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Klein Sexual Orientation Grid - Online Quiz - Young Southampton. If you want to explore your own sexual orientation, here is a simple research instrument that was used by Fritz Klein and others. It is a refinement of the Kinsey Scale which ranked behaviour and "psychologic reactions" on a scale from 0 to 6, with 0 being exclusively heterosexual, 6 being exclusively homosexual, and 3 being equally homosexual/heterosexual. Klein wanted to test his idea that sexual orientation was a "dynamic, multivariable process", so he developed the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid.

He thought that an individual's sexual orientation was composed of sexual and non-sexual variables which differed over time. The Quiz Please note, your result will not be stored, although you may wish to copy the result into a blog, or on your own website. Definition Sexual Attraction: Who turns you on? Past: Your life up to 12 months ago. (21) The Best Online Learning Centers - QuoReddit - Quora. Energy & Chemistry: Crash Course Chemistry #17. How did the states establish long straight borders before GPS?

November 13, 2009 Dear Cecil: How is it that, in places without natural features such as a river or mountain range to mark a border, U.S. states could establish a nice, even line over hundreds of miles before GPS? — Granite-Morale Cecil replies: The lines aren't always nice and even. First a question: why straight lines? Now let's get to work. Step 1. Wrong — or rather, you won't necessarily have the type of straight line you want on a map. Step 2. This subtlety was lost on some early surveyors. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. . — Cecil Adams See Cecil's latest assault against ignorance, Straight Dope Chicago, at Abasta, Rick. Cazier, Lola.

Danson, Edwin. Garrett, W.R. Hubbard, Bill. Linklater, Andro. Pratt, Daniel J., ed. Rebert, Paula. Smith, Gary Alden. Stewart, Lowell. Van Zandt, Franklin K. White, C. Wolf, Paul R., and Russell C. The Singularity Summit | October 13-14, San Francisco. 100 Websites You Should Know and Use. In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? We think so. Below, the 2013 edition of the 100 websites to put on your radar and in your browser. To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH.

In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH. Learn Japanese | (Audio) The Soviet Story Povestea sovietelor incredibil. Navy cake - Dictionary of sexual terms. How Stars Are Named. How Stars Are Named The Ancient Arabic Names The brightest stars in the sky of Earth are also the ones with the most ancient names. Names such as Betelgeuse, Achernar, Sirius, Deneb, and Algol are usually Arabic, dating from around the tenth century when Arab astronomy flourished.

Less-bright stars were usually not given proper names at the time, and were thus harder to talk about. The Bayer System In 1603, a German lawyer by the name of J. Bayer codified a more comprehensive system of stellar nomenclature: take the genitive (posessive) name of a constellation, and start labelling the stars with Greek letters in order of descending brightness. This system was not adhered to rigorously, though. The Flamsteed System Eventually, though, you’ll run out of Greek letters — there are only 24 of them, after all. The astronomical community accepted his new numbering scheme, but retained Bayer’s Greek-letter names for the brighter stars that already had them. Then the telescope came along. Anonymous Blogging with Wordpress & Tor. Download this guide as a pdf An early draft of this guide was written by Ethan Zuckerman on April 13, 2005 and updated on October 1, 2006.

On August 8, 2007 Global Voices Advocacy published an updated and linkable, blogging-friendly, HTML version of the guide, along with a downloadable PDF file. On March 10th, 2009, the guide has been updated once again so that all the tips are also compatible with Tor's recent update. Anonymous Blogging with Wordpress and Tor By Ethan Zuckerman By Tor Project (CC-BY-SA-3.0-us) via Wikimedia Commons IntroductionDisclaimerI – Writing from shared computersZero Install Bundle for Windows (for any portable media drive)a) Download Tor Browser Bundleb) Extract the Tor Browser file in your USB keyII – Writing from your personal computer Step 1: Disguise your IPa) Install Firefox.b) Install Tor.c) Install Torbutton.d) Turn on Tor in Firefox and test it out.What if Tor never connects? Introduction Disclaimer Onto the geekery: I – Writing from shared computers Why? Why? AstroInfo - Eclipsele de Soare si de Luna pana in 2020.

