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Sherlyn-chopra-hot-photo-in-black-see-through-dress. Adriana_lima_khaki_skirt_black. Carnaval Toda La Vida by Los Fabulosos Cadillacs on Spotify. The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever. By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when two of the following three conditions are met: 1. Perfect Place 2. Perfect Time 3. Perfect Angle Sometimes the holy trinity of perfectness is achieved and you get an Internet classic like so many of the photographs below. There are countless galleries of these images floating around. Enjoy! Photograph by MARTIN BERNETTI (via If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

Y se hizo a la bar. Por Témoris Grecko. Fotos de Federico Gama En el principio, el ser creó los bares de autor. No tenía fines comerciales, sólo le interesaba erigir un lugar para estar a gusto con otros seres que pudieran sentirse igualmente a gusto, y departir juntos en comunión, animados por otra de sus creaciones más motivantes: el vino. Donde la tierra estaba desordenada y vacía, y las tinieblas se elevaban sobre la faz del abismo, hubo luz y hubo música. Y vieron los seres que todavía estaban en las tinieblas que la luz y la música eran buenas, y crearon a su vez su propios bares de autor. Así, la luz y la música se multiplicaron. La belleza deslumbró a vendedores de brillos y falsos estatus, cuyos deseos no eran sentirse a gusto ni departir en fraterna comunión, sino hacerse de un metal llamado oro. La fiebre dorada hizo subir los precios del suelo hasta hacer casi imposible la sobrevivencia de los bares de autor en la zona que habían hecho famosa.

¡Pero todavía existen! L'ENTRE POTS. LA CLANDESTINA. Fathers-day-children-baby-daddy-ecards-someecards. Graham Norton Show Will Smith treats Series (Original Video) 24th May 2013. Justin Timberlake - Let the groove get in @ Iheartradio album release party. BuzzFeed: #ItsGonnaBeMay. TO DO LIST - My favourite is no.10 LMAO ;-) 5 Animals Who Were The Last Of Their Species. 135072697. Maestra de lujo: Elba Esther Gordillo viste ropa de $100,000 - gobierno. Recibe diario las noticias de ADNPolítico en tu mail. Da clic y mándanos tu correo o suscríbete aquí Elba Esther Gordillo es toda una maestra a la hora del buen vestir. La lideresa vitalicia del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) llega a vestir en un sólo día prendas y accesorios cuyo precio sumado supera los 100,000 pesos. La estimación del costo de su atuendo fue realizado por Maripaz Ocejo, editora de moda de la revista Elle México, que igual que ADNPolí es parte de Grupo Expansión.

La experta se basó en imágenes recientes de la lideresa del sindicato magisterial más grande de América Latina en las que se le ve vistiendo marcas como Chanel, Prada, Escada, Louis Vuitton, Hermés, St. “Ella no le va a 'chafear' y ninguno de sus trajes se le ven baratos, porque se nota en la tela”, explicó Ocejo. Postmodern treasures. Múm - "Hvernig Á Að Særa Vini Sína" Video. 20139611712cf12202db7a070b39ef04. Bosón de Higgs, ¿Asalto final? How to Count Infinity. Sentidos Opuestos - Donde están. Anigif_enhanced-buzz-30526-1344895609-7. 25 Awesome DIY Ideas For Bookshelves. Trbimg. True Story / The main difference between cats and dogs. B L O O D A N D C H A M P A G N E . C O M:

Audio Scoop: Rihanna Talks About Nude Pictures Leaking Online, "Trust Me I Was [Freaked Out], That Was The Worst Thing That Could Possibly Ever Happen To Me!" | Gyant Unplugged. Music and Fashion Icon Rihanna spoke to HOT 97′s Angie Martinez recently about Chris Brown, the fame and those embarrassing photo’s that “mysteriously” leaked online. Check out what she had to say via @Necolebitchie: On her nude photos leaking: Which ones? The hot ones? They should be hot, they were for my boyfriend at the time. If you don’t send your boyfriend naked pictures then I feel bad for him. Smh at her encouraging girls to take pictures of themselves and send them to their boyfriends. Let’s hope her young fans will get out to support her new project. Popularity: 3% [ ? Related Posts Tags: Angie Martinez , Audio Scoop , Rihanna. Los Fabulosos Cadillacs Gitana Satanico Pop Tour River.

El Gran Silencio - Circulo De Amor. True Story / #truestory. Lamparadiogenes : ¿Suficiente “fuerza... Robbie Williams- Better Man Live at Knebworth. CrossFit is a great way to spend $300 a month to do calisthenics in a warehouse. | Sports Ecard. Así fueron las marchas del 1 de septiembre. Gloria Trevi - Si me llevas contigo. 24 People Who Are Really Nailing This Parenting Thing. New 17-million-digit monster is largest known prime - physics-math - 05 February 2013. The largest known prime number has just shot up to 257,885,161 - 1, breaking a four-year dry spell in the search for new, ever-larger primes. Curtis Cooper at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg made the find as part of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS), a distributed computing project designed to hunt for a particular kind of prime number first identified in the 17th century.

