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Catherine Church


My Social SherpaPranking My Roommate With Eerily Targeted Facebook Ads. Science & tech. The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government and media are lying - » The Australian Independent Media Network. “The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government and media are lying” is a title that perfectly sums up the emphasis in this guest post by Glenn Murray.

The facts about ‘boat people’ – The government and media are lying - » The Australian Independent Media Network

This was first published on Glenn’s blog in October last year, but it is such a powerful exposé of the extent of the lies that we need to keep disseminating Glenn’s message. We would urge you all to share this widely. The lies can only be fully exposed if more people were aware of the truth. Who are ‘boat people’? ‘Boat people’ are asylum seekers who arrive by boat, without a valid visa or any other appropriate authorisation. Are ‘boat people’ doing something illegal? No. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” The terms, ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘illegals’, etc., are completely incorrect. The 2012 UNHCR Guidelines on Detention explain it in plain English: Is Australia obligated to help them?



Life hacks. The 30 Happiest Facts Of All Time. 1.

The 30 Happiest Facts Of All Time

Otters hold hands while sleeping so they don't float apart. 2. Norway once knighted a penguin. The penguin's full name is Colonel-in-Chief Sir Nils Olav. 3. 4. 5. And the voice of Mickey Mouse and the voice of Minnie Mouse got married in real life… The voice actor of SpongeBob and the voice actor of Plankton's computer wife are married in real life… Charlie and the waitress from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" are married in real life… And JD and Turk are actually best friends in real life. 6.

LifeHax. TedTalks, etc.


31 DIY Ways To Make Your Backyard Awesome This Summer. While you’re impatiently waiting for summer to just GET HERE already, start planning your outdoor space. 1.

31 DIY Ways To Make Your Backyard Awesome This Summer

Set up a movie theater. 2. Plant a bunch of these giant allium flowers. Top 24 Useful Tricks of iPhone and iPad Most People Don't Know. Although I purchased my iPhone several years ago, it took me a while to discover all of the useful tricks.

Top 24 Useful Tricks of iPhone and iPad Most People Don't Know

Check out the following 24 tricks for the iPhone and iPad that you may not know, and let me know which one blows your mind. 1. Tricks in Different Apps Dial an Extension Automatically with the Phone App The Phone Number Pause feature in iPhone allows you to tell your iPhone to pause after calling a number and then dial another number. Google Maps as a Free GPS While traveling abroad, you can use Google Maps as a free GPS without an international data plan. Stop Music with Clock You can stop music playback after a certain time. I Didn't Know My Cellphone Could Do All These Things. Did You?

Pop culture

Hackschooling. Jason, what's with the John Lennon quote?


It's a great quote, but unless someone has explicitly told you otherwise, it has nothing to do with Logan any more than it has to do with your story above; which might be fine less the need to somehow single out your obsession with John Lennon (who's great but your making big reaches; not a good sign). It's not really necessary to try and make a great link in the specific way you have, between a good historical quote and some necessity by Logan to somehow tell the audience; "Hey, everything I've done is from John Lennon. " It's not of course; maybe Logan hasn't listened to a Beatles song in his entire life. Maybe he has, but don't presume what you don't know and don't reach too far.

If you read-up, Logan re-wrote his entire talk he had worked on for some 60 days, just prior to this TEDx event because he wasn't quite happy with it and asked others for advice. Finally, I have to address this privilege thing you refer to.

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