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Still on Facebook, but Finding Less to Like. Chris B. Murray FacebookTwitterGoogle+SaveE-mailSharePrint Just a few years ago, most of my online social activity revolved around Facebook. I was an active member of several Facebook groups, including one that helped me and others find apartments and sell used items. Another group was wonderful for organizing midnight movie screenings. But lately, my formerly hyperactive Facebook life has slowed to a crawl.

Is it just me, or is Facebook fading? The company has long denied that public interest in it may be waning — or that social upstarts may be luring away users. The comment confirmed what many of us had suspected but were never able to prove — that the service had become less appealing for at least some of its users. One explanation is that Facebook’s function may now be different from what it was in its earlier days. “It’s very clean and highly policed,” he said of that mainstream “mall.” Mr. But S. “It has an identity as a catchall, a repository across generations,” he said. Facebook will lose 80% of users by 2017, say Princeton researchers. Facebook has spread like an infectious disease but we are slowly becoming immune to its attractions, and the platform will be largely abandoned by 2017, say researchers at Princeton University (pdf).

Facebook will lose 80% of users by 2017, say Princeton researchers

The forecast of Facebook's impending doom was made by comparing the growth curve of epidemics to those of online social networks. Scientists argue that, like bubonic plague, Facebook will eventually die out. The social network, which celebrates its 10th birthday on 4 February, has survived longer than rivals such as Myspace and Bebo, but the Princeton forecast says it will lose 80% of its peak user base within the next three years. John Cannarella and Joshua Spechler, from the US university's mechanical and aerospace engineering department, have based their prediction on the number of times Facebook is typed into Google as a search term. The charts produced by the Google Trends service show Facebook searches peaked in December 2012 and have since begun to trail off. Facebook Is 'Dead and Buried' to Teens, and That's Just Fine for Facebook. Photo: Jon Snyder/WIRED Anthropologist Daniel Miller has been studying British teens, and he has a dire message for Facebook: The social network is “dead and buried” to Britain’s 16-to-18-year-olds because they’re “embarrassed even to be associated with it.”

Facebook Is 'Dead and Buried' to Teens, and That's Just Fine for Facebook

In a recent article for academic clearinghouse The Conversation, Miller shares preliminary findings from a 15-month ethnographic study of social media in eight countries, and explains that Facebook is “so uncool” to teens because their parents and other family members are using it to keep tabs on them. “You just can’t be young and free if you know your parents can access your every indiscretion,” Miller writes.

“Young people care about style and status in relation to their peers, and Facebook is simply not cool anymore.” Why I'm quitting Facebook. Douglas Rushkoff says a loss of control over how his "likes" are used has led him to drop Facebook.

Why I'm quitting Facebook

Douglas Rushkoff: Facebook has been very useful to him but now goes too far He says its Related Posts features misrepresents "likes" of users without their consentFacebook users have always been its workers, providing info about themselves to data minersRushkoff: Related Posts takes too much control, causes him to break trust with followers Editor's note: Editor's note: Douglas Rushkoff writes a regular column for He is a media theorist and the author of the upcoming book "Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now.

" (CNN) -- I used to be able to justify using Facebook as a cost of doing business. As a writer and sometime activist who needs to promote my books and articles and occasionally rally people to one cause or another, I found Facebook fast and convenient. An Autopsy of a Dead Social Network. Friendster is a social network that was founded in 2002, a year before Myspace and two years before Facebook.

An Autopsy of a Dead Social Network

Consequently, it is often thought of as the grand-daddy of social networks. At its peak, the network had well over 100 million users, many in south east Asia. Autopsie d'un réseau social : les raisons du déclin. It's Official: Teens Bored With Facebook. Facebook menacé par une concurrence plus "cool" Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Michaël Szadkowski Ringard, Facebook ?

Facebook menacé par une concurrence plus "cool"

C'est ce que redoutent les équipes du réseau social lancé par Mark Zuckerberg en 2004. Et c'est ce que semblent penser de nombreux adolescents américains, alors que des plateformes comme Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, et plus récemment Pheed, focalisent l'attention des analystes et des utilisateurs comme étant les nouveaux réseaux à la mode chez les moins de 25 ans. Facebook l'a récemment avoué en des termes feutrés, dans son rapport annuel d'activité 2012 publié début février : "Nous sommes conscients que nos utilisateurs, et en particulier les plus jeunes, ont un engagement moins fort sur notre site, et que cela profite à d'autres services et plateformes comme Instagram [racheté un milliard de dollars par Facebook en avril 2012]".