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Using Wikis for Learning and Collaboration. Years ago, wiki software had a surge in popularity because of its capability to collaboratively organize and structure content.

Using Wikis for Learning and Collaboration

In today’s enterprise, can wiki software still be relevant to Learning and Development? Depending on your requirements, it can be. The right wiki software may be used to distribute information, share knowledge, facilitate user-generated content, develop a collaborative culture and provide support in the workflow—significant aspects of workplace learning. Top 15 Cloud Collaboration Apps - The BrainYard. Judging by the investments that developers -- both well-established and start-ups -- are making in the collaboration market, software vendors are paying more than lip service to the adage that no man is an island.

Top 15 Cloud Collaboration Apps - The BrainYard

Certainly, businesses are investigating -- and investing in -- tools that help employees brainstorm, locate each other, schedule meetings, and communicate via social networks. Collaboration technology itself covers a broad spectrum of devices, from instant messaging and email, to cell 1 of 15 AtTask, which develops a social work management platform and on-demand project and portfolio software, extended its incorporation of social media elements with the February unveiling of Stream.