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Aram bartholl

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A.Bartholl - The Speed Book. Conception and design for Aram Bartholl's monography for Gestalten.

A.Bartholl - The Speed Book

Research: Parallel World, Google Speed Book in Slow Motion The title “The Speed Book” might not only refer to the exhibition format “Speed Show”, that was invented by Aram Bartholl and is carried out many many times worldwide, it also speaks for a fast & dynamic book, which was made within weeks. Aram bartholl republica 2015. «Portrait Google de Jean-Paul Sartre» Fais-le toi-même (7/8) - Résister. DOMENICO QUARANTA: Oh, When the Internet Breaks at Some Point. “Walked out this morning / Don’t believe what I saw / A hundred billion bottles / Washed up on the shore / Seems I’m not alone at being alone / A hundred billion castaways / Looking for a home” The Police, “Message in a Bottle”, 1979 Back in October 2010, German artist Aram Bartholl cemented 5 USB flash drives in various locations in New York, as part of an Eyebeam residency. [1] Referring to the way, in espionage, items are passed between two individuals using a secret location and without an actual meeting, he called the project Dead Drops.

DOMENICO QUARANTA: Oh, When the Internet Breaks at Some Point

The first five dead drops were empty, except for a small readme file explaining the project. 0,16 at SECRET. Aram Bartholl. Fire Up a Wifi Router Hidden Inside a Rock. Aram Bartholl, “Keepalive” (2015) at Springhornhof Neuenkirchen, comissioned by Center of Digital Cultures Leuphana University (all photos courtesy the artist) Unless you notice the little plaque marking it as art, you might easily miss Aram Bartholl‘s newest work, which debuts on Sunday and blends seamlessly into its surroundings in the wilderness of Germany.

Fire Up a Wifi Router Hidden Inside a Rock

“Keepalive” (2015) takes the form of a modified 1.5-ton boulder that lies in a forest clearing next to a small creek, on the grounds of the Springhornhof, a museum of site-specific outdoor sculpture. Unlike an actual rock, however, “Keepalive” houses a fire-powered wifi router that, once activated, connects users through their phones to a list of downloadable survival guides — transforming the boulder into a hard drive of stone. Permanently installed, the piece has a sturdy structure meant to stand the test of time. Dead Drop, le réseau P2P qui n’utilise pas Internet.

Un petit objet dépasse de la devanture d’une galerie d’art parisienne.

Dead Drop, le réseau P2P qui n’utilise pas Internet

En s’approchant, pas de doute : c’est une clé USB. Légèrement rouillée mais plutôt en bon état. Encastrée en bas de ce mur deux ans plus tôt par Aram Bartholl. Si son nom ne vous dit rien, c’est que vous n’avez jamais branché votre ordinateur sur une « Dead Drop », ces clés USB en libre service qui rappellent les cachettes pour espion. C’est en 2010 à New York que l’artiste allemand a lancé l’idée. Un réseau « hors réseau » Difficile de ne pas faire le lien avec les débats autour de la surveillance. Re:publica 2015 - Aram Bartholl: Online, Offline and all-over the city.

Dead Drops: what to do if you see a USB stick sticking out of a wall. I’ve always wanted to be a spy, but have never got over my inability to keep a secret, my wanton desire for attention and my half-hearted pacifism.

Dead Drops: what to do if you see a USB stick sticking out of a wall

But thanks to Dead Drops, an international community building “an anonymous, offline, peer-to-peer file-sharing network in public space”, I can at least live out my dream of putting on a long trenchcoat and sunglasses and swapping confidential information with strangers. In the early days of espionage, spies needed a way to exchange sensitive material in public without meeting: a system of “dead drops” was developed (distinct from a “live drop”, when spies met).

10 000 Gigas en pleine rue. Depuis 2010, un artiste allemand a créé une communauté pour défendre un projet d’échange de fichiers affranchi du grand méchant Web.

10 000 Gigas en pleine rue

Pour l’utiliser, il faut offrir une sortie à son ordi… Souvenez-vous, c’était au siècle dernier : les humains s’envoyaient des courriers et des cartes postales, et il fallait parfois attendre une semaine pour avoir des nouvelles d’un proche. Aram Bartholl. Babycastles NYC - GRIDR.

Hurt me plenty

The era ‘A’ at Aram Bartholl. In the summer of 2006 I built the first Google map pin physical representation and set it up temporarily in the backyard of my studio in Berlin Mitte.

The era ‘A’ at Aram Bartholl

It was six meter tall and made from a wooden frame mounted with red cloth showing the capital ‘A’. The year 2006 was an important year in my early artistic career. I made a lot of new works and had my first big group shows etc. As it turns out the piece ‘Map’ became one of my important and iconic works. Since 2006 this sculpture was shown worldwide in many different places, art shows and cities.