All prime numbers can only be divided by themselves and 1. The rare Mersenne primes all have the form 2p - 1, where p is itself a prime number. The new prime, which has over 17 million digits, is only the 48th Mersenne prime ever found and the 14th discovered by GIMPS. Volunteer sifters Though there are an infinite number of primes, there is no formula for generating these numbers, so discovering them requires intensive computation. Cooper runs GIMPS software on around a thousand university computers, one of which spent 39 days straight proving that the number was prime. Prizes for primes. Adele & Amy Winehouse performing @ The BRIT Awards (2008) Justin Timberlake 'Mirrors' I BRITs 2013 I OFFICIAL - HD. 25 Kids Too Trendy For Their Own Good. Big Data, for better or worse: 90% of world's data generated over last two years.

A full 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years. The internet companies are awash with data that can be grouped and utilised. Is this a good thing? An increasing amount of data is becoming available on the internet. Each and every one of us is constantly producing and releasing data about ourselves. We do this either by moving around passively -- our behaviour being registered by cameras or card usage -- or by logging onto our PCs and surfing the net. The volumes of data make up what has been designated 'Big Data' -- where data about individuals, groups and periods of time are combined into bigger groups or longer periods of time.

Research advantages Petter Bae Brandtzæg of SINTEF ICT points to the huge research centres now developed at internet companies such as Facebook and Google. 'The advantage they have is the enormous volume of data that other social researchers can only dream of,' he says. Short, transitory information Comparing data. Pulp After You - The Johnathan Ross Show 2 Feb 2013. Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido | El Microfono | A Take Away Show.

Ox_anahi : HAPPY 42th BIRTHDAY to one... Would That Make U Love Me by Robin Thicke on Spotify. El Gran Silencio - Circulo De Amor. Daft Punk (feat. Julian Casablancas) - Instant Crush [Random Access Memories] Rhye - "The Fall" Recrea_ac : Los 5 árboles más extremos... Miles Kane - Colour Of The Trap. Untitled. The National - Runaway. I still love you even though it puts me in a tax bracket I can't afford. | Tax Day Ecard. Взрыв метеорита в небе над Уралом... Вся информация в одном посте. Сегодня с утра в небе над Челябинской областью взорвался метеорит, несколько обломков упали на землю. Зрелище, конечно завораживающее. Взрывной волной повредило сотни зданий, выбиты окна, обрушились некоторые конструкции и балконы. О человеческих жертвах пока не сообщается, но судя по фото с места происшествия, разрушения серьезные.

"Более 150 человек пострадали при падении метеорита в Челябинской области" - МВД/РИА новости. Многие автовладельцы записали момент взрыва метеорита на регистраторы (осторожно, авторская овучка): "Представитель Центрального военного округа сообщил РИА Новости, что никаких происшествий с военно-воздушными судами в небе не зафиксировано. Этот пост будет постоянно обновляться. Момент падения: Фото: Взрывная волна: Смотреть с 3-20 Фотографии последствий: Первые сообщения очевидцев в социальных сетях: Анна Москвина @moskvanna Hrenы4 @Hrenbl4 Anton Migilev @AntonMigilev Valentin @korneef Даниил Быков Альберт Гордин Александр Подворко @podworko Аслан Энверов @Tayga63: Пишут, что:

Parents need to know homeopathy does not protect against measles, says MP | Society. A doctor prepares an MMR injection. Photograph: Rebecca Naden/Reuters The GP and Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston is calling on homeopathy's governing bodies to make it clear to parents that their alternative remedies will not protect children from measles outbreaks. Large numbers of children have not had the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, largely because of the scare that followed the publication of research by Andrew Wakefield in the Lancet medical journal in 1998 that postulated a link between the jab and autism.

The research was later discredited and Wakefield was struck off by the General Medical Council for fraud. In Wollaston's constituency of Totnes, Devon, the concern generated by Wakefield lingers on and is part of the reason, she believes, for a general distrust of vaccines and a reliance on homeopathy – remedies that are almost entirely water. "Some parents have an unshakeable belief that homeopathy boosts their child's immune system. Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Official) ft. JAY Z. Does international child sponsorship work? New research says yes. Child sponsorship is a leading form of direct aid from households in wealthy countries to children in developing countries, with approximately 3.39 billion dollars spent to sponsor 9.14 million children internationally.

