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Journalistes: hackez pour survivre! 3 Reasons Curation is Here to Stay. Perhaps you won't believe me since it's my job to spread the gospel of curation as the Chief Evangelist of Pearltrees, but I think curation is here to stay.

3 Reasons Curation is Here to Stay

These are the reasons why I believe this is the case. This year there has been a tremendous amount of buzz in Silicon Valley about curation. CEO Steven Rosenbaum recently published a book, Curation Nation that has sparked a tremendous amount of conversation on the topic. Likewise a post by Brian Solis has been retweeted thousands of times. Is Content Curation the New Community Builder? Content curation has drawn my interest.

Is Content Curation the New Community Builder?

I was at a tech conference last week and saw a couple of pretty cool applications for curating content. Setting a side the debate of right or wrong, these new content curation tools will make their mark. Content curation, which involves human filtering and organizing is much different than content aggregation. Content aggregation sites use algorithms to find and link to content. Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence? By Neicole Crepeau, Contributing {grow} Columnist Are you overlooking some of the most powerful influencers on the social web?

Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence?

Let’s find out. Traditionally, there has been a 1-9-90 rule when it come to creating and consuming content: There’s a new element in this equation, though: Content Curators — people who make a practice of finding content relevant to their friends and followers, and then sharing links to that content. I am making a distinction between a curator and an aggregator who pulls content from around the web, usually related to a specific topic, to display on websites generally to enhance search engine optimization. Quel outil de curation pour votre marque ? — Curiouser. Orchestr8 Adding Some Magic To Sentiment Analysis and Managing Semantic Output. One of the issues organizations confront when they take to semantically processing data is how to handle all the results of that work.

Orchestr8 Adding Some Magic To Sentiment Analysis and Managing Semantic Output

The output of extracting entities, tagging concepts, classifying page topics and parsing sentiment makes its way to a data store that can get pretty big, making for intense storage and analytics demands. Orchestr8’s NLP- and machine learning-based AlchemyAPI service, which just last week added sentiment analysis to its retinue, gives content providers, social media monitoring companies, and contextual advertising sectors the tools for all of the above that leads to those big data stores, and now it has in beta a solution for dealing with the demands that creates, too. “We process and store and give them the tools to find trends to go with that data,” says project engineer Shaun Roach. “That deals with everything the AlchemyAPI produces and storing that massive data and being able to quickly query that is a big technical challenge.”

Eclairages pour le 21e siècle : Google, le monde et moi. Le 9 mars avait lieu à la Bibliothèque publique d’information du Centre Pompidou, dans le cadre du cycle « Eclairage pour le 21e siècle », un débat sur Google, organisé en partenariat avec Place de la Toile, Chronique de la rentrée littéraire et

Eclairages pour le 21e siècle : Google, le monde et moi

Et si la valorisation des contenus passait par la re-matérialisation de l’expérience numérique? Exploring the 'Net and Star Trek with Pearltrees. Over the past few days, you may have noticed that we've embedded a new tool known as Pearltrees in certain articles on TG Daily.

Exploring the 'Net and Star Trek with Pearltrees

Future of News - Vertical News Environment. Future of News Portal Our traditional news media are in trouble.

Future of News - Vertical News Environment

Newspapers are losing advertising revenue, television is losing viewers to the Internet, and journalists are losing their jobs due to rampant cost-cutting. So what is the future of journalism? What are the winning online models? What role will bloggers and citizen reporters play? Hundreds of academics, journalists, business leaders and concerned citizens around the world are debating these issues. The Eqentia Future of News Portal is a neutral super-aggregator that collects, organizes and curates the complete set of conversations, thoughts and developments from the web (online, mainstream & social media) and key Twitter stakeholders. Registered users may opt to receive a customizable daily news digest covering the last 24 hours of published content. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Curator: Neil Sanderson Neil Sanderson Average # of articles per day: 40 Twitter: @thefutureofnews Key Links: Headlines View (Home Page)

DST’s Milner: Founders’ Exit Is Cue For Investors’ Exit - Venture Capital Dispatch. Curation Can Create A Snapshot Of Our Digital Lives. Posted by Tom Foremski - March 17, 2011 As our lives become increasingly digital curation tools can provide a good way to document our activities, capturing a snapshot of key events and moments.

Curation Can Create A Snapshot Of Our Digital Lives

For example, the South by South West Interactive conference that is winding down in Austin, Texas attracted a lot of people, sharing lots of ideas, conversations, product launches, and more. Take at look at MobyNow's real-time aggregation of all the social media at SXSW and you'll see what I mean, the masses of tweets, photos, etc. 9 content curation tools that better organise the web.

Content curation is a huge deal on the web today.

9 content curation tools that better organise the web.

As content on the web grows exponentially, our ability to make sense of it is inversely proportional. In other words, we are fast sinking under the sheer amount of content pouring onto the web every day. The social web hasn’t made life any easier on content production either – in fact its lowered the barrier to entry. According to Facebook, 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news blogs etc) are shared each month on the social network, with no sign of slowing.