In 2005 Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen designed the map pin symbol for Google Maps which was launched later in the same year. I am very pleased to see this symbol, made for a web page on the Internet by Rasmussen a decade ago is now in the collection of the MoMA. Netzdatenwelt vs. Alltagslebensraum. 'Private Password' , 77 x 60 cm, lambda print, alu-dibond. acryl, ca. 12.000 LinkedIn passwords, at XPO Gallery, Paris "Retweet if you want more followers" solo, May - June 2013.

Netzdatenwelt vs. Alltagslebensraum

Your LinkedIn Password Is On Display in a Museum in Germany. If you've forgotten your LinkedIn password, you could always do the account reset thing.

Your LinkedIn Password Is On Display in a Museum in Germany

Or you could ask the artist Aram Bartholl to find it for you—there's a good chance he'll have it on file. If he does, he's likely in the process of putting it on public display in a museum in Europe somewhere. Earlier this year, it was London. Most recently, it was a university in Germany. Wherever it is, Bartholl is opening up his eight white, plainly printed binders full of the 4.7 million user passwords that were pilfered from the social network and made public by a hacker last year. "These eight volumes contain 4.7 million LinkedIn clear text user passwords printed in alphabetical order," the description of his project reads.

He's probably got mine. This is kind of Bartholl's point: we maintain a half-ignorant, mostly cavalier attitude towards things like social media profile security—we just assume hackers and stolen passwords won't effect us, and usually, they don't. Or maybe it has. Map at Kasseler Kunstverein, 'Hello World!' solo show, 2013. Dropping the Internet.

OFFLINE ART: Hardcore at Aram Bartholl. OFFLINE ART: Hardcore Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany August 30 – October 13 2013 Opening August 29, 7pm, rsvp on fb curated by Aram Bartholl ‘Hardcore’ features a selected group of artists representing a wide range of radical approaches contrasting the mainstream idea of the digital image and web culture.

OFFLINE ART: Hardcore at Aram Bartholl

Referring to subcultures in music during the 80s & 90s todays hardcore attitude can be found in various media and genres on the Internet. In the glossy controlled era of Facebook, Apple, and Google hardcore artists challenge conventions with radical points of view and hard core works. with: Constant Dullaart Deanna Havas Ei Jane Janet Lin Eva & Franco Mattes aka Evan Roth JODI Jon Cates Lorna Mills Jeremiah Johnson Penelope Umbrico Rosa Menkman Sakrowski aka curatingYouTube UBERMORGEN Vuk Ćosić. KasselerKunstVerein.


Aram bartholl. Open Internet Protest Signs. FREE Ai Weiwei – glasses !! Ai Weiwei – FUCK OFF – Bookmarklet. Say it like Ai Weiwei!! Make some noise !! Free Ai Weiwei !! Drag and drop the link below ↓ to your bookmarks tool bar above ↑ (tutorial below). Aram Bartholl. Un-cloud your files in cement! How to get your Art in the MoMA. 1. Visit the MoMA! (see also How to make your own MOMA artist pass) 2. See the show ‘Talk To Me‘ (July 24 – November 7 2011) 3. Hook up your notebook to one of the 5 Dead Drops and check out the art on there. 4. Stats! Robert has implemented some new features on in the last days. The submit process offers droptype and preview now. All thumbnail pictures in the DB are cropped to square and link to the full size original submitted pic. Nice! Upcoming is search and user logins, stay tuned guys! iCloud - 4GB sd-card balloon dead drop. Exhibitions - DVD Dead Drop. Compiled by Ole Fach & Kim Asendorf ( Fach & Asendorf Gallery debuted online in 2011 with these words: The Internet, it is everywhere.

It is here, it is there and it is where you actually are. It is so huge that nobody ever could print it. It is so deep that no one ever would dive to its end. Since then, Fach & Asendorf Gallery has served 24 online exhibitions of digital and net art to more than 28,000 unique visitors. Make a USB dead drop. Aram Bartholl. UPDATE: Awesome opening yesterday night!! Thx to everyone for showing up! ‘How To Vacuum Form’ at Aram Bartholl. Track byDanny Dive Thru I am very pleased to finally publish this new project I’ve been working on the last couple months (def. not a Speed Project ;) It was premiered last week at my solo show opening ‘Reply All’ at [DAM] Berlin. If you are in town drop by, check out the show and make your own mask!

FOR FREE!! ‘Reply All’ Solo show: Aram Bartholl, January 28 – 10th March 10 2012 [DAM] Berlin, Neue Jakobstr. 6/7, 10179 Berlin. Janet Cardiff – hyper real extended plus ultra at Aram Bartholl. Aram Bartholl