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Typing Tutorials

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Keyboard tutorial - Computer basics. Even today, the keyboard is still the preferred method of entering text into a computer.

Keyboard tutorial - Computer basics

Although advances have been made in voice and handwriting recognition, nothing beats the speed and accuracy of a keyboard, even in the hands of a novice typist! In this keyboard tutorial, we’ll get you oriented with the keyboard and show you how to use the most important functions. Please wait a moment while the video loads. To start the video presentation, please click on the picture below once the play icon appears. spaceplay / pause. Typeonline - free online touch typing course in five lessons. TypeRacer - Test your typing speed and learn to type faster. Free typing game and competition. Way more fun than a typing tutor! Learn how to type and play free typing games online. FREE ONLINE TYPING COURSE.

Free Typing Tutor and Typing Lessons. - Free Typing Test & Keyboarding Games Online.