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Outsource to Freelancers, IT Companies, Programmers, Web Designers from India, Russia, USA, and more - oDesk. New public relations: Beating back bad press with Google AdWords. The New York Times reported on its front page in September that hoki, an unattractive sea creature best known as the primary ingredient in the Filet-O-Fish, is at risk of depletion.

New public relations: Beating back bad press with Google AdWords

Naturally, the New Zealand companies that farm hoki by the metric ton weren’t pleased by the article, which pointed to “ominous signs of overfishing.” Time was, the subject of a critical news story could write a letter to the editor, issue a press release, maybe demand a correction. Not content with those options, the New Zealand Seafood Industry Council took an approach I hadn’t seen before: buying Google ads for keywords like new zealand hoki and hoki new york times.

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