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Infographic: What's a B Corporation?

Home. Las empresas integran la RSC a su actividad diaria. Jay Coen Gilbert: Can I Get a Witness?! The Evolution of Capitalism. It's not often we get the opportunity to witness history.

Jay Coen Gilbert: Can I Get a Witness?! The Evolution of Capitalism

Thousands of visionary business leaders are building the foundation for the kind of systemic change that can create a new economy with millions of new high quality jobs and improve the quality of life in communities across our country. Today, through their efforts, benefit corporation legislation sits on the desks of Governor Jerry Brown in California and Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York. It has reached their desks with accelerating momentum, having been signed into law by Republican and Democratic governors in Maryland, Vermont, New Jersey, Virginia, and Hawaii, and moving forward with broad bi-partisan support in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Michigan. These business leaders recognize that if we want to build a new economy -- one that is more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable -- we need a new kind of corporation. Higher Purpose Aside from its legal implications, this declaration of purpose sets those who make it free.

xPhilly - Jay Coen Gilbert - On better businesses. The Rise of Benefit Corporations. A growing number of states are introducing laws that permit companies to pursue social missions without fear of shareholder litigation.

The Rise of Benefit Corporations

When America began, the states chartered corporations for public purposes, like building bridges. They could earn profits, but their legitimacy flowed from their delegated mission. We Recommend True economic recovery will require creative solutions to deeply rooted problems. Our first great task is to change the way we talk about what's possible. About the Author Jamie Raskin Jamie Raskin, a professor of constitutional law at American University, is a member of the Maryland State Senate, where... Also by the Author We need a Chamber of Progress, made up of all the green and progressive businesses, to fight the predator state that subsidizes large corporations. Giving corporations the inalienable right to buy elections. Today, corporations are chartered without any public purposes at all. We need a new business model inspired by the old one.

Benefit corporation. A benefit corporation or B corporation is a corporate form in the United States designed for for-profit entities that want to consider society and the environment in addition to profit in their decision making process.

Benefit corporation

Benefit corporations differ from traditional corporations in regards to their purpose, accountability and transparency. The purpose of a benefit corporation is to create general public benefit, which is defined as a material positive impact on society and the environment. A benefit corporation’s directors operate the business with the same authority as in a traditional corporation, but where in a traditional corporation shareholders with proper standing judge the company's financial performance, here they judge qualitative performance based on the benefit corporation's stated goals. Shareholders in a benefit corporation determine if the benefit corporation has achieved a material positive impact. History[edit] Benefit corporations and corporations contrasted in law[edit] B-Corps. Están comenzando a llegar noticias de un movimiento reciente en Estados Unidos: La idea de crear un nuevo tipo de empresa u organización ("corporation" en inglés) que, aún teniendo ánimo de lucro, está formal y legalmente comprometida con el bienestar social y la sostenibilidad.


La razón por la que hay que crear un nuevo tipo de empresa es que la idea de que una empresa sea responsable ante todos los implicados y afectados por sus acciones, está siendo contestada legalmente por los accionistas. Con base en la legislación mercantil y los pertinentes contratos, los directivos empresariales tienen la obligación legal de actuar en interés de los accionistas, y ante ellos responden. En teoría, si un directivo decide donar parte de los beneficios de la empresa a una ONG, está defraudando a los accionistas y podría estar incumpliendo su contrato. Si uno entra en la página puede ver más información sobre el tema. Comentarios. B Corporation - Home. B Corps o Empresas B, las nuevas compañías del siglo XXI. El lema de las B Corps es: Las empresas sociales no compiten por ser las mejores del mundo, sino que por ser las mejores para el mundo.

B Corps o Empresas B, las nuevas compañías del siglo XXI

Si no fuera por la controversia judicial que obligó a los creadores de los helados Ben & Jerry’s a vender su empresa a Unilever el año 2000 y que sentó un precedente para desarrollar empresas con un fin no lucrativo, las cosas hubiesen sido muy diferentes: las B Corps o Empresas B no existirían y esta innovadora forma de emprender, que contradice las bases mismas del capitalismo, no se estaría dando.

Bart Houlahan y Jay Coen, creadores de AND1, reconocida tienda de ropa deportiva de basquetbol, no pudieron rechazar los US$ 250 millones que les ofreció American Sporting Good por su compañía. Y no sólo por lo suculento de la suma en cuestión, que pocos se atreverían a rechazar. Mejores empresas para el mundo TAGS: B Corps / Certificación B / Emprendimiento verde / Empresas B / Empresas innovadoras / Huella de carbono / Negocio.