A new study published in the Journal of Political Economy shows international child sponsorship to result in markedly higher rates of schooling completion and substantially improved adult employment outcomes. Researchers used first-hand survey data from a study of Compassion International, a leading child sponsorship organization, to examine the adult life outcomes of a group of 10,144 individuals in Bolivia, Guatemala, India, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda that included children who began sponsorship through the program a generation ago. The study estimates causal effects on adult life outcomes in areas such as educational completion, type of employment, and community leadership. How the Mind Adjusts to Lost Limbs.

Calle 13 canta "Latinoamérica" en los Grammy Latinos 2011. A surprising map of the countries that are most and least welcoming to foreigners. Click to enlarge. (Max Fisher/Washington Post) Buried several hundred pages into a new World Economic Forum report on global tourism, past the sections on air travel infrastructure and physician density (by which they mean the number of physicians per capita, not the mass-per-cubic-meter of individual doctors), are some very interesting numbers. The WEF has compiled survey data from 140 countries estimating the attitude of each countries' population toward foreign visitors. The results, mapped out above, seem significant beyond just tourism. Red countries are less welcoming to foreign visitors, according to the data; blue countries are more welcoming. Click the map (or here) to enlarge the image. The WEF gathered the data from late 2011 through late 2012 by asking respondents, "How welcome are foreign visitors in your country?

" According to the data, the top three most welcoming countries for foreigners are, in order: Iceland, New Zealand and Morocco. Let the Groove Get In by Justin Timberlake on Spotify. Carla Morrison & Natalia Lafourcade | Pajarito Del Amor | A Take Away Show. Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines ft. T.I., Pharrell.

Aleks0 : Pasando de promocionar el muy... When my aunt tells me if I don't find someone soon I'm going to spend the rest of my life alone. Aleks0 : Del folklore a dana paola,... 15 Ways To Make All Your Friends Hate You. Vive Latino 2014 #VL14. Green Eyes by Coldplay on Spotify. Visit to the World's Fair of 2014. August 16, 1964 By ISAAC ASIMOV he New York World's Fair of 1964 is dedicated to "Peace Through Understanding. " Its glimpses of the world of tomorrow rule out thermonuclear warfare. And why not? If a thermonuclear war takes place, the future will not be worth discussing. So let the missiles slumber eternally on their pads and let us observe what may come in the nonatomized world of the future. What is to come, through the fair's eyes at least, is wonderful. The direction in which man is traveling is viewed with buoyant hope, nowhere more so than at the General Electric pavilion.

There the audience whirls through four scenes, each populated by cheerful, lifelike dummies that move and talk with a facility that, inside of a minute and a half, convinces you they are alive. Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke & The Roots Sing "Blurred Lines" (w/ Classroom Instruments) - Sindicato petrolero respetar decisi n de plan energ tico. Lunes 12 de agosto de 2013Notimex | El Universal22:19 El Sindicato de Trabajadores Petroleros de la República Mexicana (STPRM), manifestó su respeto a las decisiones que en su momento adopte el Congreso de la Unión y que ayuden a fortalecer y a modernizar a Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

En breve comunicado, la agrupación de trabajadores subrayó que durante este proceso "se mantendrá atenta para observar que los derechos de los trabajadores se respeten a cabalidad, salvaguardando en todo momento el bienestar de sus agremiados y de sus familias". Este día, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto presentó su iniciativa de reforma energética que modifica los artículos 27 y 28 de la Constitución y que "confirma la propiedad de la nación sobre los recursos energéticos". La propuesta del Ejecutivo fue entregada a la Oficialía de Partes del Senado y está previsto que el próximo martes se canalice a la mesa para darle turno y el miércoles sea presentada ante la Comisión Permanente del Congreso. jlr. Gizmodo. Untitled. Bruno Mars Billboard Music Awards 2013. Alex Miller's post on Vine.

Gizmodo. Hymn to Freedom by Oscar Peterson on Spotify. Aleks0 : @mapg0709 wey síguele echando... The National - Terrible Love (Alternate Version) Zonajobs: Grandma. The Sky's Shine, Get out of my way… Bitch USAHUASHUAS. The Declining Demand for Husbands. Nancy Folbre is an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Once upon a time women seemed more eager than men to marry. Today such generalizations no longer apply. Is it women’s preferences (the demand for husbands) or men’s preferences (the supply of husbands) that are driving the trend toward less marriage? It’s hard to tell, but some gender asymmetries are apparent. Some people may dislike application of concepts like supply and demand to the search for potential lifetime partners. But the concept of a marriage market offers some useful insights into the evolution of marriage as an institution. But the terms can also be more advantageous to men or to women. Economic prospects matter: not just the relative earnings of men and women but also their relative contributions of time and energy to domestic work and family care.

In these circumstances, as the economist Shoshana Grossbard puts it, husbands can pay a low “quasi-wage” for domestic services. Asus Zenbook Prime UX31A Review.