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Hungry Dog Media. Bulletproof Web Design Contracts. When you boil it down to its barest essentials, the sales process is simply a series of verbal agreements that ultimately gets documented in writing.

Bulletproof Web Design Contracts

That document ought to become your contract, proposal or whatever legally-binding agreement both you and the client sign to finalize the deal. If one side fails to live up to his or her part of the bargain, it’s called a "breach of contract. " Since that’s something we all want to avoid, it’s important to realize that the key to a bulletproof contract lies in how you sell. In other words, your contract should reflect everything that you and your client have discussed and agreed upon during the sales process. Tutorials-Web Development. The web performance & security company.


31 Job Boards For The Digital Freelancer. Relearn It. Contractors. Ideas. Tools.