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Neurozinzin - Tests amusants surprenants et déroutants! Récréomath Site de mathématiques récréatives. Brain Training, Brain Exercise, Brain Fitness by Brain Training 101. 47 Ways to Fine Tune Your Brain « If we did the things we were capable of, we'd astound ourselves. Visualize memory training (eidetic memory training) How to develop visualize and face memory Not everyone say I can describe a face by memory. However, it's wrong to consider your interlocutor attentively and try to remember his face exactly. Artist scrutinize faces of passengers through shading eyes. You can scrutinize passenger's faces while they will think you are dozing.

When you are considering face, try to imprint it in your memory. Attempt to close your eyes and reflect feature. Try to catch elusive distinctions from other people. You can use free flash face game for improve you face memory. Going to show you photos of people. Improve your face memory by using lines game and picture game Face Memory and Games. I cannot afford the Memory Optimizer. Mr. Pictures as memory aid Keeping pictures as an aid also enhances memory. Various geometrical designs were used to symbolically represent complex ideas.

Key words: Eidetic memory articles Eidetic online games Free online games See next games Games See also the next projects: Test Your Brain With Brain Teasers and Games. Here you can enjoy the Top 25 Brain Teasers, Games & Illusions that SharpBrains readers (primarily adults, but some younger minds too) have enjoyed the most. It is always good to learn more about our brains and to exercise them!. Fun experiments on how our brains and minds work 1. You think you know the colors? Try the Stroop Test 2. 3. 4. Challenge your attention and memory 5. 6. 7. Optical illusions 8. 9. 10. 11. Language and logic puzzles 12. 13. 14. 15. A few visual workouts 16. 17. 18. Teasing your pattern recognition and thinking 19. 20. 21. 22. Brain teasers for job interviews 23. 24. 25. THE BRAIN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.