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Integrating WordPress with Your Website. Integrating WordPress with Your Website Languages: English • Русский • (Add your language) Introduction By nature, WordPress is very powerful. It can be as complex or as simple as you wish. These directions will not work on a MultiSite Network. Begin the transformation First, assume you have an existing site at Grab the header In order to transform regular PHP pages into ones that utilize WordPress, you need to add either of the following code snippets to the start of each page. The Loop It is necessary to include The Loop in your pages to effectively take advantage of the multitude of Template Tags or plugins available. Examples Generate a list In the event you want to show ten posts sorted alphabetically in ascending order on your web page, you could do the following to grab the posted date, title and excerpt: <?

Last three posts Display the last three posts on your web page. // Get the last 3 posts. <? Making a theme You will need to create a custom theme. Performance. How I Learned To Build Wordpress Themes. Picture your finished custom wordpress theme live on your server, completely unique and fresh. By the time you have finished reading the resources in this post that scenario will be a reality. People love custom themes, they make a blog come to life with a personality of its own. It’s no secret that they’ll reward it you for it through links, subscriptions and bookmarks. Theme Design Lessons How To Create A WordPress Theme From Scratch Good walk through in detail on creation of themes.

The 5 Minute Theme Fast way of making simple a simple wp theme. Turn Any Web Template Into a Theme This flash tutorial shows how to turn any web page into a wordpress theme. Mocking Up a Theme In Photoshop A bit of self promotion! 16 Lessons On Theme Creation Covers all bases in detail, really comprehensive lessons on all aspects of WordPress theme creation from header to footer! 4 Step Theme Design Guide Basic Intoduction To Themes Good post breaking down how the themes work for those new to WordPress. Inspiration. CSS Techniques: Using Sliding Doors with Wordpress Navigation. This sliding doors CSS hack allows you to create sophisticated tabs for your navigation bar. Sadly, WordPress core functions wp_list_pages() and wp_list_categories() don’t allow you to add the required span tag to use this technique.

We are going to see how to proceed in order to use sliding doors in our WordPress theme. Sliding doors, why? There’s many articles available on the web about the sliding doors technique, so I’m not going to talk a lot about it. Let’s build a typical navigation list: <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#">link n°1</a></li> <li><a href="#">link n°2</a></li> <li><a href="#">link n°3</a></li> </ul> If we apply, via CSS, background images to our links in order to make this menu prettier, we’ll quickly see a big problem: We must add a fixed width to the links, otherwise the image will be truncated if the link is too short, or the link will overflow the image if its width is too long. Our CSS should look like this: Using the sliding doors hack within WordPress To list your pages: Tutoriels: Créez le design de votre blog Wordpress avec Photoshop!

Après la création des templates pour un thème WordPress et les tutoriels sur le référencement pendant l’été, il est temps d’aborder toute la partie design du blog. Comment réaliser son propre design de blog ? Comment l’intégrer ensuite au code ? Ce sont tous les aspects que nous allons aborder dans les prochaines semaines avec cette nouvelle série de tutoriels largement tournés autour de Photoshop et de l’intégration XHTML et CSS. Ainsi, ces tutos vont s’organiser autour du schéma suivant: 1. Bien sûr, tous ces aspects vont représenter plus d’un tutoriel pour chaque point, mais ça vous donne déjà une trame afin de mieux comprendre les différentes étapes de la réalisation d’un design de blog. Bien entendu, on partira d’un design que j’ai personnellement réalisé.

De quoi avez-vous besoin pour suivre ces tutoriels ? Comme pour les précédents tutoriels, cette page sera mise à jour au fur et à mesure de la rédaction des articles. OK ? Tutoriel n°1: Tout commence avec un croquis ! Créez votre thème Wordpress de A à Z. Premium Wordpress Themes | Elegant Themes. Joomla Templates, Drupal Themes, WordPress Themes and phpBB3 Styles - RocketTheme. How to build a WordPress HTML5 theme | iPhone, iPad, video HTML5 deployment, Webkit, Chrome, Safari, web standards, canvas elements, and disappearing flash support.

These are just a few of the many reasons to explore HTML5 and its capability. Add WordPress, a very customizable system that allows skinning of the underpinning code in order to achieve the desired result and you get a great basic test case for HTML5. What follows is quick synopsis of how to setup an HTML5 WordPress skin and some of the benefits this brings: To start, I setup basic HTML5 markup. Utilizing new tags. Using this basic system as a framework, I added microformats to the header and footer for human and machine readable information. Next, I started utilizing some of the great things that HTML5 and CSS3 have to offer. <input type=”email”/> This field type also tells mobile devices to change their keyboard accordingly. <input type=”url”/> This field type also tells mobile devices to change their keyboard accordingly.

Now its time to add the CSS.