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I Ching

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I Ching symbols. The Daily I Ching - Your Source for Wisdom on the Web. Yijing Dao - Calling crane in the shade. A website dedicated to reviews of books on the Yijing or I Ching, the ancient Chinese oracle known as the Book of Changes, but also containing a complete 'Introduction to Yijing' for beginners, an accurate transcription of the 1935 Harvard-Yenching Zhouyi, animations of hexagram sequences, articles, and scans of Chinese diagrams.

I have always enjoyed reading book reviews, finding they often provide nuggets of information in passing from the reviewer's experience of the subject that clear up misunderstandings or bridge gaps in one's knowledge, not to mention saving you time in separating the wheat from the chaff. I originally made this website to make available once more the many useful reviews of Yijing books that appeared in 'The Oracle', a journal of Yijing studies published in London. 'The Oracle' began in 1995 as 'The Journal of the I Ching Society', edited by William Fancourt. S J Marshall (author of The Mandate of Heaven) You can contact me at: GreatVessel - Home.