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Arts scéniques

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Concerts et arts numériques : sélection des scénos 2015. Pixel - extraits. Enra " Torque starter " Marco Donnarumma | new media art, live media performance, sound design. Japanese dancers using lights in their performance is hypnotizing. Afternoon Animation: Kaleidoscope Ft. The Italian National Team Of Gymnastics. The perfect way to space out on a Tuesday afternoon, KALEIDOSCOPE by Freddy brings viewers through an abstract paradise of runs, kicks, and jumps courtesy of the Italian National Team of Gymnastics. Created by DLV BBDO and production team abstract:groove, the collective, paired with Director Luigi Pane, experimented with the kaleidoscope effect for dramatic results.

Working with 4 thaumascopes of different sizes and shapes, the biggest 9 meters long with a triangular opening of 2.5 meters, and the smallest 1.5 meters in length with a square opening of 60 centimeters, the team worked extensively to achieve the graphic patterns above. By studying small scale models and then going into CGI simulations, all the above effects were obtained in camera without the use of post-production. Just as interesting as the techniques used were the performers enlisted: The Italian National Team of Rhythmic Gymnastic 'le Farfalle', choreographed by their trainer Emanuela Maccarani. Box. Compagnie DCA - Philippe Decouflé.

Cie 14:20.