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25 Brilliant DIY Ideas How To Recycle Your Old CDs. CDs are small and thin but they sure start to take up a lot of space after a lifetime of collecting them.

25 Brilliant DIY Ideas How To Recycle Your Old CDs

These days, music has gone digital and just like cassette tapes were taken out of stores, someday soon CDs are sure to see the same fate. 9 Great Yoga YouTube Channels  Interested in yoga but don't want to pay for an expensive class or be seen flopping around on your mat like a fish out of water?

9 Great Yoga YouTube Channels 

YouTube has tons of yoga channels that are great for yoga enthusiasts who prefer to salute the sun from their own backyards. Of course, not all yoga channels are created equal, nor are they right for every person. Many may lack the proper instruction and expert leadership needed to make them particularly helpful to you. However, there are some truly standout yoga YouTube channels you should look into, nine of which are listed below. 1. This channel is led by Tara Stiles, who introduces viewers -- along with guest instructors -- to yoga moves that range from basic to challenging.

Unusual Personality Test That Will Reveal Much about Your Perception of Life. 12 Amazing Things Scientists Discovered This Year About People Who Listen to Music. In 2014, scientists looked closer than ever before at why exactly music makes us feel so powerfully.

12 Amazing Things Scientists Discovered This Year About People Who Listen to Music

And they found some amazing and unprecedented things. Studies revealed that music can shape our personalities and behaviors. It can help us choose our sexual partners. And it can be used to cure certain ailments. The deeper researchers dig, the more we realize how powerful of a force it truly is. 10 Movies That Could Change Your Understanding Of Life. Every movie has the ability to affect its viewer differently.

10 Movies That Could Change Your Understanding Of Life

Some films evoke wonder and excitement, while others provoke fear or sorrow, but a commonality among all films is a prevailing message or theme. Some films can summon such profound questions, that it changes the way you perceive life as you once knew it. The following list contains 10 unique movies that do just that. 10) Donnie Darko Richard Kelly’s cult-classic Donnie Darko stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a troubled, sleep-walking teen who is insistent in challenging authority and who is often visited by Frank, a monstrous rabbit that urges Donnie to perform dangerous and destructive pranks.

When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone, These 10 Things Will Happen. By Tony Robinson Some people think of “being alone” as a bad thing.

When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone, These 10 Things Will Happen

It either means you’re anti-social, or unwanted, neither of which are a good position to be in. But actually, being alone isn’t’ necessarily a bad thing, as there are a handful of benefits that emerge once you learn to embrace solitude. I’m not advocating you go all Tom Hanks in Cast Away, because no one can argue the benefits, and the joys, that come along with fulfilling relationships with other people. When You See Where She Is Swimming, Your Jaw Will Drop. This Is Amazing. (TruthSeekerDaily) Summer days can get long and extra hot, with creative ways to beat the heat becoming fewer and far between.

When You See Where She Is Swimming, Your Jaw Will Drop. This Is Amazing.

It’s time to get out of the house and find some classy ways to get cool. Homemade All-Natural Deodorant. My mind is blown.

Homemade All-Natural Deodorant

If you’ve been on the hunt for a natural deodorant and have had little success thus far, this recipe may just change your life. It’s totally natural, and it’s made with just 4 ingredients. And it works. 7 Online Personality Quizzes That Are Actually Worth Taking. My Self Test. 3 Columns Weave & Bows - Cut Up T-Shirt - Purple Hamburger Disco T-Shirt. 16 Signs You're A Little (Or A Lot) Type A. "She's just really...

16 Signs You're A Little (Or A Lot) Type A

Type A. " We use it in conversation all the time, generally followed by a knowing chuckle or nod of the head. "Type A" has become a pop psychology buzzword and catch-all descriptor for the more driven, anxiety-prone go-getters among us. We all have some sense of what it suggests, but the actual meaning and legitimacy of Type A Behavior theory are less well-known. Coined in the late 1950s, the term "Type A" originated when cardiologist Meyer Friedman observed a relationship between incidences of heart disease and personality type -- namely, that those most likely to suffer a cardiac event also tended to have, in his estimation, more driven, impatient, high-stress personalities.

Technology Of The Future - BBC Documentary. YouAreCreators is Back... Lets share knowledge! Sivana. Super Powers. 10 GoPro Videos You Wish You Shot. Ever since GoPro popularized wearable HD personal cameras (and spawned a legion of imitators), the internet has been flooded with videos of people doing awesome stuff.

10 GoPro Videos You Wish You Shot

Brave adventurers risk broken bones, cranial trauma, and speeding tickets to give us a window into their death-defying, adrenaline-fueled lives. What this means is that we get to live vicariously through their first-person videos from the safety and comfort of our homes (or workplaces, let’s be honest). How to Make Petrol or Gas from Crude Oil. Mathandmusic. Photos: Beautiful bridges around the world.