Jobs.

Tame, a marathon runner from Tokyo, ran 13 miles in 2 hours, with a specific route in mind: the Apple logo. Using the Runkeeper app to track his path through the center of Toyko, Tame's iPhone automatically drew the Apple logo here. The route starts out near the Imperial Palace, goes through Roppongi, and weaves around Shinjuku to Kagurazaka. The "bite" in the apple curves around the Imperial Palace, which is the main residence of the emperor (and might be the most expensive square kilometer in the world).

Upon closer examination of Tame's running path, it appears he is running through buildings (we're assuming that's his tracing software's fault). Pack: How to Box Up Your Bike for Shipping - Bicycle Tutor Video. Learn how to safely package your bike in a cardboard box. 50% of the cost of the bicycle featured in this video was donated by JensonUSA. Today we’ll learn how to package your bike in a box for shipping. What You’ll Need For this job you’ll need a bike box. Your local bike shop should have one, but it’s a good idea to call ahead with the size of your bike. They should also have some extra fork and axle protectors.

You will also need: packing material such as cardboard, pipe insulation, bubble wrap etc., string or zip ties to fasten padding materials, 4, 5 and 6mm allen wrenches, a 15mm pedal wrench and a 15mm open end wrench if your bike has nutted axles. Tire Pressure First you’ll want to deflate your tires. Pedal Removal Now remove your pedals. Brakes If you have caliper brakes, disconnect your front brake cable and remove the front wheel. Front Quick Release If your wheels have quick release axles, remove the quick release skewer, and thread the end back on in order to keep it together. The Science of Barefoot Running. Introducing PRO | dailymile community blog. When Kelly and I started dailymile at his parents’ house in Wisconsin, we weren’t more than a couple guys having fun coding until the sun came up. When we reached the end of our coding marathon we found ourselves at an unexpected point. A starting line. Three years and 7,069,120 workouts later, my first (running) marathon among them, dailymile has come of age.

Boasting a community hailing from 192 countries, you, the dailymile community of athletes, have come together in a way we never could have imagined. As the website has grown, the demand for services has grown with it. Here’s what you get for $49.95 a year: We have big goals for dailymile and we need your help to take it to the next level. Dailymile will always be free. Whether you go PRO to support the development of dailymile, for the extra features, or decide it isn’t for you, we can’t thank you enough for making dailymile the best community for active people.

Ben and Kelly. Davis Moo-nlight Race 2011 | Race Information. Saturday night, July 14, 2012 Location: Held in South Davis, CA at the Kaiser Permanente facility in South Davis View Map Distances: 5K, 10K and Half-Marathon; Kid's Fun Run (held first) Registration: Register Online Link Here Download Entry Form The Half Marathon is sold out. All races will start and finish at the Kaiser Permanente facility in South Davis. Start times are as follows: 5:00 PM - Race Night Packet Pick Up and Late Registration Opens 6:15 PM - Kid's 1 Mile Fun Run Start 7:00 PM - 5K/10K Start 7:10 PM - Half Marathon Start 11:10 PM - Course Cut Off 11:30 PM - Festivities Conclude There will be three opportunities to pick up your bib number and t-shirt.

They are as follows: Friday, July 13th at Fleet Feet Davis, from 3:00 - 7:00 PM Saturday, July 14th at Fleet Feet Davis, from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Saturday, July 14th at Race Start/Finish (Kaiser), from 5:00 PM until race starts Other helpful Links and Info: 2011 Race Results 2010 Race Results (courtesy of Fleet Feet-Davis) Geoffrey Mutai wins the Boston Marathon in record time. The Runner Guy. KT TAPE | Instructions.