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Baby Names Blog: Blog of Baby Name Wizard author Laura Wattenber. Why does one tv or movie hero inspire a thousand namesakes, and another nary a one? The answer is most often in the names themselves. Star Wars' Luke was an easier sell than Han. The title character of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a non-starter, while her supporting cast of Willows and Xanders became parents' darlings.

The show's story and characters, do play a part, though. The surest recipe for a baby-name stylemaker is to focus on the young, pretty, and supernatural. Ideally, the young, pretty, supernatural, blond and female. Bewitched (TV, 1964-1972): This sitcom about a pretty, blond suburban witch sent the names Samantha, Darren and Tabitha soaring. Splash (Film, 1984): The story of a pretty blond mermaid launched Madison as a girl's name.

The Little Mermaid (Film, 1989): OK, they're not all blond. Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV, 1996-2003): This sitcom about a pretty, blond suburban teenage witch made Sabrina nearly double in popularity overnight. p.s. The Etymology and History of First Names. Banque de prénoms. Vital Statistics Agency. Service Alberta: Alberta's Top Babies Names. Popular baby names. Most Popular Baby Names. Statistics and Reports | Access Nova Scotia | Government of Nova.