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Eco Brooklyn Inc. Hemp is actually one of societies oldest cultivated plants and has only in the past century gotten a bad name mostly due to political and financial interests wanting to dissuade its use.

Eco Brooklyn Inc.

But recently it is becoming more popular again as a building material. Check out these videos on the topic. They show how hemp is a very good alternative to many conventional building techniques. Part 1 Part 2 They mix one bale of hemp with three bags of lime. Hempbuilding. HEMP Housing. Steve Allinis is an environmental design consultant and has provided a great training and consulting resource for hemp housing education.

HEMP Housing

Steve's services include: Steve has also provided an educaitonal how to book for builders to get started on the hemp builders web site. The following are articles and examples of the already implemented hemp houses , which are completely renewable and more environmentally friendly then any other resource. There are many other benefits and advantages of using hemp over all other for building materials. These facts have been included below. High Hopes For The Future A house made from hemp sounds like the perfect pad for the bead-wearing, mantra-chanting, brigade.

If you're convinced that common decency demands socks with scandals and your daughter is more likely to be called Gertrude than Gaia, then parking the Volvo in a garage made from Ganga is unlikely to appeal. NNFCC Renewable Building Materials Factsheet: An Introduction — NNFCC. Hemcrete / Hemp and Lime. The Nauhuas - Why We Like Hempcrete. Home > current projects > Nauhaus prototype > hempcrete > The goal of environmentally conscious building design is to create buildings that create a healthy indoor environment while supporting a healthy outdoor environment.

The Nauhuas - Why We Like Hempcrete

After years of experience building, designing, and researching we’ve come to the conclusion that the best way to accomplish this goal is through combining cutting edge building science with what are commonly called “natural building” practices. High performance building science allows us to create buildings that use almost no energy to run, therefore reducing the size and price of the renewable energy system required to produce on site all the energy required to run the building. Research and Publications.

Passive House Plus - Hempcrete retreat. No matter how energy efficient a building method is, constructing a house from scratch will always cause some damage to the environment - but what if a building material could absorb more carbon than it causes to be released over its life cycle?

Passive House Plus - Hempcrete retreat

Lenny Antonelli visits a hempcrete house in Co. Down that seeks to trial this innovative method of building. Whole wall performance. Carol,Though this is far from my field of expertise here are a few observations that I hope will prove useful: -1) Whilst with a leaky envelop airtightness could play a part in the convection process at PH standards I would have thought that this is unlikely. 2) One thing to consider would be ensuring that a wind barrier is used on the outer face of the bale, thus preventing cold external air penetrating into the straw bale.

whole wall performance

Does the Danish report mention anything like this? If not this could account for some of the reduced performance. (Tried to download from the link you posted but it didn’t work for me. Hemp in Construction - Home. Hemp lime - 15 ebooks. Hemp Lime Construction PDF And Ebook Files. Hemp Lime Construction A Guide To Building With Hemp Lime Composites Free Ebooks (pdf, doc, ppt, pps, xls and etc.) Hemp Building Material Datasheets, Manuals, Linecards, Case Studies, & PDFs. Products : Limecrete and Sublime® : Lightweight Aggregate For Limecrete Slab. Click on the product headings below for further information and prices.

Products : Limecrete and Sublime® : Lightweight Aggregate For Limecrete Slab

Recycled Foamed Glass Gravel (RFG) - GLAPOR GLAPOR Recycled Foamed Glass gravel is a superior loosefill insulating aggregate ideal for use in our LABC accredited limecrete flooring system. Our flooring system does not include a moisture impermeable barrier (Damp Proof Membrane). The control of ingress of moisture is achieved by using a layer of recycled foamed glass aggregate beneath the slab material. This material carries CE certification (0992-C13.10.010) and its non capillary active closed cell structure provides the moisture protection for your floor while remaining vapour open. Hembuild Systems from Lime Technology. Hembuild®, the factory produced, off-site system incorporating the structural frame into the timber cassette, creating a building envelope solution for 1 – 3 storey buildings.

Hembuild Systems from Lime Technology

Lime Technology can design, manufacture, supply and install factory made (pre-dried) Hembuild® panels to site to offer a whole envelope solution that includes the render, doors and windows to leave a fully tested airtight shell, ready for services and second fix. By using Hembuild® customers get a quick build and a predictable programme at all times of the year giving the thermal advantages of Tradical® Hemcrete® construction in a programme time of lightweight timber frame. Tradical® Hemcrete® helps to reduce the atmospheric concentration of CO2 by locking up harmful CO2 emissions within the material and in turn the wall construction. Lime Technology Group - Downloads, CPDs & Presentations. Products : Limecrete and Sublime® : Accredited Floor - Free Calculation Service. Click on the product headings below for further information and prices.

Products : Limecrete and Sublime® : Accredited Floor - Free Calculation Service

Recycled Foamed Glass Gravel (RFG) - GLAPOR GLAPOR Recycled Foamed Glass gravel is a superior loosefill insulating aggregate ideal for use in our LABC accredited limecrete flooring system. The Limecrete Company Ltd. The lightweight, breathable, self insulating, ecological alternative to concrete Our preferred system was designed by Ty-Mawr Lime Ltd and has Local Authority Building Control approval.

The Limecrete Company Ltd

The limecrete floor consists of a compacted layer of Recycled Foamed Glass insulation on top of prepared subbase and geotextile membrane. Tradical - Building lime innovation. Tradical® Hemcrete® wall systems have BBA Approval.

Tradical - Building lime innovation

Click on the BBA logo below to download a copy of the certificate. • Tradical® Hemcrete® for wall construction Tradical® Hemcrete® provides the filling and the insulation for timber-framed walls. The wooden frame can be completely encompassed by the Tradical® Hemcrete® or the timber can be made visible on one or both faces, depending upon the dimensions of walling and timbers. NNFCC Renewable Building Materials Factsheet: Walls and Panels — NNFCC.