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Beat the heat with these ten cool pools in NYC.


Food. Summer Bucket List: 17 Things You Have to Do in NYC This Summer. Anish Kapoor's giant whirlpool installed in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Artist Anish Kapoor's Descension – a giant pool of continuously spiralling water – has been unveiled in Brooklyn Bridge Park, marking the official launch of New York's annual NYCxDesign festival.

Anish Kapoor's giant whirlpool installed in Brooklyn Bridge Park

The piece is sited at Pier One of the narrow park, which occupies a post-industrial site that stretches 1.3 miles along Brooklyn's East River edge. Measuring 26 feet (eight metres) in diameter, the pool of water spins in a vortex that appears to collapse at its centre and descend into the ground. The artwork is surrounded by a railing, allowing viewers to peer down into the ominous whirlpool. In a recent interview with Dezeen – in which Kapoor called for artists to engage with issues such as nationalism and Donald Trump – the 63-year-old artist stated that Descension has an "obvious association" with American politics. "In New York at this moment, yes descension! " ESTA : ce qu'il faut absolument savoir sur le formulaire pour les Etats-Unis. Avant de se rendre aux États-Unis, il est obligatoire d'obtenir une autorisation de voyage : l'ESTA.

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