Nota: fotografia de mai sus prezinta evolutia in timp a eclipsei totale de Soare din 29 martie 2006 In tabelul urmator se gasesc date generale despre eclipsele de Soare si de Luna care se vor produce in perioada 2011-2020. La fiecare eclipsa este dat tipul, seria Saros, magnitudinea maxima, durata (in cazul eclipselor de Luna durata eclipsei partiale si intre paranteze [...] durata eclipsei totale) si zona de vizibilitate (pentru eclipsele totale/inelare/hibrid de Soare intre paranteze [...] este trecuta zona de centralitate a eclipsei unde aceasta e inelara/totala iar marcajul - R spune ca eclipsa se vede si din Romania).

Nota: Urmatoarea eclipsa este trecuta cu caractere italice. Nota: au fost folosite unele informatii si diagrame de pe site-ul oficial NASA a lui Fred Espenak: Hide In Picture. Of Men and Nicknames. Back in high school, my close male friends called me “Mama McKay.” It started out as a way to poke fun at my tendency to make sure everyone was taken care of and for being the guy who’d say “Fellas, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this,” whenever we were about to take part in some potentially dangerous or criminal teenage hijinks. The nickname rubbed me the wrong way at first, but I soon accepted it and even became a little proud of it. We had nicknames for other guys in the group as well. We called one guy “Crip” because when he first started hanging out with us, he had a foot in a cast and was on crutches.

For a long time, we didn’t even know his real name. It was just Crip. There were other nicknames that were designed to infantilize and emasculate. On the football team, especially among the linemen, nicknames abounded. An unspoken rule about all these mocking monikers us guys had for each other was that only guys in the “gang,” could call each other by their respective nicknames. (2) Economics: How would you explain to a five-year-old that higher taxes on the rich don't fix everything. Greek Gods and Goddesses: A Primer. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Tony Valdes. Greek mythology might sound like an obscure area of study, as if it is only relevant to wizened old professors in posh offices at Ivy League schools. Or perhaps you associate the topic with vague memories of sensationalized Hollywood summer movies. Ancient Greek culture, however, contributes much more to the modern world than we might realize.

The influence of the Greek mythology on western civilization began when the Romans adopted the pantheon of Greek gods; this subsequently influenced the names of the planets in our solar system. Fast forward through history and you will find evidence of the Greeks in art, books, poetry, movies, television, and popular culture. For example, every time you don a pair of Nike shoes, you emblazon yourself with the name of the Greek goddess of victory, whose name was, of course, Nike.

What Is Myth? The Problem with Greek Mythology We could compare this point to some of our modern mythology. Hera (Juno) All Topics. Dr. Stone's Evil Scale : Most Evil. Main.swf. Equation Analysis Test/quiz/iq test your brain power! This test does not measure intelligence, your fluency with words, creativity or mathematical ability. It will, however, give you some gauge of your mental flexibility. few people have been found who could solve more than half of the questions on the first try. many, however, reported getting answers long after the testing had been set aside, particularly at unexpected moments when their minds were relaxed. some reported solving most of the questions over a period of several days.

Take the test as your personal challenge. Some of them I have made up myself therefore you will not find the answers anywhere else on the web! Printer friendly version here. Instructions: Each equation below contains the initials of words that make the statement true. Type in the full correct Statement in the box, as in the first example. If you get more than 15 Correct you will be eligible to add your name and score to the top scores here! The Pitch Drop Experiment | School of Mathematics and Physics. Pictures above: (1) Longtime custodian of the famous experiment, the late Professor John Mainstone. (2) Three webcams trained on the experiment 24/7. (3) The Pitch Drop Experiment. (4) Close up of the pitch drop.

About the Pitch Drop Experiment While the School of Mathematics and Physics at The University of Queensland has an international reputation for cutting-edge research and innovative teaching in the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, it is also home to the famous Pitch Drop Experiment. The experiment is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest-running laboratory experiment. The first Professor of Physics at UQ, Professor Thomas Parnell, began an experiment in 1927 to illustrate that everyday materials can exhibit quite surprising properties. In 1927 Professor Parnell heated a sample of pitch and poured it into a glass funnel with a sealed stem. Live view of the Pitch Drop Experiment More information.